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20724507? ago

I've always believed the drops aren't linear. They are breadcrumbs of the future. How they know all this is baffling. My only theory is this so strategized, and every move not only assumed but known, that the "game" or "movie" scenario was run and the end was known from the beginning.

20724598? ago

I came to that conclusion pretty early after I discovered Q. It troubled me greatly that all these future things could be known right down to the smallest details. So I started investigating "other areas" and what is going on is far outside our understanding of reality. How much of that will be disclosed when the time comes I don't know but I'm ready for whichever of the several possibilities it comes to be.

20729107? ago

kek, "when the time comes" means little when dealing with dimensions above ours! They can move through time, and also at higher dimensions move through lower dimensions, including changing the starting conditions!

I love this 11-minute video on the 10 dimensions:

20734359? ago

What is 5 d what is 5 e? Not boron but the aether is 5d actually where 5 e meets? Then we have

5 g somhow skipping 5f.

Hmm interdasting

21278990? ago

I wrote that post. <

BTW: >

E = 5 and F = 6 > In Isisian codes 5 = 6. So considering 5 = 6, then E must also equal F, thus no 5f, straight to 5G (G = 7).
