20808949? ago

The lights flickered on n off 17 times then went red.

Helllllooooo Red October!!!

20800026? ago

White house did this last year too, no? I remember red lights and people going ape shit. Maybe red castle? I need more than lights at this point.

20799752? ago

Dat jaw on the anchor.

20799317? ago

Another month of NO ARRESTS coming right up.

20797995? ago

Red October POTUS tweet decode:-


20797935? ago

@12 midnight (0000) October 1st, I set my calendar to day one, Red October. It's here, and it's hot.

20797914? ago

The castle runs red?

20797333? ago

Someone is panicking, they won't even allow me to respond to that post.

20797161? ago

and my wife is on her period ...... IT's Habbening !!!

20799746? ago


20796870? ago

Light on

20796796? ago

Red October.

20796361? ago

breast cancer awareness month pink

20796287? ago

October 1st, 2019

WH illuminated in pink light tonight marking start of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In proclamation, @POTUS

notes over 3.4-million Americans are battling breast cancer. Says his Administration supports "cutting-edge research" needed to save the lives of breast cancer patients.


20796069? ago

There is a PRETTY good chance, Voat, has been bought out by China...They already got GLP...Take notice of traffic/posts.

20796107? ago

This is NOT a shit post...GLP is completely taken over. China is buying up ALL the message boards...They bought Reddit, 8chan is defunct...GLP, a long time hold-out is gone...Voat is probably gone as well.

20796944? ago

"Voat is probably gone as well.... and period and submit...(click)"

...he mumbled to himself as he made another post on, you guessed it... Voat.

20795860? ago

Its a signal to Benjamin Netenyahu to come over so that Trump can lick his taint clean.

20795730? ago

You can see the red on the west side of the White House as well as on the flag pole, the west and north side of the washington monument and also on the west and north side of the buildings in the background. Let alone you can see shadows being cast towards the east which indicates then is setting to the west....... north sides of buildings receive breif sunlight in the morning and evening.

It isn't a coincidence every other building in that image is also cast in a red hue.

20797032? ago

It isn't a coincidence every other building in that image is also cast in a red hue.

I don't see any. Everything looks like the light from a DC at sunset. The buildings in the background are much larger and have more open space around them and between them and the sunset compared to the white house which is surrounded closely by trees.

The whole image is a bit oversaturated, but then again, dusk is like that a bit. Everything is equally over-saturated. The greens look normal.... Its also a shitty phone pic of a TV screen. Notice the reflection?

you can see the red on the west side of the White House as well as on the flag pole, the west and north side of the washington monument and also on the west and north side of the buildings in the background.

No, those are completely different colors, matching the soft warm orange light of a low lying sun, like that seen during a late summer sunset.... The buildings are not white either, so that will alter the comparison. Have you ever studied color theory, btw? Adjust your monitor?

Let alone you can see shadows being cast towards the east which indicates then is setting to the west

Why did you need shadows to tell you that? Also, what shadows? You mean shading?

Also, but most importantly, this is not the only fucking photo showing the illumination scheme tonight you fucking lunatic spazz.

20795861? ago

That was the most epic attempt at disinfoing a group with total bullshit that I have ever read. Kudos for your effort, despite failing miserably...

20795936? ago

Or you're a complete moron and think a photo shopped image is legit

20795695? ago

It's a sad day when this community is impressed by a red light.

Our expectations have dropped profoundly over the past few years.

20795867? ago

...an ever more sad day when people are paid to try to lower the morale of patriots and feel zero guilt or shame.

20797079? ago

Or when we are on your side and literally just wish you all would stop acting so retarded about certain shit, for your own good. I mean, whatever you need to sleep at night, but its shit like this that reduces your community, which I support, to that of the absurd, rather than, say.... knowledgeable, focused, credible, not desperate... etc.

Especially when nobody in this thread, btw, has explained what exactly it is supposed to mean, at all, beyond the fact that there is some saying "Red October" that people keep repeating cryptically that ostensibly refers to a post made by Q and that there is vaguely some meaning besides the official statement that it is regarding Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which actually seems like something that needs no further explanation...

20795890? ago

Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a shill.\

Yawn. Low energy. Try harder.

20796556? ago

Heh, everyone who hangs around a dead, backwater conspiracy theory site for TWO PLUS YEARS is a shill, no question.

There is simply no rational explanation for the continued flak. No other collection of supposed dummies gets this kind of attention. You people are the biggest Q proof yet.

20796597? ago

Yet you are the only person spreading division.

You should sign up as a Mossad agent and get paid for your works...

...I mean, why spread division as a Mossad slut when you should be a whore?

20800839? ago

kek, could you point out the "division" I was spreading? kys faggot

You can say with certainty that you couldn't possibly have, that the colour of the lights on one of the most important buildings in the world at a time of great global upheaval means nothing. Anons pick you out like your hair is on fire.

Carry on, shill.

20795487? ago

I love my president

20795402? ago

Whitehouse faces west, congratulations, you found the sunset.

20795967? ago

Your an idiot. Ever heard of the South Lawn. The


Now go back under that rock and evolve

20796648? ago

I'm not a grammarfag but c'mon, man. Insults are important; it's "you'RE an idiot." Spelling matters when you are trying to insult someone's intelligence. It just does.

20797105? ago

Ackshually I think "your an idiot" is the perfect way to say it.

Especially to the guy who thought the White House faces west, rather than north.

20795677? ago

Lol, found the scared pedo.

20795508? ago

Yeah, cunt...this magical sunset shows up only in the middle of the building, the only portion under a roof, that happens to be facing NORTH.

20795146? ago

I love the twitter comment > red October red October send POTUS right over.....

20795040? ago

It's the setting sun...

20795520? ago

Yeah - sunlight only hits the middle of buildings under roofs that face north.

20794982? ago

Is this why Tom Fitton, on Ingram Angle tonight, had a red mouth, like he had been drinking a cherry icee before he went live? :D

20794965? ago

Well... Usually a red light means that prostitutes are available inside..

20795574? ago

less retarded than your thought.

20794900? ago

The time in the photo is 7:00.

700 days from Q's 1st post?

20795067? ago

Wow, I am impressed. They are really doing it right in an extraordinary way.

20794685? ago

You cant all be this stupid? Its clearly being caused by the setting sun.

20798461? ago

nono it's the curvature

20795123? ago

The front of the white house faces north.

20795903? ago

Best place to front any dwelling. The back rooms stay warm. Lol

20794894? ago

Nice try troll, its called red october

You muther fuckers ready to rumble

Cause Trump is about to break it off in obbummers arse.

20797109? ago

Yeah man we'll show that Breast Cancer who's the boss.

20794657? ago

The push for pink every october? follow the money. must be a cash cow, but then allopathic treatment of cancer likely is....

20795145? ago

All charities are fucking corrupt!

20798035? ago

Except, of course, The Human Fund.

20798403? ago


20794290? ago

Just brown-nosing the chicoms on the 70th anniversary of their dictatorship.

20794207? ago

Looks red to me. Red October.

20794078? ago

pink for breast cancer awareness month?

20796297? ago

October 1st, 2019

WH illuminated in pink light tonight marking start of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In proclamation, @POTUS

notes over 3.4-million Americans are battling breast cancer. Says his Administration supports "cutting-edge research" needed to save the lives of breast cancer patients.


20796413? ago

Double meaning.

20796931? ago

Probably not. More discrete ways to send signals, no?

The masses love this shit. Not sure why fucking everything has to have some double meaning.

And by the way, wasn't this scheduled? Anybody bother to find out when this was announced?

20794293? ago

ugh. hope not.

Hate that pink bullshit.

capitalizing off of sickness.

"awareness" my ass.

20794610? ago

More men die of prostate cancer then women do from breast cancer....wheres our awareness month?......just sayin

20796047? ago

damn right... where are my brown lights??!

20798456? ago

"cabin boy, bring me my brown pants!"

20795662? ago

Susan G (((Komen))) Every Single Time.

20795240? ago

Yes but they aren't funded by product-makers directly linked to prostate cancer the way breast cancer awareness is funded by aluminum based anti-perspirant manufacturers and the like.

20795082? ago

Wear a brown ribbon.

20795062? ago

People like titties better than assholes.

20795499? ago

Can confirm.

20795122? ago

understandable to be fair

20794920? ago

yep. exactly.

Breast cancer awareness is a money-making scheme.

That's ALL it is.

20795096? ago

Yep, all those donations get laundered right into their pockets, and using women gets more sympathy donations than men.

20794665? ago


20795085? ago

The movember cash grab. All these national charities are a scam.

20794676? ago

Completely insignificant unless your a Williamsburg hipster douce

20794688? ago

It's big on college campus. Fyi.

20794702? ago

So is anti whiteness

20794715? ago

So is breathing

20798443? ago

"breathing, the original gateway drug"

20794663? ago

Given the choice between dudes butthole awareness month and chicks tits awareness month, I’m fine with things how they are.

20795023? ago

But I want a butthole awareness month... what about my feels

20795108? ago

The feels of your butthole aren’t the nations concern. What you do in your own time is your own business. Tits are a nation priority and deserve our undivided attention.

20797096? ago

Your gynocentrism is showing.

20797163? ago

One nation, one god, one track mind.

20794252? ago

Same thing happened last year.

20794189? ago

'Cept its red not pink

20795277? ago

Somebody was playing with their HSV on the bewb tube. Look at her skin tone.

20794145? ago

Trump does appreciate healthy titties (rightly so)...so it's possible. But the irony. Shit guys...the Vatican police raiding the Vatican Offices before Pompeo visits the Vatican??? This October shit is not a nothing burger...

20795343? ago

Vatican also being the red shoe cult.

20794005? ago

https://tweetsave.com/vellamdalton/status/1179171085402681344 :

Vella Dalton on Twitter: "Nice porch light at the White House this evening. “Red October”! #q #QAnon #RedOctober #realDonaldTrump… "

This has been an automated message.