20711921? ago


20711793? ago

A true patriot does not say what is popular, but what is right. Most people here are brain dead lemmings just beginning to awaken and blaming half the country for the state of events.

20710854? ago


20710957? ago


20710825? ago

Also the #MAGAchallenge is a nice touch right now!

20710728? ago


POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

God bless my fellow Americans.



20710753? ago

Beautiful. Thanks for the reminder.

20710306? ago

You realize that not every plan "goes to plan", right?

As a patriot, I hope you are preparing for civil war, just in case.

20710534? ago

That's what everyone has to do. Keep prepping. If you don't need it, it will end up being a prepaid expense and you don't need to pay for it later. For instance, food. I need to learn how to can! I never knew why my mom canned when she hated it so much. Now I get it.

20710146? ago

for god Honor and Country.

20710202? ago

Couldn't have said it better.

20710121? ago

Enjoy the show of Trump constantly bowing to jews and israel.

20710687? ago

Did you listen carefully to his UN speech? At the 15 minute mark? He literally said it was possible for the world to destroy Israel. Key is that jews are not semetic.

20711666? ago

I also heard his references to Israel being in the crosshairs -- cannot recall the exact words -- but it definitely pricked my ears up when he said that. It was a very odd reference he made re: Isis-Ra-EL in any case.

Someone ought to go pickup the exact quote as he said it because it was the only time he referred to the country of isis-ra-el in the speech, any other times he would just say 'The Jewish People'.

He knows, that all woke people know, that isis-ra-el is just a fake country hiding behind judaism to stir up a shit storm in the middle east. Just more Luciferian shenanigans in the end.

20712881? ago

Yeah, this sounds about right. I talked with RaAnon on the Chan a few times when Q kicked off for real. He was an interesting cat. He talked Law Of One a lot. Idk. I can't prove or disprove any of it. The info is just not solid enough. What I have though is the massive redpill drop with all the electrogravitics stuff in it. I took some time and dug o. That shit and it is like God-mode for the universe. It makes all ufo shit possible probable and relatively easy. This means that the ships that I have seen and that others have seen are real.

Have you seen the guy with the 'lunar wave' thing? It is this strange wave traveling across the face of the moon. People have been capturing it, along with various ships traverasing the surface, for a while now.

There is another body in our solar system that does not rotate though and that is mercury. I believe it is tidally locked to the sun the way our moon is tidally locked to the earth.

It's the outer. Planets and their moons that get me though. What the fuck is up with that one with the Ridge all the way around it like a fucking walnut? KEK! Like that's natural.

I feel we should be working hard on electrogravitics openly and in as large of groups as we can muster so we can't easily all be killed/bought. I think that is very important and is the key to ending all this bullshit. If that was open and available and someone say... Didn't want to pay taxes... They could just leave. Same WITH ZPE. With that energy source you can just LIVE. No need to worry about work and jobs and bullshit like that.

It's just all so big that we can't see it.

20710248? ago

Layers; young shill, layers.

20711868? ago

Haha. Obiwan kinobi voice.

20710024? ago

You know when the kids start acting all retarded when they get over excited about something? That's you.

20710231? ago

Thanks! The innocence of children is usually lost at a young age, huh? Sucks to be you!

20709962? ago

WWG1WGA! 😎🇺🇸

20709893? ago

And of course according to you a "Real Patriot" believes in Q, right?

20710140? ago

Actually, no. Love of country and the civilians that live there is basically it.

20709892? ago

God Bless America!

20710144? ago

God Bless You!

20709854? ago

If the only happenings require you to explain it by sharing links to Twitter posts and anime image board posts...that's how you know literally nothing has happened

20710407? ago

Only the blind can't see there are happenings.

20710176? ago

Have you read the news in the past couple of years? A lot has happened - maybe not the apocalypse of the deep state - but it's draining. Sure as shit, It's a draining.

20710777? ago

A little more rapidly after today’s events.