20797830? ago

RR ordered Seth Rich's murder

More information that supports the theory that RR was our mole in the Deep State.

Yes, we are saturated with shills and clowns 24/7.

No planes hit any buildings on 911.

20797662? ago

DNC SERVICES CORP/DEM NAT'L COMMITTEE paid CROWDSTRIKE, INC $98,849.84 the day after Seth Rich was killed on 07 July 2016.

DNC SERVICES CORP/DEM NAT'L COMMITTEE paid CROWDSTRIKE, INC $113,645.77 the day after Shawn Lucas was killed on 03 August 2016. (served DNC with lawsuit alleging fraud in 2016 presedential race).

That's what they are trying to divert from.

20806553? ago

Any sauce on this?

20797324? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/lDxdiwSDipZQ - ( UPDATED VIDEO! JohnHereToHelp knows who killed ... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/ODMI5O2b0ntW - ( You are the News - BeachBroadcast )

20797314? ago

to provide evidence with msm deleting articles etc so basically how dare we anons expect sauce when sauce is no longer always available. Seriously?

Hell, I've seen more than enough of that around here lately.

20797236? ago

TRUST NOBODY - simple as that

20797174? ago

Fits the pattern I’m accustomed to seeing when they deploy a conspiracy theory distraction. I haven’t come across this material but I don’t watch any YouTube videos on conspiracy theories, I stick to reading.

20877965? ago

Joker (2019) - Symbolism https://voat.co/v/QRV/3462676

20797155? ago

Saw him being touted a couple of places - spidey senses tingled. Dismissed for distrust. Pay-triot?

20797149? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=K1bSzl4d_Ho :

UPDATED VIDEO! JohnHereToHelp knows who killed Seth Rich and has NEW INFO! 7 minute version below. - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=bf3HSoy8IjU&feature=youtu.be :

You are the News - BeachBroadcast - YouTube

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