20772795? ago

Fellow Patriots!

As we walk in the valley of death WE shall fear no evil!

No matter how many people seem to be againt Q and us worldwide,

trust yourself!

open your eyes! do not think these people are the majority or have REAL power!

just look at the TRUMP ARMY

1 US patriot president

1 million standing army (armageddon capabilities)

800000 reserve vets

20 million ar15 owners (civilian militia posse cometatus)

unknown number of digital soldiers (Qanon USA, Qarmy japan etc etc)communications

what does the other side have...

paper money


mkultra victims (weak minded)

as a vet myself and experienced combat, what power does a major general have when no one listens, when no one is afraid of the consequences of not listening, one officer vs whole platoon

be weary of those who tell us to be afraid.

the hunter has become the hunted

the real treat is exposure of an evil truth that for humanity's sake needs to be revealed (apocalypse)

not a political or banking system used to control us

a spiritual war used to drain us...

the rabbit hole is oh so deep

Trump UN speech near the end, mention of something "ancient"

20772994? ago

Excelent. The cabal are depending on traitors, satanic infested immigrants and antipanty basement dwellers. We have the best and brightest patriots and warriors on the planet. The cabal wish they could be us.

20772563? ago

Every letter above is ridiculous.

For starters, the assumption that thousands of military personnel could coordinate such a thing without using email, cellphones and communicating with each other in such a way that would notify the NSA of their plot, or that they could keep it a secret.

20772547? ago


This is absolutely an outrage. Hoiw many more like her indeed.

Yes. Thinking deeply about Red October now, and will DIG as requested.

Thank you.

20772554? ago

You are welcome. And there is so much more. Ive been on one heck of a rabbit trail all day. Good hunting.

20771578? ago

SC National Guard officer; they should pull her commission for this.

20771258? ago

I said it from the beginning... THE MILITARY AND THE COPS ARE NOT ON YOUR SIDE. DO NOT FUCKING TRUST THEM. Sure sure some of them are good guys. You have to understand though, they will be destroyed then replaced. Most of them will tow the line because if they don't they will be tossed in the gutter with us to get sent to the gulag. Believe me when I say they will destroy us all to protect themselves.

20771070? ago

....this highly-trained black nigger woman combat war officer

Don't blame blacks for problems caused by niggers.

20770875? ago
