20809666? ago

I tried this but nothing happened. 4 seconds perhaps? Should I do it naked maybe, would that work better?

20811666? ago

Go back to your island. Find inspiration in Nacho Cheese Doritos and get back to me.

20806265? ago

I thank you for waking up your children now.

Important, pray as if you already have it. Formulating it as a thank you can help in formulating correctly your prayer. You thank God because you already have it.

The wording "please wake up your children" sends the message to the universe that children aren't waking up, ergo the universe understands it as if you want that they aren't waking up. You send a message of lack, thus you will receive lack. Formulate a message of abundance (thank you), you will receive abundance.

Also, be at peace, happy, feel positive. Negative emotion like angst, doubt, fear also send the message to the universe that these are the emotions you want to feel: more angst, doubt, fear, etc.

And last, think of saying "now". Time is a human concept. Only the now exists. In the spiritual realms, they might tell you it'll happen soon and you can wait centuries. For them, it might be a blink of the eye and for us, many lifetimes. Pasts, futures and alternate presents happen at the same time. Insist in the "now".

20807328? ago

Agreed upon.

Always remember The Creator is inside of you. You have an open line via DNA to talk to him. Trust me, he listens.

We are His children. He gave us the best toys too. Lucifer is going to shit himself, only because he likes it.

God's will is being done.

20804945? ago


20804116? ago

Eyes wide shut

20805464? ago

When the world around you is the lie, your mind sees what it needs to see to stay alive.

Watch as humanity realizes it is being threatened... We unite to form one voice. One mental force for Love.

So I'm guessing. Who knows.

20804106? ago

Did it, but said

"God the Father, please wake up your earthly children, in your name, Amen."

20805479? ago

Yo man, da earflins gotz to get da shits together man. Woke and waking bro.

No clue why I did that.

20804062? ago

Agree, but thanks man?

More like AMEN!!

20805673? ago

What ever conveys the message.

20804013? ago

I know hes right, earth vibrates a 7 hz, and so should our bodies.. Exept through electronics the wave length can be manipulated. And believe me it can effect your mental moods. Think dumb and dumber whet they are crying on the couch after watching a commercial on TV! Symbolism will be their downfall...

20805715? ago

They are manipulating our brains. When my wife gets off twitter, her mood is usually aggressive. She is very non aggressive normally. Sweetheart actually. But when the hormones combine with millions that share her hatred of DJT, she could kill a rabbit and not blink.

Scary shit we are approaching. They are trying to manipulate the minds of the populace through our social media brother.

That should scare the shit out of anyone, ANYONE. No matter who. Imagine commanding them to fight us, that's really possible.

We need divine intervention.

20806481? ago

Your basically a shill to me unless you understand that we DONT live on a giant ball of water, spinning through the unknown ... LOL shill

20803935? ago

Stellar advice.

I would add that when you pray, to "breathe" and truly FEEL this through your heart <3

20805734? ago

Open a dialogue. That inner voice is the voice of God on occasion. Hold your head high and know you're among the chosen.

This fight wouldn't be possible without your help.

20808482? ago

Grateful every day ;)

20803616? ago

Fair play, it's the power of thought that counts.



20803668? ago

Really it's tough for me to be serious. Laughing has kept me living.

20803507? ago


20803491? ago

It is WORKING! Every day I turn on the news to find another election that is slowly pushing out the deep state. Our prayers are being answered just keep praying and working. WWG1WGA!

20803231? ago

The 100 monkey theory isn't real. Sorry. I thought it was legit too until I researched it.

20803030? ago

I do it daily morning and night and sometimes inbetween! Awaken the people, Father God! I have become a Christian because of Q - this is between Good and evil - it is literally biblical!

20802668? ago







20802424? ago

your time is better spent dumping a red pill on reddit, even if it gets you banned, at least someone might wake up

20802381? ago

I have read, seen and experienced too much to disagree with ops logic. And why the hell not!

20802378? ago


20802552? ago


Despised the demonic jews https://files.catbox.moe/qb8i0l.jpg

Many jews all over the internet have made it clear over and over, yet you ziotard fake christian cucks refuse the warnings of Jesus: https://files.catbox.moe/9vjm34.jpe

20802404? ago


20802372? ago

How many monkeys does this add up to if you've been doing this say, best part of 20 years? Does it still count if you know it's futile but do it anyway?

20802382? ago

You didn't try it when your DNA was unlocked did you?

Have Faith, this is God's plan, not man's.

20802728? ago

I am unaware of any unlocking of DNA, whatever that means. I am just another clueless observer.

20802185? ago

Collective consciousness can save us in a single day. That's why they're fighting for don't y'all get it ? That's why the narrative is so important , it controls our collective thoughts. I'm doing it and y'all should all too even if it's not true what could a few seconds hurt to try ?

20802547? ago

yes. we are of one consciousness, our awareness of this is being suppressed by evil. We can bring about the paradigm shift that will free our consciousness through collective prayer. Universal thought. the power of 3 6 9. use it.

20802288? ago

They want us divided in to little managable groups that have little power.

United we can alter our reality into one they aren't welcomed into.

We can focus and remove Evil. Perhaps God will send someone to guide you :-)

20802159? ago

These prayers have kept me going on some dark days. God is always the greatest. God Bless.

20802236? ago

You can talk freely and openly to Him. Really He knows you. He understands what you're going through.

We are removing the Evil. You work on the rest.

20802554? ago

I've been a lot better recently. So much has happened. My world is now open. I have joy and God to look forwards to in my future. I'm no longer controlled by the thoughts of others. God has truly set me free. Now, I need to give back to the world. I can't wait to see how I can make it a better place.

20802589? ago

Love your neighbor.

Keep your thoughts elevated.

20801830? ago

Done ..keeping on all day...

20801773? ago

FWIW New filing in United States v. Michael Lacey (Backpage): Pretrial Memorandum


20801692? ago

I'm praying.

20801675? ago


20801668? ago

Especially on 11/11 @ 11:11am/pm let's do this to send a jolt that will be felt around the world

20801458? ago

thank you!

20801449? ago

That isn't how we are to pray. So NO.

20801391? ago

from: doglegwarrior

ya lets rely on mystisicm and bull shit wizardry while the jews who run the god damn mind control and mind fucking altering machines the tvs and the radio and the media and the movie screens are activly really changing peoples perception.. yet you christ cucks who worship a god made up by jews want us to fucking pray to the imaginary shit while kicks run porn and flood us with gay and race mixing images.. yep lets just do the 1000 monkeys.. na lets do 10,000 monkeys prayer na fuck it lets go 6 million monkey prayers.. ohh shit jews already stole the 6 million thing. na just pray away the jew

20801366? ago

Great post!

20801285? ago

Father, let this world wake up.

20802022? ago

Just as simple as that. Excellent.

Tell your friends.

20801203? ago

We can and should always hope but we need to be pro active

20801074? ago

im on board with a higher power thing, and no doubt spirituality is powerful. Why would the CIA have training documents for remote viewing exercises? - Let's transmit and reach each other. Expand outward. Contact one another and perhaps others

20802043? ago

Cannabis can accelerate the learning curve. Not mandatory of course. You'll find it's truly the miracle plant. That's exactly why they have hidden it from us.

20800933? ago

I prayed for 6!

20802058? ago

No worries, I wrote the post very slowly for slow readers.

20800759? ago

Serious question. I talk to god like that because I don’t know how to pray the way they tell you to. Through all my years researching shit I always hear things like “ never say amen unless you want their god to hear you” “ always pray in Jesus name” etc. does anyone know what’s up with all of that shit? I’m sorry but I’m ignorant.

20810387? ago

The name of Jesus Christ is like cryptonite for the evil side. It has tremendous power. Like a firewall?

I like to share a story of a witness of that power. He was into evil stuff in some West African country. Working groupwise under the power of spiritual entities(expand yr thinking kinda)… They had to take down Christians in their country and infiltrade their churches, pick out a victim and bring them under bad voodoo shit. The 'predators' had spiritual education . Now, this witness was new and could 'see'. One day they followed a Christian and to his amazement he 'saw' two YUGE , YUGE , entities walking next to the Christian, on both sides. Big like pillars of a building. Protective entities. They litteraly scared the hell out of him !! At that moment he decided to become a Christian .

20800848? ago

Let me clear everything up. Talk to the Creator like you would talk to your Dad. That's it.

Dad, can you help me focus on Adam Schiff please? Father can you help me through another day please, thanks.

Seriously. There isn't anything special you need to do No pentagrams, no blood, not a single thing has to be harmed to talk to our God of Light.

They have to use black magic to accomplish anything. Without Magic, they are sniveling little children. You know that kind, hides behind children to save theselves.

God's DNA is inside of you. You don't have to do anything by say Dad, Father, Creator, anything to get his attention, just like you would with your Dad or Mom.

Easy huh? God's cool and good. He isn't all formal and shit.

20802346? ago

Couldn't have said it better myself. Top reply anon!

20801359? ago

I agree and that's exactly how I talk to God, I even tell the dark side that 'our dad' can kick their ass...however, that has me wondering, do they have a different dad ?

and If so, wouldn't that make our dads secondary Gods?? maybe this is a continuous game between two Gods?...

20802126? ago

Satan along with Lucifer convinced them that God is malevolent. He only wants us to be good and never experience other feelings of joy. Wrong.

Jesus did warn them right? Just remember what happened in the Garden, that will come into play very soon.

20801314? ago

Thanks bud

20801291? ago

So weird. I was just thinking yesterday, and the thought came into my mind this morning, of the scene in The Dead Zone, where the crooked politician held up a child as a shield when the Cristopher Walken character tried to shoot him from the balcony. Have one of my few upvoats!

20802151? ago

Thanks. These fukers would sell their mom's soul if they could.

Evil has permeated Society. Rotten apples everywhere you turn.

20800789? ago

Interesting stuff...

An anon above traced the etymology of the word "Amen" back to Egyptian sun worship ("Amun" is my guess). Take that for what you will

20800657? ago

I don't do "prayer" sorry

20800886? ago

Then why tell me about your lack of prayer? Yes you do pray by the way.

Everyone does at some point in their lives.

20800655? ago


I also prayed for strength for our President, his family, our Military and all us anon's and autists... as we will be needed to help those that don't understand what is happening.

20800894? ago

DJT is doing a llittle dance in the oval office right now. He's one happy ass camper.

So far so good patriot.

20800596? ago

I'm not religious but I did it. It can't possibly hurt anything and we need all the help we can get.

20800854? ago

I didn't used to be religious but this Q phenomenon has me rethinking things!

20820373? ago

me too. I still think it's a bit far fetched, and see other possible theories, but I'm more open than I've ever been.

I am uncertain of the religious corruption and if/how that may impact beliefs and truth.

It is very clear there is good and evil. Does that mean there's a God and God is Good? I can't say.

I do believe in the power of prayer, collective consciousness, and the 100 monkey theory. Prayer said.

20803055? ago

Once you come to grips with the existence of pure, spiritual evil... It makes you fear God real quick

20802946? ago

Wait till you find out space is fake.

20808442? ago

Space and the globe lie is the ultimate litmus test.

20802645? ago

Same here, former atheist who has firmly returned to Christ as a result of Q.

20802833? ago


20802277? ago

Same...rethought it all, read the Bible and now I get it.

20802011? ago

I have been pretty confused about 'religion' most of my life. Since I discovered Q, I've never seen the world so clearly, and have a pretty solid idea of how 'the world works'.

Interesting point, I used to post on GA asking peeps about what positive experiences they had experienced since following the movent. These posts attracted loads of comments with people saying how they had found God, felt less depressed, started making positive changes to their lifes etc but I noticed my posts were targeted by shills over much more damming stuff being reported every time. I found that very interesting.

20801513? ago


20801898? ago

Ditto! I recently got my first bible, the KJV, as recommended by other who seem to be more in-the-know on the matter here in QRV.

Enlightenment Here

20800433? ago

Is "Thanks man", the new "Amen?".

I've never like "Amen" anyways! I mean, what does it really mean?

20802197? ago

Over and out? Rodger Wilco?

Thanks is all he ever wanted. No churches, no temples. Just enjoy the world he made for you and say thanks once in a while.

Stick to the rules, and everything is cool.

20800631? ago

Let us pray, anon's.

Let us not slide the intentions of this post.

20800544? ago

"It is so, so be it"

"Thanks, man" is what you say to the nigger who refills your soda.

20800638? ago

A quick look at the etymological source of the word Amen undeniably shows that it originates from Egyptian sun-worship, which was taken by the ancient Greeks, eventually taken by the Medieval English.

look it up yourself, I'll even give you the link:


20801489? ago

Hate to tell you genius, but the bible was written in ancient Greek.

Go fuck yourself, I'll even hand you the pole.


20803200? ago

You're almost 2000 years off. The ancient Greek empire of Alexander was achieved in the 3rd century BC. Whereas the Amun-Ra dates back to the 21 century BC.

The world really is THAT OLD, it's true.

20803424? ago

Actually I won't because you referenced a separate entry Ammon and tried to conflate it with Amen. lol

a>men (interj.)

Old English, from Late Latin amen, from Ecclesiastical Greek amen, from Hebrew amen "truth," used adverbially as an expression of agreement (as in Deuteronomy xxvii.26, I Kings i.36), from Semitic root a-m-n "to be trustworthy, confirm, support."

Compare similar use of Modern English certainly, absolutely. Used in Old English only at the end of Gospels, otherwise translated as Soðlic! or Swa hit ys, or Sy! As an expression of concurrence after prayers, it is recorded from early 13c.


name of the Greek and Roman conception of the Egyptian sovereign sun-god Amun (said to mean literally "hidden"), also Amen-Ra. This they confused with the ram-headed divinity, god of life, worshipped at an oracular sanctuary in Libya. See ammonia. Related: Ammonian.

20801272? ago

Reminds me too much of Lucifer Light-bringer. Probably why it got used during medieval times.

20801502? ago

You're a retard.

20802442? ago

Lol you projecting your anger online much? Tired of being your wife's cuck?

20802487? ago

You want me to project my anger at your inane online posts offline?

Have you lost your mind?

20800562? ago

What is your source for the meaning of Amen?