20829683? ago

Excellent Talk! It is sad that these companies have no foresight and only live for the $ and control in the short term. Eventually they will 'paint themselves into an ever shrinking corner' and no longer exist. Bubbles burst. New life will emerge.

20834912? ago

People forget how Myspace, Napster and Geocities were the biggest things in the world, now the elite tech eat themselves.

20828948? ago

Shame the guy is currently a TDS leftist drooling for impeachment. Probably wants the tech overlords censor people now because of "hate speech". Good talk but was clearly hot air based on his current twitter. Commies at google probably paid him off.

20826573? ago

I'm surprised TED would allow such a red pill on their platform. They're one of the deceivers coming across as altruistic and well-meaning while in truth, there is darkness there.

20827348? ago

It's only the coating of a Red Pill.

A lefty still needs to understand/accept that there's an interest in listening to what anyone is saying on the right. With the superiority complex in full swing, the odds of that happening are extremely slim. Infinitely more so today that at the time.

20826094? ago

"Look here and see if you agree." How about a hint? Bullshit headline with zero explanation and no, I don't have the time to just sit and watch.

20826000? ago

So, the presenter's suggestion that there should be editors deciding what "you need to hear" is problematic. What do you suppose the odds will be that editors, from Silicone Valley all, will be leftist who will naturally decide that "Relevant := Democratic Party Line"?

20827297? ago

The odds are 100:1

20825118? ago

What is it about?

20825249? ago

An important TED Talk by Eli Pariser regarding search engines and social networks tailoring your search results using relevance algorithms based on your web history.

It would be nice to know that with one click, wouldn't it?

20825299? ago

It sure would, these are some of the laziest posters ever!

20825383? ago

I myself have come a long way in understanding what's helpful. I have messed up many a good point by not knowing, or really not grasping, what works well here. So I spend time making amends by being willing to jump in and help make posts better with comments, now that I understand what I was doing wrong (somewhat).

20824896? ago

I'm still surprised how many people think this is still a 'conspiracy', I see it happening every day. Also, if TED bans a talk, it's most likely legit. Remember Graham Hancocks talk was banned? Now he has more than enough evidence to support his theories and is doing interviews all around the world. Or Russel Targ talking of his years of work on behalf of the CIA investigating RM and psycic abilities. No government body funds a project like this for so long if it's BS.

20825405? ago

I teresting because tedtalks are basically a leftist thing in my opinion. I used to watch them but couldn’t stand all of the “intellectual”, pompous ass liberals voices any longer.

20826052? ago

I still watch them selectively. I watch those that are unlikely to have political content due to their subject matter. Not perfectly predictive, by the way.

20827251? ago

Not the same Anon.

Used to watch them too, back when I was still believing many/some of the lies.

Now I would only (if stumbling across) watch selectively, but always with a 10-feet pole (like the one linked above):

"I'm a progressive politically, <s>big surprise</s> ..."

  • Dude, you're at a Ted Talk, surrounded by people just like you, encouraged all their life to be like that, just like you.

Even the better ones, like this one, reek of leftism's stench and superiority complex.

20826246? ago

So there are still a few worth watching then? Maybe I’ll have to jump back in and check a couple out.

20824772? ago

Failbook is for cancerous faggots

20824809? ago

The book lists 16 phone numbers for Prince Andrew Duke of York, 18 for Duchess of York & her court...also CFR, Bronfman's, Zuckerberg, Ehud Barak, Ruth Westheimer, Saudi Royals, Spacey, Jagger


20824851? ago
