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20724684? ago

I believe that one of three things are going on. 1) There is a Looking Glass that can see somewhat of the future and this is closely guarded by the military and has been used. 2) The military has an AI system that is so beyond the scope of what "they" want us to know. This AI system can run billions of Game Theory possibilities and very accurately account with a percentage the chance of the event happening. Combine this with military planning and you basically can predict the future. 3) Maybe they both exist and the military is using both.

20724943? ago

What about all the Cheshire [CATS] in the continuum? You Anons don't get this at all! Disappointing but understandable.




'o-o' <

20725783? ago

Expand your sharing of this knowledge.

Unless you intend to deceive....

20725894? ago

No deceit.

You see, IT can't be told. It's not like that. You won't understand. I can help on the journey, but it is ultimately up to you...

I won't abandon those still asleep. This is why I am here. The only reason apart from fighting Evil.

There is a reason it is called "THE GREAT AWAKENING".

Check in here tomorrow, and I will have much more for you. Patience Anon. I feel your frustration. I too was confused and frightened.

Take care.

Kindest regards,




'o-o' <


Love to you.

20731563? ago

I stumbled upon the term the Christ frequency a couple of months back and through that found a series of books written by Paul Selig. The first is called I Am the Word. It is a channeled book which guides you into raising your frequency and allowing the energy to flow through you and raising ones consciousness.

Has anyone read these books? I'm looking for answers and there is so much misdirection. I believed and felt it when I was much younger but was ridiculed into lethargy and I'm trying to find my way back. Any relevant information would be greatly appreciated.

20732045? ago

Wow. Where do I start. There are so many of you craving this information. It's not easy to piece it together.

Have you read my previous posts. There are gold nuggets in every post and comment. Please re-read them. Much being put together for Anons. Thanks for your patience.