20727097? ago

As OP states, glass beads are essential!

Good for trading with indigenous tribes for food and furs.

20727118? ago

Perhaps the modern-day equivalent of glass beads are Bic lighters

20726481? ago

I’ve covered my entire dining table in tinfoil to use as a shelter and stocked up with 2 months of Cheetos!

20726857? ago

That's a lot of Cheetos my friend! And depending upon the size of your dining room table that's a lot of tin foil

20726946? ago

IKR! Worth the investment though, now ready for anything those dastardly DS throw at us!

20727040? ago

Think of all the unprepared people that will be reliant on the goverment when the collapse happens!

whether for food or for protection Millions if not billions will be looking to the state for help.

The big question will be will the state provide?

20726128? ago

I don't need to Prep. I have GOD.

20726819? ago

He's a powerful Ally how about your side no doubt!

20726031? ago

Thought Q said there would not be a collapse???

20726848? ago

But make hay while the sun is shining. Even Q can't predict the future.

20726839? ago

Is there a direct quote from Q stating something to that effect!? The race of civilizations is like a relay 1 holds out of the torch for the other to grab. That's just history. If Q is to be trusted then he's ahistorical

20726014? ago

I live hand to mouth as do a majority of Americans. I’m fucked.

20726851? ago

I live hand-to-mouth I've been able to prepare! Today at least in America Preparatory goods are the cheapest right now. I think you might need to re-evaluate your position

20725261? ago

And here's some good advice from a well-known prepper:


20725375? ago

I like his discussion about stopping power and effective range.

20725260? ago

This is a good MO in general but didnt Q say there would not be a collapse or shutdown, other than online?

20725288? ago

Interesting but would have to trust Q in order to take that advice on face value.

20725299? ago

I do trust Q. Prepared all the same but I fully trust.

20725036? ago

Crypto, Gold, Silver, Food, Water/Filters/Tanks, Guns, Ammo, Weed, Power/Fuel, Alcohol, Cigarettes, and Soap, Toilet Paper, Medicines, Knowledge of how to produce the above. These are the basics you will need to survive for a short while. Currency to trade. <3


'o-o' <

20725018? ago

If you haven't stocked up on dry and canned foods, water in sufficient quantity, and ammo, and some silver coins, then you're not ready for what is coming. Period. Avoid crowds. Get out of large cities, move to the country. Know your neighbors and get to be on good terms with them. Rambo types won't survive, city types won't survive, the elite will try to run away. Learn a few skills. But it may already be too late to do all this. Preparations should have been started years ago.

20725079? ago

Most of these basement dwelling shills think a 'bugout bag' is grandma's purse.

20724988? ago

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

I created this post to help people prepare for massive systemic collapse.

Please take a moment to review the dot points.

20727505? ago

Stockpile carrots too! ... to help you see in the dark when the lights go out or you run out of candles.

20725222? ago

Great points. Thanks

20724913? ago

Get in killer physical condition. That's one of the most important things you should be doing.

20725575? ago

look into Movnat. "Be strong to be helpful"

20725661? ago

Thanks I will check it out.

20725241? ago

This is so important. Everyone, please get off of the medications you take for almost always manufactured conditions. If your body is dependent on their crap chemicals and you suddenly cannot access them, you will be one of the first to die.

If you are in terrible shape, do anything. Walk, breathe, use your muscles to do things you use appliances for, ie weeding, cutting wood, washing dishes, anything you can. It's a start.

20725240? ago

I'm a proponent of resistance training. And any and all physical training is important. Ammunition is very heavy.

20725090? ago

Get a mean bully pup to workout with too, you can feed it liberal tears when SHTF.