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20752017? ago

TY. We have prepped pretty well. Natural to do here in the sticks with unpredictable weather. We hunt too and just put our kit together. Oct 10 bambi watch out!

20752796? ago

don't tell the 16 plus deer that are a family unit every day mowing the grass outside my back deck every day. they cant hunt them here we only hit them in our cars because there is so many.

20754418? ago

hmm... to deer whistle, or not to deer whistle? we nailed a deer in NH last year and then, put deer whistles on all our cars.

but if ya can't hunt, then, ya hunt with your two-ton directed projectile! :)

20752591? ago

Damn that's an early deer season!

Having a deer steak for lunch today.

20753083? ago
