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20836835? ago

How do you alter DNA? With a virus if coarse.....

20840465? ago

Kek try 678.we are already 6 . California my asshole.

The emergence of the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race Edit

According to Blavatsky the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will begin to evolve in the area of the United States in the early 21st century. This sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will be called the Australo-American subrace and is believed by Theosophists to be now arising from the Teutonic subrace of the Aryan root race in Australia and in the Western United States (many individuals of the new subrace will be born in California) and its surrounding nearby areas (i.e., the Australo-American subrace is in arising from the Anglo-American, Anglo-Canadian, Anglo-Australian and presumably also the Anglo-New Zealander ethnic groups).[36] The sixth or Australo-American sub-race will "possess certain psychic powers, and for this the pituitary body will be developed, thus giving an additional sense, that of cognising astral emotions in the ordinary waking consciousness. We may say that in general the sixth sub-race will bring in wisdom and intuition, blending all that is best in the intelligence of the fifth subrace and the emotion of the fourth.

20845201? ago

So this is what is happening to me. I was born in Australia.

I have been getting abilities I can't explain, other than I have them.

  • Flashes of Telepathy.
  • Projecting thoughts so strongly, others can hear them.
  • Empathic abilities that allow me to read a person's emotions instantly as they walk into the room.
  • Seeing glyphs and geometry morphing into and out of themselves and spinning.
  • Number and letter patters everywhere. It's like seeing the Matrix code.

I am getting used to it now, and using it to do my decodess.

I feel a sense of KNOWING that I can't explain, but when I feel it, I am never wrong.

Using it for good.


'o-o' <

20845500? ago

Hey fellow.

You sent me this.

And i was listening to magic sword and i walked into the other room and the music was transported into my ears like i was right next to the speaker again for about 5 sec it stopped me in my tracks. Had a double take now i realize the music is opening a nuropathway. Pretty cool stuff i also have been blessed with simular abilities as you already know. Unexplained knowledge, feel others pain, rare telepathy but iv had it, having visions that come true, manifesting people into reality, which is new for me, manifesting other things into reality. Lets not forget the star. Lead towards things at an uncanny %. And others near me can see things when near me, ie we watched a guy materialize out of a cliff face of solid rock less then a meter from a white line of a road way.< Seems impossible i know.

