20846152? ago

What the fucking fuck! Who makes this kind of garbage? Those poor babies.

20846469? ago


20844994? ago

In her own autobiography, she talks about Jew Louis B. Mayer asking her Mom to wait outside, he then whips out his cock and asks Shirley to take care of it.. She just started laughing at him, wherein he then put it away and unlocked the door. At about the age of 10.

20843689? ago

All the clips I saw would only be interpreted as being sexual if the viewer is sexualizing it in his own mind. I don't see anything sexual about any of it.

Just because a kid is drinking milk like a cow drinks milk from its mother doesn't mean its an innuendo for a penis. Also milk is milk, it's not semen. People didn't watch bukkake porn back then and interpret every white liquid as jizz like today's retards. For fuck's sake, I don't understand why everyone today has to be so obsessed with sex that they have to turn everything into a sex metaphor. Just goes to show how bombarded we have become in modern times with porn and sexualization.

20847150? ago

I know what you're saying, as a child i watched a lot of Shirley movies.

But never the baby burlesque. Sorry to say there is no other way to see it when the "context" of the comedy/joke is literally about a tiny tot mimmicking a whore.

20846419? ago

People like you who ignore the obvious signs are predators. Go back to your gimp suit faggot.

20845483? ago

I agree. Gee, I wonder who runs the porn businesses? Maybe you could do something to help shut them down.

20842532? ago

ITT: Shills who glow in the dark by using the phrase they made up: "Muh Joo"

Did Nazi that coming.. quit trying to defend yourself hollywierd, aint gonna work, you are waaaaay too inbred to meme rn.

PS: Enjoy your typhus!!

20841538? ago

The Baby Burlesk films were produced by Educational Pictures which was run by Earle Hammons (English) and Al Christie (English), and Mack Sennett (Irish Catholic). Among its biggest stars in its early years were Buster Keaton (English), Andy Clyde (Scottish), Lupino Lane (Italian Catholic), Lloyd Hamilton (English), and Bing Crosby (Scottish). I could not find a single Jewish name in their roster until Bert Lahr and Milton Berle, both of whom joined AFTER Baby Burlesk was made. Obviously your assertion that only Jews are culpable for Hollywood child rape is false.

20845517? ago

No one here says only Jews are culpable. What's noted is the Jewish propensity to leverage evil for personal gain.

Sick fucks exist in all societies. It's the high percentage of "normals" in the Jewish race willing to sociopath themselves to success that causes reciprocal wrath.

20842331? ago

No one made that assertion. Evil is evil. Period. Fagot.

20840409? ago

If the meaning of this scene isn't obvious by now then we've learned nothing in pizzagate.

20840656? ago

Yep. Agreed. Fucking gross. To hell with all of them. Except her. She had no idea.

20840329? ago

This whole Shirley Temple thing was obviously an excuse by the pedophile Hollywood to cast children in adult roles performing adult activities for their remote pleasure. It's fucked up and wrong, but I bet there was a lot of rich men at the time getting some thrill out of seeing a young girl perform this horrific shit. Fuck the Jews who no doubt funded this behavior.

20839654? ago

Would like to see a complete boycott of Disney World. They can't play if nobody goes.

20839579? ago

Oy Vey! Proving our degeneracy is Anti-Semitic!

20839241? ago


Ill see your disney and raise you a deeper disney

20839222? ago

She tried to talk about it. People just shrug and either didn't believe her, or just accepted that's the way it is for child actors.

20841517? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3339012 crazydaysandnights reveal? The psychos they bring their own Daughter to the Slaughter? Glenn and Eva Dubin hosted Epstein

20839171? ago

This is sick. Ever since the advent of television the sick fuckers have used it to degrade society.

Reminds me of this verse:

Luke 17:1-3

Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. So watch yourselves.

There are those who will put stumbling blocks before you, be smarter than them and reject it. It comes in many forms...drug abuse, porn, abuse, disrespect, etc. These things ruin your life and those around you, it’s a trap.

20841686? ago

https://voat.co/v/anon/3451514 Their Symbolism Will be Their Downfall Anonymous

20839572? ago

Thats what TV was designed for in the beginning.

MIND CONTROL! (search it out)

20838897? ago

The stupid flat earth plug at the end of the video ruins this videos credibility.

20838925? ago

You’re an idiot.

20839319? ago

He is.

20838584? ago

Such a shame this idiot had to ruin his own credibility with the flat earth shit at the end. What a waste of 38 minutes.

20845487? ago

It is flat. Which you would know if you looked into it.

20838463? ago


20837916? ago

Well that's fucking bizarre.

20837901? ago

Wow, the shit with Shirley Temple was eye-opening! I never watched a Shirley Temple movie in my life, but after seeing those clips in the video there's little doubt that this poor kid was being passed around in Hollywood by fat smelly Jews like Harvey Weinstein.

This shit has been going on for a long fucking time...

20840090? ago

Can you point out the exact point in time during the vid, when Harvey Weinstein appears, or at what time a fat smelly Jew is mentioned, or appears on screen?

Did it go on, for you, "for a long fucking time", or only momentarily. I seem to have missed it. Or did all of that go on only in YOUR head?

20846531? ago

But he's never 'probably right that a lot of fat smelly' Jews 'work in Hollywood' ?

Nice weasel out there 'Tommy' ...

20838278? ago

Moloch is pre historic...

20838544? ago

No it's not Moloch it's MUH JOO. Only JOO is the problem /sarcasm

20842290? ago

Who do you think Jews worship, you fucking Jew.

20838600? ago

They may call themselves joos but let's inspect why satanic Molocians would hide in jewery.

  • Known for rejecting Christ and new testament's preachings of peace yet
  • Accepted as major religion

Great cover.

20837888? ago

Jews are demons who create only suffering and degeneracy. We were warned by many great men throughout history.

20845327? ago

except walt disney was a nazi... sooo yea..

20860456? ago

A Nazi is just a nationalist white person who is tired of jews and their subversion.

20862572? ago

incorrect. a nazi is a shit bag who think their inbreed friends have any power, respect or worth..all of which they dont

20863719? ago

Jews are the inbreds.

20864353? ago


Inbreeding is common in Islamic culture. It's been going on since Mohammed sanctioned first-cousin marriages 1,400 years ago. I guess there's nothing like getting marriage advice handed down ...

yet muslims have been inbreeding for 1400 years, hence their IQ of 81 😂

20846512? ago

A nazi jew, yes.

20849647? ago


20841881? ago

Canaanites not Jews asshole do your research and get a better job. Shills are paid shit. You are a pawn, life is short do some good for a change

20860469? ago

Exposing jews is doing good for humanity.

20838478? ago

Shut the fuck up there's more than jews that are into this shit. ITS NOT JUST THE MUH JOOS. Perversion spans upon all races. Look at the fucking arrests for pedo shit the past 3 years.

20848998? ago

actually, anti-semitism is demonic

satan knows that the jews are still God's chosen people and in the end will come to recognize Jesus as their Messiah. anyone who speaks against them is doing satan's work.

of course, many of them did turn to baal many times over their history and many have to this day. but they don't comprise the whole of the race.

20846423? ago

They are almost all complicit enough to make the point. Seriously get the fuck outta here with your kvetching.

20842863? ago

And if you look at everything that happens that is degenerate in this world, who is behind it (via funding it, or promoting it)? It's the kikes.

Your concern is noted, now fuck off.

20842268? ago

Only Jews say "joo" and we know the truth here. Go fuck yourself, Jew.

20840556? ago


20840333? ago

How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?

20840547? ago

High in the mid 80s this week.

20840429? ago

I live in North Dakota. I am not a Jew. Just someone wanting to know the truth. NOWS YOUR TIME to convince us. We are here with open ears, unlike most people.

20840792? ago

Stick around Voat for a while and you’ll see plenty.

20841039? ago

I've been here since day 1. I see citations from the Talmud and they are taken out of context. PROVE ME WRONG I AM OPEN TO IT. How many are willing to be convinced Jews are the issue? I'm a fucking open mind, prove to me that all Jews are the problem. I am open to listen to you guys. For fuck sake, you guys are like "nope if you don't believe it downvote and you are a jew because you resist"

20846504? ago

Muh outta context.

For each 'Muh outta context' you see, bring forward the full text and let's analyze it.

20846440? ago


20842023? ago

Why does every single Jew have to be evil before anyone is allowed to criticize Judaism as a whole? Seems like a standard not applied to any other group. What is wrong with you?

20844165? ago

Accusing the innocent isn't the most infuriating part.

The worst is how non-Jews who do evil shit are systematically ignored or dismissed as just being people who were made to do so by generic (((jews))).

A good portion of Jew haters would have been just fine with Hillary as POTUS, because she isn't Jewish.

20844328? ago

Look at it this way. I could hate blacks for being disproportionately ignorant and prone to criminality. Instead I take pity on them and feel compassion for their communities based on what I happen to know FACTUALLY that Talmudic Jewish policies, especially as expressed through Marxism (Karl Marx obviously having been a well known secular Jew himself) are responsible for.

Realizing how much Jews and their Satanic Talmud, Sabbateanism and all the rest have directly corrupted our modern culture, simply because we allow it like moronic fucking cowards, all because we don’t want to be called racists or offend “God’s hand-picked chosen most holy people ever”... actually makes me LESS accusatory towards the innocent in society, who really are victims of an evil fucking system.

20845250? ago

I could hate blacks for being disproportionately ignorant and prone to criminality.

Of course you could, you've already proven yourself to accuse an entire group of innocent people, why stop there?

I happen to know FACTUALLY that Talmudic Jewish policies, especially as expressed through Marxism

So you're now moving the goalpost to Jews who actually read the Talmud and know what it says, and who actually believe in Marxism.


And Jews who actually follow the Sabbath, disregarding the vast majority you scoop in by nothing other than genetics, while simultaneously suggesting that following the Sabbath is somehow evil, lumping in the entire Christian population. The group you're demonizing is sounding less and less Jewish.

simply because we allow it like moronic fucking cowards

So Saturday (7th day adventist) and Sunday (most Christian religions) are now lumped together into the group you hate, i.e. the bulk of conservatives in America.

Because some store is shut down on Sunday and you don't like it? You sound mightily oppressed there bud.

20846963? ago

Sabbateanism is not honoring the Sabbath. It’s an evil cult specifically teaching people to do as much wickedness as possible in order to force the messiah to come, and about HALF of all Jews in the 1700s were converted to this sick cult. These are the things you never learn when you are a grown manchild who is too soft and pussy-like to learn new things and challenge your Jew-worshipping beliefs. Fucking ignorant, arrogant asshole.

20847643? ago

Jew-worshipping beliefs.

Wake up skippy. Everyone on QRV is hunting after the cabal. Being Jewish is not the common denominator, the cabal has many nationalities, races and professed religions. Clintons, Bush, Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan etc. are not Jewish. How can you sleep at night knowing you're deflecting blame they should receive onto innocent people?

As if anyone today should bear responsibility for shit that happened in the 1700s. Pull your head out of your ass.

You voted for Obama to prove you aren’t racist, didn’t you?

The last time I voted before voting for Trump was for Bush 41 when I was a delegate for him when I was a naive teenager. Now I hope GW is hung for treason.

Like I said, pull your head out of your ass. If you think mainstream America hates Jews, you need to pop out of your little Nazi bubble and get to know your fellow citizens better.

20847721? ago

You already proved that you're completely out of your depth because you don't even know who the Sabbateans were, or Sabbatai Zevi. Sabbateans were in Weishaupt's original Illuminati group in the late 1770s. This Jewish cult is an integral part of the inner cabal and always has been, and this is demonstrable historically, and you remain totally ignorant of who they even are. And you are still arrogant enough to act like you are going to lecture me on this subject anyway? Because "muh racism" and "muh all Jews" like the thick-headed Neanderthal you are, thinking in elementary school playground "logic."

The Rothschilds are major component of it. Israel is essentially their Satanic throne upon the Earth. Rothschilds are the Israeli founding fathers who are on their money. It goes without saying that the Jewish religion itself has been equally corrupted and synagogues turned into propaganda outlets of every form of social degeneracy and Marxist economic policy. It is not a coincidence that Jews vote overwhelmingly Democrat. They have many other common, anti-American values that are related to the reason they have historically been expelled from host countries at least 109 different times, but I don't expect you to know a fucking thing about that either.

Keep lecturing me though man. I'm learning a lot about "muh racism bad" and "muh Nazis ebull" today. (That's sarcasm you asshole.)

20852080? ago

You already proved that you're completely out of your depth because you don't even know who the Sabbateans were

1770 has no relevance to today. Besides, I don't see that moving the goalpost from (((all Jews))) to "Sabbateans" does anything but hurt your argument. This is the problem with you Nazitards, you start out focusing on the entire Jewish race and then, when cornered, "uuuh .... hundreds of years ago, 2% of the Jewish population blah blah blah". Zero relevance to today. Zero relevance to the larger Jewish population.

The Rothschilds are major component of it.

I get credit for calling out the Rothchild family. Oh wait, you've moved the goalpost all the way to exactly what I said the problem is. While flattering, how does that make your (((muh all Jews))) argument stick? It doesn't.

synagogues turned into propaganda outlets of every form of social degeneracy and Marxist economic policy.

There you go again. Taking blame and responsibility that belongs to Soros, the Rothschild family, the CIA, Bush 41, Bush 43, Clintons, Obama, etc. ... and misdirecting it to the rabbi at the local synagogue. Brock says "good job, here's your nickel".

Keep lecturing me though man. I'm learning a lot about "muh racism bad" and "muh Nazis ebull" today.

Thou hast said.

20857727? ago

I never started with “the entire Jewish race.” I don’t even think it’s a “race” at all. That’s been YOUR stupid hang up since the beginning, because your IQ is tiny and small problems like this prevent you from seeing the forest for the trees. You are too busy, because of Communist (ie Jewish) virtue signaling programming, trying to stand up for a group that YOU DONT EVEN KNOW to notice that most of them hate you and are trying to destroy your country. That is how insanely retarded and helpless you are.

You don’t think the Bushes and Clintons have participated in ritual sacrifices to Moloch? Which religious group has been constantly accused of sacrificing to Moloch since Old Testament times? I won’t wait for an answer because I know how much you love these Jews.

“We are saving Israel for last.” — Q

20839113? ago

Defending Jews on this site is equivalent to defending Nazi's on reddit. So calm down. Eat a bagel. Then gas yourself, kike.

20840372? ago

You can call me a "kike" all you want but I'm not a Jew whatsoever. Use facts if you want to convince us that's it only the muh joo that is the issue here. I have been open minded to this shit so instead of just calling any naysayer a Jew you should perhaps convince us it's only the MUH JOO that has brought forth this perversion.

20842281? ago

You are a Jew. Absolutely 100%.

20840807? ago

Are you scared that someone will call you a racist? Maybe you actually believe that Jews are God’s holiest people and that you’ll go to hell for ever criticizing them? What a fucking loser.

20841014? ago

Not even close man. Just don't think "all jews" are evil.

20842032? ago

So in other words you’re arguing with a straw man. Are you this retarded on purpose or by accident?

20839498? ago

Fortunately some of us arent sheeple and can think for ourselves.

Zero fucks given what voat thinks.

20845438? ago

"Zero fucks given."

And that's why voat hates Jews. There is no empathy or remorse in your support of a religion and political force that has brought death and destruction to millions.

You are either willfully blind or one more of the guilty.

20838873? ago

They've been infiltrating other races for millennia.

20838795? ago

Die rabbi

20839503? ago

Stay mad kid.

20838690? ago

There are a lot of one particular race that keeps popping up over and over and they are like 4% of the population...

Are you someone who deals in fact or emotion?

20837580? ago

262nd prime number = 1667 ... 262 + 1667 = 1929 ... 929 chapters in the Old Testament

20837418? ago

It's not illegal to be Satanic.

Jews are worse than Satanists, and they don't get arrested.

20838535? ago

Of course you get downvoted. It's all muh joo, nothing else. You call out satanists and you get downvoted. NO satanists are good, muh joo is bad. What a fucking joke.

20837635? ago

Catholics are worse still.

20837749? ago

Worse than Boomers?

20837786? ago


20838098? ago

So (((you'd))) be pleased to see patriotic Christians attack patriotic Catholics?

That would make you lick (((your))) lips?

20839517? ago

Tighten up your tinfoil buttplug

20837441? ago

Who said it was illegal? No one.

20837489? ago

This community should be focused on political corruption and child rape networks, not gossip and pearl clutching.

Your post is as valuable as a slide-shill post.

20837365? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=3Xy4QklE1GU :

Protect Your Kids - Subliminal Messages - Disney - Hollywood - Relation Exposed - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

20837244? ago

Only brainwashed Christians cry constantly about how sex is evil and women are sinful, you're acting like muslims.

Methinks thou niggers doth protest too much.

20839601? ago

Me thinks they buried your think Ha Ha Ha

20838125? ago

go suck on your mom's colostomy bag, troll

20837394? ago

And you like sex with kids, fagot.

20837629? ago

You seem to be butthurt.

Mission accomplished.

20838325? ago

If you dont take pedophilia and brain washing seriously you are just as bad as the perps and deserve the same fate - a fate worse than a stone around your neck and thrown into the ocean

20839523? ago

Do you know how mad you were going sir?

20837963? ago

You don't deny liking sex with kids.