20781701? ago

Anything happen with this or is it a bunch of bull poopy?

20781509? ago

Don't buy this crap.

20779551? ago

Nothing. Not even a nothing burger. Well maybe a nothing white castle.

One highlight though- Joe Piscopo when commenting on recent SNL show said that when:

Mckinnon portrays Elizabeth Warren waving here arms while running, it was like watching a female Jerry Lewis impression.

20781403? ago

Yes. Typical glownigger LARP.

Even had DoD card and lanyard

20779417? ago

Well? What happened?

Nothing? Not surprised.

Probably a psyop to figure out which one of you cunt bags reposts this shit on Twitter

20779785? ago

Eh I only tweet to HRC.

Started in 2015 and old habits die hard.

They never banned me so I half think the skunt reads them and taps her fingers together w her KKK memorabilia surrounding her murmuring “Fool!”

20777386? ago

Side note: I love living in Missouri. Took me 25 minutes to buy my CCW.

20780538? ago

That's great. But you don't need it. Missouri is a constitutional carry state. However, if you want interstate reciprocation, great move!

20778257? ago


20777008? ago

Some more data ....https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/minneapolis-based-pohlad-family-acquires-par-systems-from-mml-capital-partners-300547436.html

20776654? ago

I want to believe

20776464? ago

Does Klobuchar have a family member who is a senator? Tulsi Gabbard's father is a HI State Senator. Her name was also listed under members of the CFR, until it was outed on twatter and her name was removed two days later.

20776249? ago

More corrupted jews.

20776074? ago

Anyone else remember in 2017 a lot of elites were posting #flyeaglesfly on twitter (notably, LDR and Chelsea Clinton). Maybe they were tipped off about the Eagles super bowl "win" ahead of time?

Also noteworthy, the owner of the Eagles (Jeff Lurie) is apparently in with cabal members. He was married in Europe and Rothschilds etc attended...

20775942? ago

Great Thread! We'll see @ 3.

20775746? ago

has anyone trolled klobuchar yet

20776010? ago

'til now, it hasn't been worth it.

20776364? ago

hahah true

20775486? ago

Fake and Gay.

20774611? ago

Sure would be nice to see it really happen.

Sure would be nice.

20774604? ago

yup saw that post last night very interesting indeed.

20774455? ago

'The subcontractor is fully owned by a shell company which shares a physical location with it but with two different street addresses, wich are actually on two different streets because it's a corner facility, very smart'

Wow, just like Oswald working for 'Fair Play for Cuba' in the same building as the CIA brass plate company owned by Clay Shaw.

20774681? ago

"Me & Lee" was a fascinating book!

20774707? ago

Also, the WTC was packed with CIA brass plate companies.

20789558? ago

the WTC was packed with CIA brass plate companies>

Along with a lot of explosives!

20777881? ago


20774407? ago

A federal LE training facility is nearby?

20774058? ago

Larry Johnson has been implying it is more figged than we realize.

20774371? ago

How so

20774568? ago

He was saying so on his twitter feed. He was also calling out the Freemasons for pushing the trans agenda into the NFL and NBA.

20775241? ago

Holy shit thats pretty ballsy. I don't follow any sportsball, but sounds like the (media) will destroy him if he isn't a nobody by now.

20775301? ago

Yeah, he is really calling them out. It is great!

20775890? ago

Interesting how after he called out Newton ... Newton has to take a break from


20781691? ago

Perhaps a lot of them will be taking a break from professional sports. I mean, if it is rigged and/or if they got caught up in the sick cabal games.

20773870? ago

I’d like to punch that bitch.

20777576? ago

Had a chance at a parade a couple years back. Wasn't on my game...

Afterwards I got thinking this "I'm surprised you're running again! Wow, you must either be really clean for a career politician, or really bad at making deals"...

Oh well, Hindsight and sealed indictments. Why make myself a target?

20773775? ago


Yale, which pretty much means CIA.

20773766? ago

Guess we will know how true it is based on the distraction events today. What will it be. Fake shooting, more fake bomb threats?...

20774763? ago

this could be the distraction.... takes attention away from Biden and only sacrifices a candidate that wasn't going anywhere anyway

20778157? ago

Good possibility.

20776005? ago

Klobuchar's a pawn, I like that thought.

20773754? ago

Why would you give them time to assassinate you lmao

20773751? ago

If, IF this is true, huge. But WTF does it always get announced prior to release? Release the fucking info, then point it out to everyone.... or is it too late after release because the net gets scrubbed?

20776927? ago

Because it causes pre buzz and confirms the leakers validity. Their story cant be spun later.

20774049? ago

Maybe the are letting the cat out of the bag early so White Hats can watch what they do...how they react...who they contact..get all the players involved..

20774149? ago

Good point.

Observation: my liberal friend doesn't care about any "leaked" info. All they care about is what the media tells them. They're hopelessly lost. The longer this charade goes on without a high-profile arrest, the more convinced "orange man really is bad". Its disheartening.

20778051? ago

When that thought crosses my mind, I think of Q saying they won't be able to walk the streets safely.

20782090? ago

They already don't walk the streets. When the last time youve seen any of them walking the streets?

20778071? ago

I'll keep that in mind. It'll take time to get there. Thx

20774779? ago

I hold out hope it’s going to get so absurd, most will start ignoring the MSM and believe stuff when it happens.

20773712? ago

Everything that matters happened in that year of 1947

Dan Quayle (Quail) will have a rough week.

When does a BIRD SING???


Peace and love patriots.

20778089? ago

Remember Cheney got shot too while Quail hunting? Yep, just friendly fire.

20773897? ago

That was cool when got shot hunting with bush.

20773686? ago

Council on Foreign Relations and Google listed, amongst others https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/contributors?cid=N00027500&cycle=2020&type=P

20777314? ago

This sounds like the model explained in Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

20773968? ago

Shes a member of the CFR.

20775993? ago

CFR and CoC are two organizations plotting the demise of USA.

20777457? ago

I know :) CFR is the illuminati/Cabal/NWO political arm in the US.

20773678? ago

Timing is right because:


20773555? ago

Would be interesting if it is true. When I first started reading it, it sounded very similar to a scenario involving JFK's assasination. We'll see how it ages.

20773478? ago

If this is true, the Shit is going to really start hitting them blades. When it rains...

20773653? ago

Why? Nobody cares about Klobuchar

20773864? ago

Then why is she running for president?

20778104? ago

For the protection it affords.

20773781? ago

As a "start the ball rolling" event. But when the biguns start going down. Like everything till now, it is getting it out there.

And, large connections to powerful people siphoning our wealth off.

20773496? ago

It pours shit? Kek

20774834? ago

Shit clouds Rando. Shit clouds.

20773387? ago

Also this...

 Anonymous (ID: RjbALlW5)  09/30/19(Mon)05:55:20 No.228263830▶

228263988 >>228264170 >>228264182 >>228264827 >>228270479


Because it doesn’t just involve a good chunk of our defense budget going directly into the pockets of SUPER commies, it also involves the big four sports being fake and controlled by liberals. People are going to fucking lose it, you think movies and tv shows keep mentally unstable people from fucking losing it, sports, sports keep large mentally unstable men with guns from losing it.

20774335? ago

Sports organizations are filled with trannys, satanists, and traitors. The fact that their kneeling protest was ever tolerated shows their attempt at schooling the public in marxist ideology.

20773617? ago

If sports is rigged wouldn’t there be whistleblowers

20784777? ago

How many people have worked for Coca Cola?

What is the recipe?

20781926? ago

the whistle blowers are the ones who rig the games lolol

20782162? ago

This larp failed

20776303? ago

The whistleblowers are the ones who rig it. Pun definatly intended

20776000? ago

There have been - but they're ignored. One wrote a book about corruption in the NBA. My brother-in-law played for the Celtics & is a name you would all know. His wife read a book about rigging of games - how refs would place bets amongst themselves with the loser being the one who first had to call a foul in the game - other stuff that went on. She attended all the home games - and remembered seeing some (unexplained) calls that were described in the book. It's been going on for years - he played in the 80's and 90's. Why would anyone think (((they))) would ignore professional sports and all the big money there?

20774928? ago

If sports is rigged then what are the gamblers going to say?

People will die.

20774898? ago

there have been whilstleblowers.

20774344? ago

Maybe they are forced to visit epstein island, (or hugh Hefner's west coast honeypot) so they can have blackmail over anyone involved. No ones gunna whistleblow when they know theres a video of them fucking a kid hanging above them...

20774271? ago

The "NO Call" in the NFC Championship between the NO Saints and LA Rams, sealed it for me. This was after the miraculous missed tackle the year before against the Vikings in the last play of the game and the way the treated the NO Coach in "Bounty Gate". Suspended the head coach for a year. Funny how "story lines" work out. The "Patriots win the SB after 911, the Saints win ,(One), after Katrina and so on.

20774194? ago

Read the books; Interference and Larceny Games. Both about corruption is sports from the very start.

Bread and Circusses to say the least.

20781996? ago

Hey, are the 49ers gonna beat the Browns?

20774122? ago

Whistleblowers? Nope. (unless you are referring to the Referees that, you know, blow ACTUAL whistles...?)

Nay Frien.

Ask yourself this: > Why would anyone kill The Goose that Laid The Golden Egg?

They are ALL in on it. It's the dirty little secret about sport, among others.

Take care.

Kind regards.

20773994? ago

it is beyond rigged, even the nfl claims it is 'entertainment' and admits it has latitude to determine the outcomes ..


scroll to second article by the nytimes that has been completely scrubbed from the internet

20774042? ago

Completely scrubbed? With a link to it? Is it an archive?

20774347? ago

I dunno, did you CLICK it?

20774392? ago

I did. But hit the back button. Real quick like. Lol

20774399? ago

Probably doesn't matter at that point

20773958? ago

As a life-long Browns' fan, this makes sense. I have known something was up these last 20 years.

They didnt suck and make horrendous draft decisions; it was all the gubbernent.

20774317? ago

The Mistakes by the Lake. Bills, Browns, Lions, Etc.

20773895? ago

With sports better becoming legalized in all 50 stats. Those with knowledge may stay quiet as they benefit from internal knowledge.

20773867? ago

Not if they are kept in the dark as in nobody lower than owners and managers and coaches and select officials also the instant replay officials. I hope sports does get called out. Can't stand them.

20774352? ago

Can you throw a football over those mountains though?

20778259? ago

Don know what your insinuating but sure if it's scripted.

20779669? ago

I still don't know. Broke back mountain or some sheit.

20773784? ago

Non disclosure agreements probably tied to every contract, player or staff, open your mouth and lose all your $

20774125? ago


20773338? ago

Here is the intro post on 4ch by the DoD Anon

What anons concluded was that the DoD Anon was referring to Amy Klobuchar. Klobuchar has had very close ties to the Pohlad family.

The Pohlad family are one of the wealthiest families in the US. Notably, they produced subversive, propaganda films like Brokeback Mountain and 12 Years A Slave using their production company River Road Entertainment.

The Pohlad's also own the Minnesota Twins and used to co-own the Minnesota Vikings. Notably, Klobuchar's father was a sportswriter (aka paid shill for the Twins). She wrote her college thesis on the history of the HHH Metrodome, which is where the Twins used to play in Minneapolis. This thesis was eventually turned into a book.

Of course, the Pohlad's supported Hillary Clinton.

The ties are close between Klobuchar and the Pohlads, with Chris Pohlad (one of the grandsons) working on Amy's senatorial staff in DC. One of Amy's secretaries (referred to by DoD Anon as Amy's version of "Huma Abedin") got married to Chris Pohlad. So we have confirmation that Klobuchar is in with the Pohlads, who are based out of Minneapolis, where Klobuchar was once the top prosecutor.

2 years ago, the Pohlads purchased PaR Systems, an engineering firm with multiple subsidiaries (aka shell companies). Anons managed to identify one of these subsidiaries Jered LLC, which appears to be the company with the warehouses in Brunswick, GA. Jered LLC is a confirmed contractor for the Navy.

Interestingly, PaR's subsidiaries are also involved in cranes used at Chernobyl in Ukraine.

DoD Anon states that he (or someone) will go public with this at 15:30 CST today.

Take it for what it's worth.

20785943? ago

Correction: He said 14:30 CST...

Anonymous (ID: KKpU69En) 09/30/19(Mon)06:22:02 No.228265461▶>>228265711 >>228265723 >>228265951 >>228268685 >>228269082

File: 736963CC-AED0-4A0C-8381-A(...).jpg (9 KB, 224x224)

9 KB


14:30 CST.

Fox News, I’ll be on TV.

20785893? ago

DoD Anon said 14:30 CST I thought.

20777804? ago

Of course, the Pohlad's supported Hillary Clinton.

Missing word. The Pohlad's what supported her? And which?

20776646? ago

thank you for this - even if this doesnt apply in this situation I'm guessing there's a lot of this going on - makes me ill.

20776298? ago

DoD Anon states that he (or someone) will go public with this at 15:30 CST today on Fox News.

I don't see anywhere that is stated??

20773923? ago

While the news may be true, the 4ch poster's subsequent posts make him come across as a LARP. Just my $.02.

20773842? ago

Thank you!

20773788? ago

He says we should get a gun.

20774633? ago

annie/amy, what's the difference? :) don't like mondays

20773683? ago

Hot damn. Op wasn’t a faggot. This is amazing.

20778155? ago

We'll see. 15:30 cst is coming up soon. Either way, op is probably still a faggot, though.

20778890? ago

Honestly, out of all the 100's of datefagging i've seen, not one has come to fruition.Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

20781676? ago

A called the arrest of the Austin bomber, and making peace with NK, and the Saudi coup.

20782397? ago

I didn't mean Q, I'm talking about all these other anon datefags.

20783120? ago

Ah, I see. I’ve been having trouble typing for some reason. I meant Q, but you got that.

20773388? ago

Great work. Anons are amazing Patriots!

20774216? ago

Quid Pro Joe...

20773373? ago
