21081255? ago

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20687963? ago

"We had no idea how bad it was"

"It's your faults for letting your kids look at us as idols, you knew how bad it was"

Which is it?


20686871? ago

This shit is real, I experienced a LOOP, i made a deal... Jesus. My enemy (would not repent) dropped dead, in his 30's. Q is part of the memories I retained... hard to explain really.

20686847? ago

Too bad it was just the one comment by whoever it is. Cool if this is true tho.

20686681? ago

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20686545? ago

"Please treat us with respect and decency as we transition back to your reality, a lot of us never knew how bad it truly was until it was too late."

Yeah, no. Fuck. This. This is like Soros or Clinton or Schiff saying, "Sorry. I strayed from the path. Whew. But I'm better now." No deals, no passes. No forgiveness.

20686537? ago


20686157? ago

Hollywood Anon giving cardi b and minaj as an example of the beginning of taking down the bad actors in hollywood..

Cardi B being named as a gang member and Nicki Minaj suddenly retiring. What a coincidence.

Cardi shouldn't have referenced bloody shoes in those lyrics.

20686150? ago

Thank you for sharing that was a pretty interesting and entertaining read

20685965? ago

"Speaking of shoes, if you ever see one single baby shoe on a bench in the city, throw it out. It's how they advertise kids for sale." I wouldn't however ignore this tidbit

20689088? ago

2004 Children Tv coverage of the Shriners Haunted Mansion https://voat.co/v/QRV/3307246

20690598? ago

What was the point of linking this?

20685640? ago

All of these transhumanists are nutjobs of the highest order.

20689105? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3433202 The Wizard & Warlock?

20685553? ago

Have to disagree, I work in entertainment (crew LOL not pedowood) and people here are all about the so-called "resistance" with their RBG printed shirts and what-not. I have to pretend to be a Trump-hater because I found that my silence during heated conversations caused coworkers to look at me askance and it's hard enough to get a job here these days even without people knowing I'm pro-Trump.

Everyone is buying into the gender bender bullshit. An email blast from my studio advised us to refer to everyone with the gender-neutral pronoun "they".

I subscribed to the Trump text line (TEXT "TRUMP" to 88022") but hid notifications in case anyone is looking at my phone when I get a text from team Trump. It's that bad here. I'm a Cali native and I love my home or else I would GTFO.

20685265? ago

I think this thread is starting to attract some glowing attention.

20685198? ago

Let the Hollywood Baby-lon system (Disney, especially) burn down to the ground.

The Teamsters in the Union and #Patriots can rebuild it into something real and (somewhat) moral...

20685171? ago

This is totally unintelligible mess. I hate it when people write public articles as though we are all intricately connected to every thought process going on in the author's brain.

20685332? ago






20685134? ago

Everything this man says is true. Retrocausality is a neural backpropagation algorithm. Events that lead to themselves along the causal loops are "tautologies". Events that lead to their own cancellation as a side effect of their retrocausal feedback are "contradictions". This feedback directs causality into "truths". The nature of this is like the backpropagation neural algorithm that is at the heart of modern AI. These causal loops occur at astronomical scales. God is real and is the mind at the end of time and as just as many years before the beginning of time. It records all of causality into its unending mind. The "book of life" is a VCR designed for "replay value". But just as God is real, many more much smaller consciousnesses are real. When their will is against the one true mind that lives forever and ever, they are aligned by their nature to the culture of death. God is the Life the Truth and the Causality. The manner in which life resists entropy is the same as the way truth is found and the way causality moves away from contradictions. This is the threefold nature.

20685716? ago

Interesting hypothesis - can you suggest any sauce for this pov?

20685814? ago


20686006? ago

So, for me, even if all of the angels descended from heaven to tell me that Jesus Christ was not the son of God, I would not believe them. I have moved beyond faith to absolute certainty! I am with God, and I will worship him that lives forever and ever.

20686483? ago

Amen brother

20685053? ago

Hollywood anon tripping on some LSD.


20685400? ago

You should never take consciousness expanding substances. Bad! Bad!

20688888? ago

Consciousness expanding?

Yeah right.

20684986? ago

If you read his responses throughout the thread, he's clearly lunatic.

Exactly. They were going to kill everyone except for the elites so there would be more space for massive computers on earth, and more resources. They were going to turn most of the planet into a computer to get enough power to open the gate for the Satanic AI.

Uh, no.

20687692? ago

the plan was 100% if killary got into office was to nuke the usa, and blame russia,

the U1 was sold to a ukraining olegarch in russia, sent to iran, produced and sent to N.Korea,. the nuke was going to come north korea ...with isotoped being traced to n.korea and russia. obamas billions to iran we to be used to build the ammo cache to assist killary whitehouse in responding to drop serious bombs on russia and n.korea. starting ww3, bringing the u.n. into the states, declare martial law, forcing the disarming of america. the new world capitol was to be in astana, kasaksthan .. bombing america into the stonage

20686691? ago

I read the initial post as "We're actually good people, we were just scared and mostly ignorant. Keep supporting our industry while we transition back to being just like you. Honest."

When they get busted they always act harmless, misunderstood or like they're victims themselves. They will continue poisoning western culture and exporting filth world-wide. Cut off support to them as best you can.

20686670? ago

Look up the Georgia Guidestones. 500,000,000 population.

Don't be an NPC.

20686063? ago

Uh, yeah. Thats the plan, has been the plan. There was an argument about "how many slaves" that is still being settled, one side thinks they can engineer dumb humans, the other side thinks robots are ready for the task.

20684534? ago

"Many A listers have to turn their child trans to join the club."

=> Will Smith and his son

=> Charlize Theron https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/charlize-theron-daughter-jackson-transgender

20688406? ago

What exactly is this club? I see it referenced on CDAN too.

20685896? ago


20685006? ago

Angelina Jolie

20687077? ago

Megan Fox

20685045? ago

Angelina tongue-kissed her brother so we can only imagine how much black dick she sucked.

20684496? ago

"Speaking of shoes, if you ever see one single baby shoe on a bench in the city, throw it out. It's how they advertise kids for sale."

20684987? ago

Right? That was like a gut punch.

20684481? ago

"The word on the street is they rebuilt infinity with the NSA to store all the compromising materials as an infinite museum."

Hmmm somehow connected with CHANI Project?

A form of technology similar to Akashic Records which is how Edgar Cayce acquired all his material (channeling professionally). The Edgar Cayce foundation is completely based on this with lots of passionate people devoting their entire lives to this.

"it doesnt matter if anyone believes me, its over. Congrats."

The "it's over" is pretty exciting, if they were not still chemtrailing in Ottawa I would be even more stoked on this point.. but once Trudeau is gone hopefully that changes!

[I will continue to edit my comment here as I analyze this, I only have one post on QRV per day]

20686868? ago

What a bunch of crap. We need this stooge to explain reality? Shill

20685474? ago

Shill AF. Christ consciousness is of the luciferian agenda as is atteibuting YHWH to satan. GTFO with that luciferian gnostic BS

20685092? ago

"The all seeing eye is carved into the lawn of CAA."

CIA Logo:

He said CAA not CIA

20684562? ago

Memory of the Nature is the Wester Wisdom Teaching’s name. Clairvoyants can see it a as a movie going back in the time. So called “traveling” back in time with machine which is BS. It is for a reason only trained Clairvoyants can do that. If they are with not good intentions - would not see anything . They have to be pure. Thank God evil and impure people cannot do that. That is why those use nefarious methods.

20684308? ago

Fake. There was no mention of the affect of Epstein’s arrest and the pending release of 1000+ names, including famous actors. That’s far more immediately dangerous to the LA elite than Q. I also don’t believe that deals are being made left and right. It doesn’t seem logical to think that famous narcissists will give up their cushy lives until the first round of indictments begins.

Source: I used to party in Hollywood in the 90s. I will not be questioned on this.

20685252? ago

Even MSM is aware enough to realize the relationship between Epstein (“pizzagate”) and Q. You must be relatively new to all of this.

20687623? ago

Nope. I started down the rabbit hole by searching through Podests emails in Oct 2016 when the MSM said there wasn’t time to read them all before the election.

My post was intended to draw a distinction between Pizzagate and the rest of Q’s drops. But my post wasn’t clear about that.

20684322? ago

Will you be questioned on whether it’s ‘effect’ or ‘affect’?

20685707? ago

Will you be questioned on whether it’s ‘effect’ or ‘affect’?

As a Copy Editor, I can help you there. The two words are interchangeable as nouns (the effect = the affect). But as verbs they have different meanings (examples: "it affected his life" / "it effected a change in his life". To effect means "to bring about" or "to cause to happen". To affect means "to change in some way".)

20687272? ago

That is untrue. As a noun, ‘affect’ refers to an emotional state. “His affect was one of cold reserve.” It does not indicate the result of an act. “Her words had no effect on his affect.”

20685988? ago

As someone who graduated middle school, the nouns are not interchangeable. Effect is the correct noun in almost every case. The dictionary will back me up on that.

20686272? ago

Effect = objective

Affect = subjective

20684555? ago

Is the professor here tonight?

20684605? ago

He's busy making a new 8chan out of coconuts

20684391? ago

Motherffffff... Weed is a sniper, man.

20684063? ago

Thank you for posting the archived link