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20729421? ago

Ok please bear with me here. I've been pondering how the Q drops predict future events too. I also add another behaviour event into the mix, and that is the fearlessness of POTUS. Both of continence and in his physical behaviour at events.

... what if, what if God, our good God of the universe sent an angel to enlighten the POTUS/Q camp? !! What if Archangel Michael is there every day to give advice from God himself? ... just an idea...

20734559? ago



Sub contractors 400

Whom talks like a diciple of JC.

Could be an angel?

Whos chosen!?

If so how many 144000


Some how, could you be talking to 1 in 7000? Would modern day reincarnations / resserections take place with high iq as per se to deal with modern times?

Your on the right path these are all in my conversations in my rl conversations.

Would you know if JC or his diciples or his angels spoke?

What actually happend on 1111? Whom did it? Who directed it? Was it a divine driven day? Q knows

The contractor knows. The subs most likely know.



21258087? ago

I am going back and re-reading this thread. I have missed some comments, like this Gem. <

But we have of course been chatting for some time now... ;)

It is all starting to come together you realize?

There are some good decodes to see here that I have updated. <

Take care Fren.


21265560? ago

Art as functional energy.

Saw somthing today and thats what came from it. Ill have to send a photo. So you can see what inspired the reply.

21258182? ago

I had another vision.

Its all there in the q post my friend it came too me last night how. An annon suggested the real info is in the photos. This is how its done. Q suggested thst the photos had a hidden layer, my guess is the layers are like 4,5,6,8 ,11 layers deep. When you seperate the layers into numbers ie code it becomes like the universe vast and spacial kind of like the inside of our brain. But sorting the layers in 5d space is the tricky part need a fancy new quantum pc. Then all the information is free for everyone.




We have everyhting we just need to break it.

21258430? ago

In the early days when I was learning the code/comms. before I posted my Gematria decodes, I was doing Gematria analysis on every aspect of Q's posts, and the pictures therein. <

If you right click on the file and save as, it has a different file name to the one named in plain sight. <

There is much Gematria here.

I will go back and find all the clues that were left for us. It is a HUGE task.



21272240? ago

Inc q message. The key is in the differences. Keystone dna is in the differences of races our orgin story. We have more than we know.

21271472? ago

The we unos were dancing with light sabers to shadilay. And moshing. Proud as pi.

21271655? ago

Oh we dancin'!

21277931? ago

Whats up fren..?

21278326? ago

Writing the foundations for an explanation of The Satanists, Libertarians, Rabbinical Judaism, The Catholic Church and The Vatican, Secret Societies, The Music and Film Industry, Epstein and his Island. NXIVM, and how they all tick and work together. They are all one you see. Australia and NZ are very important Global players in this scene. <

It is so BIG that even I cannot believe what I have discovered.

It will take much work to check it all, present it right, and to do it justice.

Put it this way Fren: I get it now. And I mean REALLY get it.

I thought I knew what I was talking about before, but now the Veil has literally been lifted, and I am reeling in horror at the sick reality of things. Shell shocked to say the least.

I must also go back to Q's posts and tie those in too, as I get them ALL now fully.

Princes of Hell. <

All I can say Sir is > WOW!

21283026? ago

And the joos take turns torching thier counter tops during holiday, for like a week ish. Dem bugs.


21284257? ago

They use people as the Alter in their ceremonies. <

21286307? ago


21282976? ago

Two sides one side wants to save the earth other side wants it to decend into darkness, so they can remain . If it decends into dark they get thier mass sacrifice, if we expose and change the light to a higher vibration they loose, which has mostly occured. Just need to put the dying dog down now. Hence every dog has its day.

Knowing is half the battle, 1 % of speration. I thought to myself why havent we told everyone so we can prepare? Why keep it a secret ? And the answer was good vs evil Ego. Self preservation vs the race. I did my part came to a place where i could survive now the question becomes can we save the race. I think i have given enough to those worthy to do with what they may. If it expands outward so be it. If they choose to listen then the p.e.p.e changes in their favor. Its like god saves thos who save themselves, we can not change the things we can not change. Alchoholics cant be helped they have to help themsleves hard truths are and tough love require a faith beyond modern existence.

Me too in seminary housing. Some things are fubar but are also for a reason it made me stronger in the end nearly killed my soul but hell has no furry like a scorned soul.

Post 1441<

Post 144

Post 4441

Post 1444.

What is hidden in plain site perhaps Tesla towers?

Alien hardware?

The photos. All metal buildings? Exo skeltons? Odd colorations? Squares on top of buildings..... WE HAVE MORE THEN WE KNOW.

21283840? ago

1441 photo save as file name Gematria reveals these notable results >

like a dog 106 384 64 16

melania 106 330 55 14

al qaida 106 270 45 12

decode me 106 324 54 12

gold backed 106 384 64 2

kalergiplan 253 636 106 11

foxnews 1391 636 106 10

fisa 106 210 35 2

bank of england 226 636 106 4

book of hecate 290 636 106 4

the sangraal 353 636 106 4

snowflake 1122 636 106 4

night thief 292 636 106 2

pi crust 542 636 106 2

hillary rc 621 636 106 2

obama the feign 264 636 106 2

farage for pm 326 636 106 2

avicii sos 961 636 106 2

barack obama done 280 636 106 2

clintons 352 636 106 2

liquifier 408 636 106 2

the rfid chip 292 636 106 2

the children 282 636 106 2

excavating 1166 636 106 2

the dark art 389 636 106 2

d n c retards 407 636 106 2

black hellhole 172 636 106 2

puzzle 1285 636 106 2

they live 1247 636 106 2

was a diddle kid 1061 636 106 0

payback time 621 636 106 0

poke the bear 326 636 106 0

isis defeated 328 636 106 0

jewish agenda 1670 636 106 0

periscope 362 636 106 0

snuff film 407 636 106 0

conan the dog 308 636 106

q hand genocide 246 636 106 0

stay awake 1508 636 106 0

codebreakers 335 636 106 0

21283441? ago

"co-incindentally" > 1441 and 1444 have been time stamps in videos from The White House, and I have done Gematria on them but not published yet. > Multi layered Gematria.

I must study the Tesla material much further. I have already studied the numbers and how it relates to the 3, 6, and 9.

I get the concept, but I am not an Engineer, so I would require help to build any Tech.

I am interested in Free Energy.

This is THE MOST important thing to solve for the future.


'o-o' <

21288868? ago


21258566? ago

Fucking understatement of eternity.

Like 8.