20682783? ago

Anyone working in Government that has their own agenda and cannot submit to the will of the people and those we elect. And any person or Corporation that works with these ""public servants"" to further these undemocractic agendas.

20680235? ago

The Deep State is believed to be a clandestine network entrenched inside the government, bureaucracy, intelligence agencies, and other governmental entities. The Deep State supposedly controls state policy behind the scenes, while the democratically-elected process and elected officials are merely figureheads.


20680880? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3399914 Some banker people connected with 'The Grotto' funded some of the original BlackHat Hacker groups? They liked the Shah. What are M.O.V.P.E.R, a Babylon mix of Zoroastrianism & Islam?

20680901? ago

Yeah well that is part of it. There is much much more to the GAME.

20680222? ago

Deep State is a secretive government with-in a government.

20680887? ago

the Supreme Skeksis is "alive and well" https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Te5IjGGuojc

20680060? ago

Deep sate is intelligence , military, political and propaganda wings of the jewish central bankers.

20680494? ago

Freemasons, the elites, the club of rome, chatham house, CFR, the rothchilds, Soros' open societs etc. It's a 'big club' with alot of compartmentalisation between groups. You could also include the bilderbergers.

20680931? ago

Good job. I was trying to see if any of these metal midgets could actually name them and you are the only one. This is why there is no Great Awakening. This should be common sense at this point.

20679954? ago

Deep State does not have to post its roster one hour before gametime.

20679950? ago

This probably isn't all inclusive, but it's a start:


20681062? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3391483 So, There Were Tunnels to Celebrity Homes Below the Playboy Mansion

20679895? ago

Catholics in the u.s. government

20680084? ago

By Catholics you mean jews right.

Only catholics I see in power are jesuit crypto jews like nancy pelosi.

20680415? ago

cease misspelling catholics