20723076? ago

Invidio already 503, listened to 3 minutes of 3 hrs on bitchute, but already saving this one for later.

20728568? ago

They want to censor it all? .... Some banker people connected with 'The Grotto' funded some of the original BlackHat Hacker groups? They liked the Shah. What are M.O.V.P.E.R, a Babylon mix of Zoroastrianism & Islam? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3399914/20333312 The grotto group or Movper is a crypto-Iranian mason group. One of the Devil Satanic Lucifier branches is Zvi/Zebi or Sabbatean Kabbalism, again it has the Persia, Arabia connection, Amsterdam, Arabs, Dutch White cult followers and some Jewish admirers of Sabbatai Zevi. He was a Jewish Ottomon guy who said he was the next Jesus but was something of an Anti-Christ, the burn of London to the ground in 1666 who burned London? The other guys are the Shriners, the Mystic Shriner is in many places connects to Saudi Arabia and US Presidents and Hollywood, the Dollar taken off the Gold Standrad and Saudi Oil then owned the Dollar, they wear those red hats and drive in childrens cars, Jesters the hedonistic, maybe criminal, maybe they are the blackmail operation ... all of it is part of the Mystery Babylon crap.