20686675? ago

Nobody cares.

20682618? ago

I am a Netherlands and believe that the deep state has brought down the MH17 to start a war against Russia.

20684224? ago

I was under the impression it was flown to Diego Garcia airport, wasn’t there a 4chan post from one of the passengers after it went missing?

20682240? ago

How does the CIA have authority to issue passports?

20689827? ago

Officially it was president Harry Truman giving ultimate authority. With just the stroke of a pen a meer weeks after reports of a recovered UFO came out of Roswell, New Mexico.

Truman became the 33rd president after less than 3 months of being Vice President to Franklin D Roosevelt. Truman born and raise in Missouri was not college educated and got his start in politics by a shady and corrupt individual named Pendergast who by old standards would be considered organized crime.

Today's standards he'd be considered C_A. Which by the way Truman was known for reading atleast 5 different newspapers every day. (Mocking bird much)

Unofficially they get authority by means of their skillset. More specifically one skill every agent is trained to know is being able to lean with individuals who have notaries you or fame, on those who stand in their way.

This is done by any and all means necessary. Then if for some reason blackmail, extortion, asking nicely doesn't work. An offer they cannot refuse is made. Of course then if all else fails they are trained to fabricate all things needed or know who can fabricates wat is needed.

20683931? ago

How does the CIA have the authority to do 90% of the shit it does?

That's the point. No oversight and defacto authority over elected representatives is how it's become what it is today.

20683505? ago

The cycle of Iran contra all over. Lot of fake passports from Arabia to Israel to France to Britbongistan to Nigeria, same stolen tail numbers used by the Epstein Aircraft which happened to connect to a drug running mafia company from S.America.

20682073? ago

There were no hijackers because there were no planes. Fake news.

20683831? ago

I concur. There are parts of those jet planes which are considered indestructible (at jet fuel burning temps). Those would be the engines and the wheel sections. Did they find them? No. No planes. CGI.

20681910? ago

You mean 9/11 was an inside job? Who knew? Besides Mossad and the Bush family I mean...

20682205? ago

The guy that was leasing Towers 1 and 2 and WTC 7. He made almost 1 bil. There was a clause on the insurance, in case of a terrorist attack, you get the jackpot Larry!

The part about Larry making bank and him admitting WTC 7 was a controlled demo is in the 7th paragraph.


20744891? ago

Oh yeah I know all about ol' Larry. How much you wanna bet that guy is on the Epstein flight logs for several trips to the Island.

20747254? ago

The media has regurgitated the same names over and over. I want to know who else was on those flights. Like perhaps, Larry? I sure wouldn't be surprised.

20680587? ago

Wait a second, you're not saying that 9/11 was an inside job are you?!

20680430? ago

Specifically Brennan in Jeddah. This is known by any 9/11 researcher that has done the work.

Brennan is not just a bit panicked right now.

He’s fucking petrified and you better believe that psychopath is all-in

20683336? ago

They trapped him by letting him fuck little boys. He's 100% Allah. Think Homeland. Others in the IC involved.

20680194? ago

and John Brennan forced it all through.

20681923? ago

enemy of the republic

20680175? ago

better give all involved more money! Winning!

20680972? ago

All Major Rock Stars, Actors, Athletes and now... we can include Supermodels.. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3426521/20578212

20679462? ago

This is so old. We're fucked because nobody has been paying attention.

20685894? ago

Article date: MAY 12, 2013, 3:19:32 PM

OP, you do our movement no favors when you fail to reveal the DATES of what you post

It's almost like fake news

Also, WHY you post it now--do you have more info? a new idea? what?

Second article today that's old with no explanation

20686796? ago

I know right? First thing I did was look at the date on it. 2013. Then I’m like, why now? Sure it’s always “relevant” but if there’s nothing new about it, why now?

20690837? ago

Part of "we are the news" is having a news peg when we post (or at the very least, emphasizing the date). But on QR, lots of shills post old news (the kind where there's no date in the link), hoping bakers won't notice, then call them out for not checking. Good technique for disruption; bad technique for professional reporting.

20684147? ago

It's about time for the memory hole to burp up some relative data.

20683904? ago

You're not the only audience here, remember that. In fact, you're really not the audience at all. If you already know what's been going on, good for you. But this is about waking those who are clueless.

20682051? ago

We are fucked because the DOJ and FBI and C_A are corrupt, criminal and covered up our government involvement in wholesale murders - 3,000+ died to cover up missing DOD funds in the tune of $4-6 trillion dollars - reason why the financial records area of the Pentagon was hit by a missile, not a plane.

20680169? ago

We're fucked because nobody has been paying attention.

ahem... We're so fucked up because those that KNOW became cynical and defeatist.

20683124? ago


n. An attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others.

In political discourse in 2019 cynicism is absolutely the required attitude.

I read about this in 2013 and if it can be proven that the hijackers' passports were issued by the CIA the DoJ still would need to do something about it. Has Barr shown any such inclination? No, he has not. Not so far. I do not trust William Barr, not yet. Not now.

20680907? ago

That as well

20680698? ago

man, no offense, but peasants become angry from cognitive dissonance when i try and wake them, especially on 9/11.

20680633? ago

Repetition is OK....it re-enforces our resolve to defeat the cabal. Some people learn slowly. Patience with those less knowledgeable than those of us who have known for a long time.

20680581? ago

Could be right.

20680439? ago

That’s why those that know repeat this and have been for 18 fucking years while we watch our fellow patriots give up and walk.

Each time I see someone throw in the towel it’s a ducking shame.

Don’t give up. Never give in.