20749176? ago

Welcome to the World of the Real

20748869? ago

Welp we've been dealing with satanic commie blood thirsty murdering vampires. So nothing to feel bad about.

20752711? ago

See that's exactly right. The thing is...ok so I want to a Catholic church recently. I was brought up Catholic, and...well basically now, i feel like i can go anywhere and worship. And I went to confession in order to be prepared to take communion--it's a catholic thing. You're not supposed to go to communion while not in a "state of grace." I dug as deeply as I could while in the confessional. And, from a human perspective, I'm not a commie bloodthirsty baby-killing vampire. But in God's eyes it doesn't matter. You're either washed clean or you're not. And the verse that says, "they confess me with their lips but their hearts are far from me" haunts me.

But you combine Planned Parenthood with Epstein and NXIVM, then look at all the population control they force on us like GMO foods and homosexuality, along with normalizing other whacked out gender confusion issues, and then look at what the press does--how it TRAINS people, and the attacks on Christianity, the Flag, the National Anthem...this IS A FUCKING WAR. And while our primary struggle is not against flesh and blood--the assholes who refuse to see and still vote for this shit are AT WAR WITH HUMANITY.

I'm not supposed to judge. It's not my place. I'm supposed to pray and love. But we're talking a level of provocation here that is....like nothing we've ever seen before. Talk about cognitive dissonance...

20748800? ago

evil walks in many forms there are evil Dems and evil Repubs their day will happen in the meantime we are all getting fat eating all this popcorn.

hang in there.

20748693? ago

Start hating Jews and you'll finally wake up and see the truth.

20752838? ago

See...you make my point for me...the frustration at seeing Jews pump our children full of lies in order to destroy our society and country is infuriating. I understand the role the Jews have had in bringing America to its knees. I get that Epstein was probably Mossad, and that Weinstein is part of MEGA. I get that, every time I see a Jew call for abortion in this country and say that abortions need to be limited in Israel (Chuck Schumer), we're seeing the anti-Christian, anti-American hatred. But it wasn't JUST Jews who voted Schumer into office. It's every democrat who voted for him because they can't think critically.

So I'm stuck between...I have to pray for these people and....they are trying to destroy everything I love, and at this point, they are pretty open about it.

These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.--this verse scares the hell out of me.

If I were to give in to this hatred of democrats (which includes their Jewish puppet masters), I'd be NO DIFFERENT than the Jews who hate us (Christians, Patriots). So I don't. I pray for them. But in my heart? I get down on my knees every night before Yeshua and ask forgiveness and help getting through this.

20748252? ago

"God's wrath does not often come as a lighting bolt from the sky,

it usually comes from the closed fist of a righteous man."

20747808? ago

I fucking...HATE...democrats.

Jesus preached love, yet he was the first to fly into a fit of rage and physically attack the greedy Jews, referring to them as sub-human, during the Cleansing Of The Temple.

That said, Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:42 and Luke 17:2 all express those who harm children will receive a worse fate than being drowned in the sea... so it's clear Jesus does not want such acts to happen, which invites us to do everything we can to stop the monsters.

I fucking...HATE...democrats.

Hate can be a healthy motivator if managed in an emotionally mature way. All people feel hate - what matters is how you cope with that emotion.

I think the trick is not to feed your hate, but to feel it and process it responsibly. Suppressing emotions rather than embracing them can lead to mental illness.

We know how Jesus dealt with the Jews at the Cleansing Of The Temple. I wonder how Jesus would react to Israel becoming one of the world's largest child sex trafficking hubs and (((Mossad))) using (((Epstein))) style orgy island child rape extortion honeypots to turn powerful politicians and CEOs into (((Mossad))) puppets, forcing them to aid the Jews in their greed and power driven, white-genocide Zionist agenda?

I doubt He would be forgiving.

20752917? ago

The verse, "these people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me" scares the hell out of me.

And that's exactly why I posted this--suppression was hurting me. But I still know it's not right. The thing about Jesus in the Temple...he was fulfilling scripture--Zeal for your house will consume me. For me it's zeal for Your People, this country, everything that's good...definitely stuck between rock and hard place.

You get it. You see both sides. I definitely need to be around more real Christians and spend less time on Twitter (which just feeds the hate).

20758377? ago

This is a spiritual struggle

Agreed, although I've yet to find a Jew that didn't act like a Son of Satan... who didn't look me in the eyes and push the holocaust hoax and lie about (((their))) antichrist religion and their Satanic Talmud. Who doesn't start shrieking "antisemite!!!" during honest discussions about Mossad and Epstein's orgy island child rape extortion honeypot, (((their))) Satanic and seditious white genocide ownership of our mainstream media and all the "humanitarian" foundations (((they've))) used to destroy western civilization or how Jew politicians vote like a single, treasonous hive-mind for open-borders, gun-control and anything else that hurts America. They ALWAYS defend child rapists, mass murderers, treason, corruption, war crimes and killing Christians if these Satanic actions were committed by a Jew.

20747668? ago

Forgive .then you will free yourself

20747832? ago

Easy to say...not easy for me to do.

20751099? ago

I know.. Just decide then work with it as it comes up it's a process..

20748001? ago

6687 id is guilty. Forgiving evil is bullshit. Evil and those who commit it and permit it need to be locked up and destroyed.

20751948? ago

And so you know nothing of freedom.. Forgiveness stops the hate in the person forgiving.

20753465? ago

Forgiveness doesn't stop the criminal from abusing anyone else, and it frees them to do it more, so you're advocating no punishment?

20772637? ago

I didnt say anthing about punishment. I spoke about Forgiveness.

20753017? ago

He doesn't know Christ. From a human perspective, I get where he's coming from. I agree with his final statement, but not from a place of hate--gotta get my heart back in line with Christ.

20772629? ago

Yes with the highest part of us

20747597? ago

Not mentioning the jew, because a jew wrote this

20747801? ago

Only if I'm an ingrafted branch. You can tell the fake Jew shills when they start calling people fags and niggers.

20747518? ago

Hate the game, not the player.

20747981? ago

fear is also an expression of deep care, whether rational or not. Not caring at all is the opposite: disregard, negligence, omitting thoughtlessness. see ... no love, hate or fear at all.

20749213? ago

Absolutely, if you didn't care you just wouldn't do anything.

When you do care, your action can be live or fear based. Love is good, fear is not, to put it simply.


20747827? ago

What's happening is, I'm always holding it back. And I don't think that's healthy. That's partly why I wrote this...just to let it out.

20749238? ago

Do you talk about your political opinions (or, I should say your Q/"conspiracy theory" opinions) openly?

I do. Lots of people laugh, but a few will look further into what I say and come back later with "I thought you were crazy but it's true!".

I find being open about it to be a weight off my shoulders.

20752558? ago

Not too often...mostly on facebook, I'll take some of the more flagrant Q proofs and post them. Or I'll take that video of the guy walking the line of people trying to get into a Trump rally with a Q sign...and seeing all the reactions. But if I do, I do so usually mocking the leftists like...calling Q a conspiracy theory is liking calling a tractor trailer an apple.

20747441? ago

It's not unChristian to hate evil, to loathe evil, to have evil utterly destroyed. All of these poor souls are agents of evil. We must pray for them to change their hearts, but we can rebuke their actions. The fact is in nearly 60 years on this earth I have not seen evil so unharnessed and so unabashed in its open war on people who are trying to foster a better world. Trump has worked so hard on so many fronts, but if we just focus on his administrations efforts to protect children from the evil of trafficking and pedophilia and consider how relentlessly the evil has battered him, we can see what is at stake---the soul of our nation, the soul of the free world. Guard your heart carefully and keep love in it, but don't let your Christian benevolence keep you on the sidelines in this terrific and vital fight against pure, unadulterated evil. Faith, pray and conviction to do right will see us all through. Don't forget Christ gained dominion with the resurrection and God wins.

20747854? ago

And he said to her, I am the Resurrection and the Life. God wins in the end, but before that, I can see where what's happening now, especially with the Jews in Israel and the Pope, we're in store for a rough ride. This current Pope is almost as bad as our democrats--a wolf in sheep's clothing, trying to make Christ vanish and bring about a one-world religion. Trump and hopefully his family are a reprieve. We need the Israelis to repent and accept Yeshua, or at least I feel like we do. We need the remnant.

Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.

2 Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins.

3 The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

4 Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:

5 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

20748346? ago

I don't have a home church anymore....it's all compromised with lies. Q turned me back to the Bible and I read with new eyes.

20752457? ago

I don't either. I tried going to one recently and got ambushed by people I knew in High School (whom I didn't recognize). I feel like I can walk into any church and worship, but I also feel like not a single one of them has all the answers (like they pretend to). My temple is right here.

20747372? ago

Sounds fake.

20747318? ago

Still too transparent. C+

20749140? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3399914 Some banker people connected with 'The Grotto' funded some of the original BlackHat Hacker groups? They liked the Shah. What are M.O.V.P.E.R, a Babylon mix of Zoroastrianism & Islam?

20747807? ago

Look at the very bottom comment and guess again.

20747311? ago

I smell shillery

20747274? ago

There have been so many days that only my belief kept me from being overcome with hate and discontent. If I was ever good, I want to be good still. This thought resonates with me:

Psalm 3:7

Arise, Lord!

Deliver me, my God!

**Strike all my enemies on the jaw;

break the teeth of the wicked.**

8 From the Lord comes deliverance.

May your blessing be on your people.

20747823? ago

It's only late at night, when I'm quiet and I remember that without Christ's blood, all my good deeds are as filthy rags before God, that I can put it down sometimes. By my own standard, the democrats are filth. By God's standard, without Christ, we're all filth.

20747861? ago

I'm old enough to remember it before I speak almost half the time. ;) I'm painfully aware of the three finger rule, every time I point at behavior I hate, three fingers point back at me, and I know they're correct, that trait exists in me. Like, I catch myself condemning judgmental people...and I realize what that makes me... I'm too easily corruptible, and really want to know what incorruptibility on a global scale would be like. Without Jesus, I'd have no hope for anything but the second death being true.

20747208? ago

Hate is toxic, anon. Embrace the light rather than cursing the dark.

20748338? ago

Isaiah 59:14-18

14 And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.

15 Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.

16 And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.

17 For he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation upon his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak.

18 According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompence to his enemies; to the islands he will repay recompence.

20747825? ago

Not necessarily because Jesus certainly flew into a rage and physically attacked the filthy Jews, while yelling abuse at them, during the Cleansing of the Temple.

The difference between then and now is modern Israel is one of the world's largest child sex trafficking hubs and the throne of Mossad and their antichrist, white-genocide agenda. Jews have made Israel into a temple dedicated to the worship of greed, power, raping children and destroying Christianity.