20835364? ago

Revelation 9

"3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man."

20825776? ago

The Northeast got a shit ton of rain of the past year and a half. Record rainfall. It would rain for weeks at a time, sometimes with the sun only coming out once a week. It's no surprise the mosquito and overall bug populations flourished. If it starts happening every year, you will know something is off, but one freak year isn't surprising or unusual. A couple years before that, there was a gypsy moth infestation due to lack of killing rains in the spring/ summer. Happens every 20 years or so. Now there are a ton of dead oaks for bugs to infest. Thousands of acres worth... (next will probably be wild fires due to all the dead trees....)

20824510? ago

Eastern Equine Encephalitis is a disease that affects horses. >

Eastern Equine Encephalitis | CDC - cdc.gov


Eastern Equine Encephalitis Home. Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito. Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) is a rare illness in humans, and only a few cases are reported in the United States each year. Most cases occur in the Atlantic and Gulf Coast states (see map).>

20823937? ago

A very close relative of mine is currently in EEE recovery. It's out there pretty bad this year.

20826024? ago

I'm sure it very well may be, but the timing of all this is very suspicious. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a bioweapon of some sort, or at the very least they're leveraging it to create some kind of full blown national crisis. Like I said, this disease has been known for 180 years or so. Why is Senator Murphy jumping up and down all of a sudden to "get funding for research" when they've had almost two centuries to look into this? I smell a diaper.

Prayers for your relative. May they be healed in Jesus' name.

20826963? ago

Yes, the constant piggybacking on manufactured "crises" is always suspicious. EEE is having a bumper year - and an illness with almost 50% fatality rate is nothing to sniff at. All the same, the expected reaction of working towards a human vaccine is being couched as something outside the box that requires extra special funding.

20823528? ago

What state are you located? MA?

20824523? ago

The state that gave you Sandy Hook.

20826077? ago

Got it. Thanks for the heads up.

20823141? ago

Plum island , tic , bill gates and mosquito , all Massachusetts medical cabal capital , heavy population , poison is worship , school yards sprayed . If it walks like a duck .. where are the feds checking it twice. Eee < evil evil evil (3) if e =15 , 15x 3=45 ( šŸ˜‰just a little bit of gematria ) and a little freaking !

Are these bastards sitting there like they just snorted coke " ooo , all the poison hehee-e" or petty a jar of mosquitos drooling ?


20823349? ago

I Found you! < ..

If e - 15 then 1 + 5 = 6 > which = 5 in Isisian codes. So you statement is thus TRUE.

5 = 6 you see.

Thanks for playing.



'o-o' <

20832121? ago

Promises made on old rocks ?

Boron ?

Dong a lie ?

Blessings and prayers

20823115? ago

Thanks Bill Gates.

20823024? ago

Where's all that ebola they promised us?

20824610? ago

Exactly. My. Point.

20822795? ago

WHEW! It's only the mosquito's. I was afraid the Electrical Engineers finally lost it!

20825184? ago

WHEW! It's only the mosquito's

mosquitos. Add "s" to form the plural. Adding an apostrophe makes it genitive (possessive case) as in "John's scrotum" (genital case).

20825478? ago

Duly noted. Thanks,

20822674? ago

Bring back DDT.

20824212? ago

Bat houses and purple martin boxes. Drain all standing water. Goldfish in koi ponds. Shiners in farm ponds. I built a half acre pond and the mosquitoes almost took me. A gross of shiners bred to thousands and goodbye mosquitoes. Then the snakes moved on the shiners so got some catfish. Also a red ryder BB gun.

20825793? ago

Yes the little brown bats seem to be recovering nicely from the white nose fungus. Lots of them this year!

20825223? ago

Whats a "shiner" and why did the shiners get some catfish and a red ryder BB gun?

20825820? ago

You'll shoot your eye out, kid.

20825532? ago


Shiners attract the snakes.

Catfish eat the small snakes and the red ryder gets the larger ones.

Nature's balance, with an assist.

20822520? ago

lots of happenings right now. 8ch fixing to come back online. wouldnt be surprised if its om purpose

20822493? ago

BILL GATES. He used mosquitos in Africa a few years ago, injected them with what he claimed were vaccines in order to ā€œhelpā€ those poor indigenous kids in Africa to protect them from disease. This was his R and D and this EEE is his America beta version.

20822400? ago

Mosquito crosses state line while carrying EEE.

FBI opens a counter-intelligence investigation into Russian activities in the Ukraine called "Crossflyer Hurricane".

20822388? ago

Almost never leave the house. Saw such a sign two days ago. Considered hacking and adding an "R" to the beginning. :) "REEE ALERT!" kek

20822365? ago

They have been talking a lot about this in Michigan as well. Kinda strange all of a sudden there is this massive outbreak and panic being thrown around.

20822307? ago

I saw this earlier in the week and remembered an anon questioning why a flock of celebrities were getting hospitalized with flu like symptoms.

20822269? ago

IDK I don't see the value to either side in having people stay indoors at night. Most people will ignore it. Many people don't have a choice, they have to be outside for obligations such as work. This doesn't sound a like a FF to me.

20825804? ago

It's not. The Northeast has gotten record rainfall for the past year and a half, coupled with a ton of dead trees from a huge gypsy moth infestation a few years ago. That equals a lot of fodder for insect infestations.

20824588? ago

I thought the same thing. Not saying this isn't a legit threat, but all of a sudden over the last week or so this is a major issue? I'm wondering if it wasn't deliberately introduced/cultivated.

20825817? ago

It's always been there, but only a few cases a year. Due to record rainfall and a mild winter, there are record numbers of mosquitoes breeding.

20822263? ago

If the SHTF, you need to live far away from areas that have those signs. Where I live, I'd have to drive an hour or more to find one of those informational highway signs.

It's also really dark here at night. In fact, I'm not too very far from the largest area of dark night skies on the entire east coast of the US. https://www.wnct.com/features/online-originals/online-originals-albemarle-peninsula-home-to-largest-stretch-of-dark-skies-on-east-coast/

You need to get away from the population centers. You're also less likely to actually catch one of those diseases, if they're real.

20822160? ago

If it swims, quacks and waddles like a duck, itā€™s a duck. Trust your instincts.

20824085? ago

GoodAdviceAnon has good advice