20800034? ago

People constantly ignore an early Q drop where he says goodbye and will be gone for good. At some point, that drop lines up. We just never made a proper MAP to know when that is.

20799305? ago

SO MANY SHILLS here that don’t TRUST the PLAN or trust Jesus to bring our Prophet Q back to us. If you don’t think he’ll be back then why are you here???

Be gone shills before the Lord smites thee!

20798117? ago

Yea but it's still nice to hear from an old friend from time to time

20796125? ago

Shit post. next!!!!!!!!!

20795430? ago

I've been thinking the same thing. Every Past Q post will prove future.

20795313? ago


'O-O' <

20795216? ago


20795106? ago

have ya all been following along with he place holders?... we just had whistle blowers... Q is still communicating

20794466? ago

He says we have more than we know. Get to work.

20794400? ago

The Great Awakening was that the Qmmers have been had by a prankster. Slowly, they look up and say, "Not again." But yes, they have been conned once again.

DECLAS was supposed to happen over a year ago. The IG report was released over 2 weeks ago. We are not the news.

20794190? ago

Q has a new paper route as his student job

20794142? ago

Q is the leader, the figurehead. Sheep are lost and scattered without him. They WILL NOT research on their own without direction. They WILL NOT stick together without him. All these newly awakened sheep will fade back to sleep. That is fact.

20795230? ago

lol it’s your opinion snowflake.

20797663? ago

That's right you braindead fucking lemming.

20799047? ago

Triggered much? lol

20798797? ago

lemmings don't jump off cliffs, disney throws them off

20794126? ago

If we are the news, then why is all we do drop effing links to other new articles all day long. Every now and then, you will see a post that contains the diggings of someone, but mostly we are just a new aggregate. There once was original content, now there is very little.

20795904? ago

I am posting BOTH.

Original content needs other research to back it up as well and adds weight of the material being presented.

I am doing a lot of original posts, everyday Anon.


20795449? ago

Research matters.

20794281? ago

Shhhh, don't tell the hardcore Qmmers and shills.

20793777? ago

Q promised we would find out his identity so he has to return to make at least one more post at some point.

20798265? ago

Q has said lots of things that never came to pass. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Q fan, but his words are almost never literal truth. I would be willing to bet that we never get confirmation of who posted those things attributed to Q in the same way that Podesta was never arrested.

20796455? ago

Please provide the Q Post where Q team said they would reveal themselves. As far as I can tell, Q only said we wouldn’t believe who was posting. Not that they would reveal themselves. But if I’m wrong, please correct me.

20798785? ago

You are wrong, gladly correcting, bold is mine:



You are learning.

How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.


That sounds specifically like we will learn.

20799466? ago

Thank you for directing me to the correct post. But respectfully, I don’t see how that translates into at least one more Q post. If there is some revelation, it could be in the archives of Presidential papers declassified years from now. Revelation may not be advisable at this time legally. Just speculating. Thank you again for the post number.

20804237? ago

I started responding with the above 918 reference, was not involved in convo prior.

Thus -- I'm not saying "Q will post again" just that, it appears we will learn.

20807783? ago

Thanks for your measured response. Maybe someday! ;-)

20797991? ago

Well Q was a fake anyway, so the question is academic.

20793524? ago

oh god give it a fucking rest this is so gay

20793550? ago

Gay as in happy

20793692? ago

I prefer the term "jovial"

20793054? ago




hows those mass arrests going? The Martial Law? The 90,000 sealed indictments>?

Last years October surprise?

8/chan up and running? Seems like SPECIAL SUPER INSIDE SPIES LIKE Q Could do that? Didn't thet "take down" CIA sattelites, fire AA missiles at a "rouge sub"????



Gee, Trump only has a year left and he's being impeached! Better hurry it up!


How does it FEEL Gomers, left out AGAIN! Poor stupid losers! LOL

NOBODY, but NOBODY care about this juvenile Q bullshit!




20795504? ago


20793461? ago

Like their global-warming and other compatriots before them, they're going to slink off into the background and pretend they never were in that cult.

20792909? ago

Q did imply that we would eventually find out who Q is.

20792816? ago

I really miss Q

20797125? ago

I love the smell of Q Posts in the morning.

Smells like... Victory.

20827532? ago

I like it

20795675? ago

Me too.

20827542? ago

I feel your longing anon :)

20828291? ago

Won't be long now.

20795241? ago

I really miss r/greatawakening. Those were the days...

20827507? ago

Fucking reddit scum. Not you xD

Reddit has the illuminati symbolism


20792779? ago


20792661? ago

Yes, you and all 350 of the average daily QRV users. Wide audience you have!

20792551? ago

While I agree it doesn't truly matter if Q comes back or not, there is still much left to be done. 8Chan wouldn't be regrouping/re-engineering and gaining political capital if this wasn't the case.

Right now we're simply in a state of amazement, watching the Left cannibalize themselves and knowing full well "We got this no matter what". But I'm 99.99% certain Q will be back with bigger announcements than ever before. When pieces of information become public and Q can comment on them/pull excerpts? Are you kidding me.

Q team is going to go absolutely HAM on these Deep State mother fuckers. It's simply a matter of "when".

We've got an entire year before the election.

Enjoy the Show.

20795698? ago

PERFECTLY put. I could not have said it better myself. <

Q is going to smash The Living Daylights out of these people when he is back online.

I am READY too.

Just say when Sir.


20793422? ago

knowing full well "We got this no matter what"

Have you looked at any kind of news lately?

20796525? ago

Yes, have you?

If you think the Ukrainian thing has legs... and is not going to become an even larger BACKFIRE for the Left? You = cray.

20796892? ago

In society in general, the left is increasing their control.

20807135? ago

Quite the opposite actually... do you think the Left is increasing their control based on...? Optics perhaps? Because they're all deleting their own polls faster than they can release the next fabricated accusation.

They have NOTHING and regular people are seeing through the bullshit. Finally.

20815800? ago

Based on their increasing power to control our legal system, their influence over our companies and institutions, and their ability to go full steam ahead with their plans for dominance. Point to one aspect of our society where the left isn't increasing their control.

regular people are seeing through the bullshit.

One of us is living in a bubble, and I'd be thrilled if it were me. Trump isn't even our guy, and yet even his mild non-leftism is only acceptable to the rapidly shrinking white demographic. Unless there's some kind of completely unexpected change, 2024 is when the downhill slide accelerates.

20820616? ago

Unless there's some kind of completely unexpected change

Some of us expect it.

20798706? ago

not what i'm seeing

20815931? ago

This is the problem with filter bubbles. One of us has an inaccurate perception of societal trends. Note that their control of most media, including all our favorites which just happen to have been created by jews in Israel..., gives them the power to make you believe "things are working out". Do you really believe the white population shrinkage has been reversed? Is Texas - and therefore the country - not about to turn blue? What's one thing you can point to that isn't a negative?

20793535? ago


20792492? ago

Special thanks to everyone who digs, connects dots and reports it here. I've learned a few things here that I might not have put together on my own.

20792352? ago

I don't want to be the news. I'm 68 , run a business & my home, am a gramma - I do what I can but it's not much and not enough it seems.

20795910? ago

Every drop counts...

20796298? ago

that's a sweet reply, thank-you

20797076? ago

Here is a fresh decode for you >


20796338? ago

You're welcome.

20793620? ago

Politics is war by another name, and our side is beset by false leaders and complacency. As a female, you shouldn't be expected to give your life for our cause, but there appears to be a shortage of males stepping up.

20795915? ago

I will stand up.


20797116? ago

Give me liberty or give me covfefe.

20797122? ago

Thanks FeFe.

20794059? ago

yes, I hope so too. Thank-you for your kind response.

20792337? ago

Q-post 2314 is a reminder of the unending life and death responsibility the operation to take down the satanic cabal entails. It is a heavy burden. Our collective efforts help in whatever areas our talents lead us. We cannot stop whether the Q-team returns publicly or not.

20792268? ago

Hear, hear!

20792211? ago

Let’s continue shitposting in this echo chamber and watch the cabal fall - KAPOW!

20794360? ago

It's fun to rile up the Boomers and Godtards

20792187? ago

Do you name the Jew in your day to day life?

If not you are not the news.

20798677? ago

by mistake i came up short paying the guy that aligned my car and he said "don't jew me" which i thought was neat

20792074? ago

Q opened the door, we walked through and are playing with all the stuff left behind for us. This is by design. I AM Q

20791980? ago

It's fine as you all say, but I think Q will actually be back with a vengence. For one thing, he/they stated that we will be surprised to learn who we have been speaking with. In part, that statement helped fuel the speculation that Q was in fact JFK Jr. Also 8Chan appears to be waiting for a key moment in time to come back; one that will make sense. While we do have a lot, we don't have the inside view that Q gave us and there's much more to topics such as China and Epstein. Certainly we are all stronger now, but there's plenty to do in the second term.

20795488? ago

Timing is EVERYTHING Anon.

20793433? ago

It's Admiral Rogers, fam...Mark these words...Retirement is GOOD!!!

20795421? ago

Yes, a real possibility fren.

20792359? ago

i agree. Q isn't done by a damn sight!

20791969? ago

I think Q team is a campaign psyop and will drive the 2020 election cycle and those who want to be first to know and identify options in deep state countermeasures, create timely MEMEs, and toolage for information decontamination that corrects false narratives, reinforces cooperative support for anons, autists and pedistrians to find and disseminate truth. The army of digital soldiers is here to hold firm against fake news and digital tyranny. So many unresolved issues, CF, U1, Ukraine corruption, FVEY, servers, so many servers NK, Awan, DNC, HRC, the Wiener laptop, deep state STILL leaks, it will sink U.S. with lost trust. Read evidence into the record during Impeachment hearings. Yet to FISA release, IG report(S), subpoenas against Schiff &co, defang Maxine, AOC and odd squad, Shiela Jackson Lee, Cummings, Nadler, Pelosi, Chuckie, and identify the KEYSTONE to BRING DOWN THE HOUSE. still waiting and all those DNC jackass candidates to derail. Its a heavy burden for one man. I hope Q team returns for the White house Correspondents Dinner toast and roast of our favorite POTUS. Keep a runing tally, PATRIOTS FIGHT PRAY, MEME , ORGANIZE, miles to go before I sleep. Bring down the tech monopolies. Moar BOOM BOOM.

20797982? ago

Q is over. Q has been neutralized.

20792154? ago

I screenshotted your post it’s so great! It’s also the best compendium of everything that needs to be accomplished. Patriots are not summer soldiers.

20793942? ago

Thanks for your kind words. Media has normies so screwed up, they don't know what is fact, or hearsay vs sworn affidavits and official transcripts! We are still divided. Divided we are weak. Together we are strong WWG1WGA. The post above may be an attempt to slide away, loose focus, determination, and acuity. Not for me. The counter punch must be 100x strong and accurate. On the other hand if Q does not continue, we are strong, autonomous, and work in greater and greater numbers every day. Many of us have enough clarity to continue, gathering intel, decipher the non-sense, help others understand and growing our ranks. Freedom or socialism VOAT 2020?

20796403? ago

I’m with you, Patriot. WWG1WGA!!

20795850? ago

I like you Sir. I Salute you. <

20800597? ago


20803252? ago

You made it!

20791897? ago

We are Q.

20791892? ago

I'd prefer that Q legitimately return, at least until the MSM is cleaned. There needs to be some hint of what is actually happening, besides politically correct and mild statements and tweets from POTUS.

20791829? ago

Honestly, if POTUS doesnt actually change anything, I'm gonna vote for Bernie, at least he's attacking the billionaire cabalists openly

20792147? ago

Fuck you. That moron has been in Congress and gubmint jobs for decades upon decades, and what has he done for the country? Nothing. Suddenly he throws the primary for hillary and breaks two fifty for the first time in his life. Now he's a "millionaire" ( whoops, how'd that happen while in congress?), and has multiple houses like a proper power hungry socialist leader. But he's against muh billionaires, mkay. Negro please.

20792192? ago

What the fuck has Trump accomplished in his life? You must have a degree from Trump University. All Trump's shit is literally made in fuckin China....wanna talk commie traitor, its Trump. Trump has been POTUS for 3 yrs already and hasnt accomplished shit. Oh but muh unemployment rate...ya, when you get paid so little you end up having to work like 2-3 jobs just to survive in debt? Thanks Trump!!!

Bernie might be a milionaire, but he isn't a biliionaire who oppressed his workers. So many workers arent even treated humanely, meanwhile Trump is wearing Made in China hats and ties on a Scottish golf course all on your dime. Thanks Trump!!!

20792446? ago

I make as much as Bernie does, there’s no way I can afford his three houses an Audi R8 - he’s a fucking corrupt millionaire who does not get his money by working, like I do, but being bought - he’s a corrupt, lying POS

20792572? ago

What are you talking about? Bernie has written multiple best selling books and makes 6 figures annually. Oh and wait, he has released ALL of his financial documents publicly including his tax returns. He has NOTHING to hide. It is all there for the public to see. You can even look it up yourself.

Meanwhile, fucking Trump hasn't released any of his financial documents. I wonder how much money he refused to pay in taxes by sheltering it in foreign countries?? How many financial improprieties with Trump University?? Trump literally schmoozed and boozed with the Clintons, Epstein, and all the corrupt Washington/Hollywood elites, but you think he is honest and hard working all of a sudden KEK. How fucking retarded are you? He hasnt done shit for us.

Trump wants to blame the Bidens and Clintons for nepotism? Umm, Ivanka's little fashion company literally makes everything in China and is somehow magically exempt from tariffs. Jared Kushner was literally caught selling fucking visa to China. But hey, Trump is a hero.

20791709? ago

You already lost. You believe in Boogeyman, same reason you loves Jews and believe 9/11.

Get fucked

20791828? ago

How much do Muslim brotherhood handlers pay post/comment?

20791629? ago

there's no plan. none of you fucks will get off your couches to fight and show force a la france or poland or hong kong etc...we are fucked.

20793682? ago

To be fair, war is a young mans game, and most Qultists have aged out. It's a really bad sign that the kids are looking to senior citizens to save them.

20794399? ago

to be even more fair, it's the senior citizens that fucked this country and countless others. it's only right that they unfuck it. youngsters are willing to help.

20792057? ago

Q is jesus 2.0!

20791561? ago

I am alright with that too.

So much has been going on all over the world lately. This is going to be a very busy month. Too busy for Q to post. I'm alright with that, because they are taking down the deep state.

I would also be alright if he shows up next month, if he wants. Either way, I can see the progress now. That's what I wanted most.

20791458? ago

Hi. We are never far away.


20791425? ago

Q was a place holder for us, We are the news now.

20791421? ago

What Did He set up the patriots flight boards for?

20791448? ago

We can fill in the blanks. They are markers.

20791420? ago

Yup. Training wheels are off...let's ride!!!

20793952? ago

MacArthur returned. Stop yer bellyaching. No Baatan march going on.

20793077? ago

Godspeed, boys! I'm not where you guys are yet. Unfortunately there was one thing I can't compromise on. The arrest of the Clintons and several others. While they are still free the rule of law is broken. And I refuse to support the government that won't/can't fix it

20795461? ago

This is so much bigger than the Clintons. Stop being so small minded. They are clown fish swimming with sharks. Arresting them will not accomplish anything in the long term.

20795621? ago

they were my line in the sand. we were told by comey that Hillary Clinton was not held to the same standards of behavior that we were. I mean, everyone knows it. but to have that sonovabitch sit there and explain it......sorry. the systems broken until shes in orange.

20798641? ago

"orange woman bad" kek

20798883? ago


20795757? ago


20795801? ago

we'll see I guess. though ive been saying those words for a long time.frankly i'm baffled by this resistance to the new world order that were seeing. I welcome it, but I didn't think the American people had it in them to even get trump back in office.

20795954? ago

Go time. That's why Anon. The line was crossed long ago, and action was required.

This has ALL been planned for A VERY long time indeed.

We couldn't let it go any further.

Literally the Eleventh Hour.

Thank GOD for President TRUMP. POTUS. <

20796511? ago

Maybe I'm from Missouri and must be shown

20791863? ago

Lol. Okay.

20792925? ago

Yes...VoaT is no longer of use or value. We have what we need — time to leave base and start our mission excursion.

20793327? ago

I suggest staring with leftist "journalists", just to get your feet wet. The bigger fish will come later.

20795471? ago

On it. Australia first for me. A big focus ATM.

20791248? ago

How can we be the news, when all media is controlled by the DS? Writing here on voat for 16k subs?

20797955? ago

Indeed. The defeat of Q was sobering for many here.

20795437? ago

It only takes one or two clear, honest, and persistent posters regularly sharing the TRUTH straight up that makes us VERY influential indeed.

Do NOT underestimate us.

20793451? ago

The medias are owned and controlled by jews. Call them what they are and quit with this "deep state" nonsense. UNTIL YOU NAME THEM WE CANNOT SET THINGS STRAIGHT!

20797664? ago

Found the lonely, pathetic, nazi fucker. ^^^^^^^

20799423? ago

Found the pedo jew!

20803400? ago

Haha. Dumb fuck. You’re dead wrong about both obviously. Just because I don’t hate Jews, doesn’t mean I am one. I’m just not a dumb racist redneck. I’m a white, male, Christian that could give a fuck about everyone all the same. The “Deep State” is both Republican and Democrat; they are Muslims, Jews, and Christians; they are both black and white. Fuck off with your ignorant ass.

20803683? ago

I’m just not a dumb racist redneck.

haha I knew you would out yourself, jew boy. and there is the anti-white jew post. Rednecks will out-smart you, out-fight you, out-drive you, out-fuck you, out-drink you, out-think you, yankee pussy kike.

I’m a white, male, Christian that could give a fuck

You say "I'm a Christian", then use the word "fuck" in the same sentence. haha What a fucktard jew degenerate.

The “Deep State” is both Republican and Democrat

You pathetic zio Qtard. Dems/Repubs are both owned by jews and israel. Just how fucking dumb are you, anyways?

they are Muslims, Jews, and Christians; they are both black and white

The ones who help the jews are called either zionist shabbos goy slaves. Jews own and control almost everything. They did it by way of The Federal Reserve. Control a nations money.

Fuck off with your ignorant ass.

Either you are a boomer or a zionist shill. Or maybe you really are a dumb sheep.

Have a nice day, Goldwater https://files.catbox.moe/wsxoap.jpg

20795960? ago

I know a lot of Jewish people, none of them hate anyone.

You want to see the face of hate? Look in the mirror.

You're full of it.

20797974? ago

The Jews are doing what they’re doing not out of hate but because they genuinely feel it’s best, which is more dangerous.

20795988? ago

Just because one of the poisonous snakes in the den aren't biting matters not to me.

20793680? ago

You’re in the wrong place sir. Kindly fuck off with your nazi bullshit.

20795808? ago


20794377? ago

Fuck off, kike.

20791923? ago

By talking to ppl not on voat.

20793543? ago

There are a lot more women on here than you probably realize, and we are red-pilling. I do understand the OP. I miss Q, but honestly, it got easier as time went on, and maybe more importantly, there was no way for the deep state to blame Q for FFs.

20794743? ago

They're holding off on false flags until 8chan comes back online.

I'm willing to bet within 1-2 weeks after it's up, there will be more FFs.

20792443? ago

Done done done and done. They all know. Everyone in my life now KNOWS. I have 2 retard holdout brothers. Too embarrassed about how wrong they've been -vs- how right I've been all these years

20793403? ago


20792414? ago


20797966? ago

No, not the dog too. Just the women.

20791872? ago

Yup, think my time is done here too.

20791161? ago

I also believe Q is over. Its time for arrests. There doesn't seem to be any point to continuing Q if there are no arrests, or any point in continuing Q if there are either.

20793070? ago

When Hillary is in another presidential debate with Trump instead of jail next year, then you will have all you need to know that Q was a bunch of fucking bullshit.

20793353? ago

20793070? 17 minutes ago

Q-proof confirmed.

20791504? ago

Won't happen. It's been a constant stream of "BOOM" and "arrests imminent" since the beginning and fuck all has happened.

Remember that video evidence of Huma and Hillary dancing with a kid's face that was going to be imminently released? Remember november declas that was to bring down the house? Remember hillary's arrest being imminent?

It's a hoax. It was always a hoax. You fell for it and spent years passive and doing nothing except watch cringy videos on bitchute with overly pompous music.

20792382? ago


20792194? ago

I've learned a lot and I don't watch the cringy vids so not all for nothing.

20791639? ago

Remember how this whole Q stuff started with prediction dates and the arrest of Hillary? "Shills" remember.

20792213? ago

Thanks, that is something, but my interest is in corrupt judges getting their comeuppance.

20795888? ago


20791134? ago

What exactly is it you are going to do?

20792068? ago

Eat Doritos and watch sportsball.

20791127? ago


20792427? ago


20791683? ago

This would actually be incredibly easy. With how 8ch works each tripcode is usually unique to the device it sent from, but Ron could manually type in and assign a certain tripcode to someone if he wants to. Besides that quarter of a million grant from the US government directly after that closed congressional shit happened and everyone said it was Q that gave them the money then stopped looking at the more obvious possibilities.

20792204? ago

Research: Black Knight satellite

20793158? ago

Can't you just give a quick rundown, what I talked about wouldn't be anything near as complicated as using a satellite. Form your own arguments for or against please.

20791114? ago

Reread Q drops, get lost in some rabbit holes!