20685309? ago

Joe Kennedy.

20684397? ago

It seems as though every disaster is planned out years in advance. 1871 Organic Act section 62 makes the US outside of DC a corporation, and 62 years later the US filed for bankruptcy for the second time.

Since the Act of 1871 which established the District of Columbia, we have been living under the UNITED STATES CORPORATION which is owned by certain international bankers and aristocracy of Europe and Britain.

In 1871 the Congress changed the name of the original Constitution by changing ONE WORD — and that was very significant as you will read.

Some people do not understand that ONE WORD or TWO WORDS difference in any “legal” document DO make the critical difference. But, Congress has known, and does know, this.


20682997? ago

It was the only way to get the welfare system up and running.

20682851? ago

More jew bashing comments by shills

Need i remind you of what Q says

They want us divided by race, religion,politics, age,gender.

Divided we are weak. United we are strong

20685467? ago

You are the one being divisive, rabbi. Everyone knows Jews are a huge problem. And the root of almost all of society's ailments.

20686683? ago

Wrong. And im a Christian not a Jewish person. Try reading the Bible. Revelation to start with to see how it all ends. Jesus redeems Israel and the jews. They are still the apple of God's eye. That will never change. Christians are grafted in buy the blood of Jesus. Everyone on earth has that chance. They just need to accept that Jesus redeemed them already on the cross. That includes jews, muslims, atheist, Buddhist, but they need to make that choice to believe in Jesus ant the one true God. The god of Israel

20682280? ago

Educational Source from a Christian and economist. The stock market crashed because the cost of money was artificially lowered below the natural rate by the fed. The depression became great because of the god awful policies of the Hoover & Roosevelt administration. (((Who))) was advising these administrations?

20682069? ago

Facebook? Please, post a direct link!

20682700? ago

If you read all the responses you would find it at least 3 times.

20683300? ago

Yes sir, I will read every fucking thing on the Internet to satisfy your lack of directional skills!

20682833? ago

Yeah, and if I read the entire Internet, I'll likely not need to ask questions...

20681970? ago


20681722? ago

They crashed the tech boom in Y2K1. They prolly caused the tech bubble in the first place.

20682710? ago

Not prolly, (((they))) did, fact.

20681376? ago

All very true! Other references are Money Masters, Freedom to Fascism, Qposts, etc.

20683228? ago

all good info thank you patriot God bless!

20681186? ago

They practice inversion

20681048? ago

Who is this man preaching this truth?

20681081? ago

I don't know but I say give him a medal!

20683472? ago

I think it is a younger Rod Parsley

20680735? ago

Best book on the subject, anyone? (Of course likely they are banned.)

20680451? ago

They held it in place while they bought everything. They've done it many times before. They did it in 2008. They'll do it again soon.

20680187? ago

I literally learned this in school. Maybe you didn't go through higher education following high school or grade 12?

20681238? ago

What?! No you didn’t. Are you Austrian?

20682717? ago

Get in me belly!

Oh sorry, thought you said Austin.

20684802? ago


20680264? ago

I went to college but it was career education, which coincidentally never coincided with my career. I regret that now but I was young and didn't know better and my parents were anti-education so there was no help there to guide me in my career.

20682711? ago

"Career opportunities,

the ones that never knock,

the only job they offer you's to keep you out the dock!"

20680347? ago

I also feel that based on a school's location is what you'll be fed. On top of that, not all professors or instructors are equal. Some will skip over facts to push a specific narrative that they want a group of kids to follow.

It is unfortunate that not all kids will go through the same experience(s) through school, since studying Eugenics a bit more I feel that there is a correlation between the two.

20679635? ago

And the banks that created the fed created the booms and busts as a cartel before then as well to create “the need” for a central bank.

They were doing this for a long long time. They tried several times before to create a central bank

20680493? ago

Which is what they were going to be doing during hrc second term after 2020. Break the dollar, cause famine, and of course after the nuclear exchange with Russia, we would have been begging for the one world govt, currency, and eventually, religion.

20682699? ago

Funny, how "nuclear exchange" is what parents do, to create offspring!

20681228? ago


20679589? ago

The gig is up. /v/QRV/3437721/20679420

20679564? ago

Yeah the kikes are behind every tragedy to strike white nations.

20679561? ago

Do you have a non nosebook link?

20680276? ago

no, I looked for one and couldn't find it.

20679235? ago

Actually there were five causes. The Great Depression began in 1929 when the entire world suffered an enormous drop in output and an unprecedented rise in unemployment. Another unusual aspect of the Great Depression was deflation. Prices fell 25%, 30%, 30%, and 40% in the UK, Germany, the US, and France respectively from 1929 to 1933.

There are several explanations for what happened but the most obvious conclusion is that it was the confluence of several shortsighted and commiserating factors.




Bank Failures

Leading cause: Unemployment reduced spending in which caused the chain reaction to the stock market crash.

Don't argue with me. I have a PhD in History.

20681284? ago

Don't feel bad the doctors and lawyers have it far worse.

20680292? ago

Yes, fake history. We all know who wrote those books.

20680038? ago

Everyone's of these things either created by cabal , every... Or bullshit we been told for decades.

Your phD isn't worth the paper it is written on . Sorry dude , be pissed at cabal for the lies.

20679426? ago

Don't argue with me. I have a PhD in History.

What an assumption

THIS is EXACTLY WHY one should argue with you

What if half of history you learned so far is false and written to keep people like you, knowledgeable at bay?

Say Egyptologists... Half truths and theories , like SF fro history

I suggest you start from Nimrod of Babel and revise what you know ABOUT HISTORY

because .....

20679449? ago

I am quite well aware of Nimrod the Babylonian Empire and the region of Mesopotamia as well. That would be Iraq today. Any more questions?

20679862? ago

No you are not, what has he done, what has he published whom has he saved and why ?

Any more smarty pants answers?

20679906? ago

Yes I am. What has WHO done, what has WHO published, who is HE that you are alleging to?

20680352? ago

I don't need sauce. I described Nimrod below. Thanks anyway. You're too late.

20680226? ago

we are talking about Nimrod in Babylon,

are you illiterate or dumb ?

20680325? ago

Ha! Dude just kicked your ass all over the place.

20680312? ago

Who was Nimrod?

Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah through the line of Cush. Nimrod is described as the first of the “mighty men” to appear on the earth after the great deluge. Previous to the deluge, there had been giants and mighty men on the earth, and “also afterward”. From examination of the ancient scrolls and other ancient documents such as the Sumerian Cuneiform Tablets. , it is clear that Nimrod was one of those mighty men, and there is also evidence that he was much larger than the average man a giant, so to speak.

Nimrod “a mighty hunter before the Lord.” Nimrod established a great kingdom that included “Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar” He later extended his kingdom into Assyria, where he built the cities of “Ninevah, Rehoboth Ir, Calah and Resen” Nimrod was recorded as a skilled man and an ambitious leader. Besides being the founder of the infamous Babel/Babylon and many other cities, Nimrod was a mighty man with great physical strength and great strength of will. If he was also of giant stature as the Sumerian Cuneiform notes, then that would be another reason why the people of his time would follow him and why so many legends would spring up around him.

As the leader of the kingdom of Babel, Nimrod is also connected with the Tower of Babel According to the historian Josephus, Nimrod “said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to reach. And that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers” (Antiquities of the Jews, Book 1, Chapter 4).

Any more questions.

I think that it is you who are projecting that you are illiterate and dumb. lol

20680550? ago

rofl you answered with text from Wikipedia,

And did not answer my questions.

What tribes has Nimrod saved, from whom and why ?

This is so called forbidden knowledge in modern History !

20680727? ago

That wasn't from Wiki. lol Oh .. so your going with the made up forbidden knowledge angle eh? The Hidden Code of the SS and all that garbage.

20679291? ago

Don't argue with me!

I have BS, MS, and PhD in "Tinfoil Hat Theory".

Stephen Hawking couldn't touch me there.

20682553? ago

Can't touch this! I pity the fool! Where's the beef?

20679316? ago


Theory is not fact. lol

20679277? ago

If your PhD is for the History that's taught in the schools that issued your PhD, you don't have enough info. I hope you've been reading between the lines.

20679308? ago

What did I tell you? I wasn't educated by your era's school system. lol

20680738? ago

Unless you’re 90 years old, you’ve been indoctrinated by gaining that degree through the Rockefeller indoctrination system.

20682544? ago


20680769? ago


20680116? ago

Operation Paperclip , 1946 education poop . Plus cabal infiltrate eduction early in the teens with carnagie , look for Rockefellers in there . I think paperclip was adding to , it was in there long before.

20680141? ago

Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program to Bring Nazi Scientists to America. Has nothing to do with history. Everything to do with Werner von Braun and the development of missiles though. lol Boy are you daft.

20680311? ago

It had everything to do with brain washing and mind control which is the education system . Why are there cabal books declaring the wars and depression written in the late 1800's ? Some Lord channelling the demons again . There are many books declaring what happened before it happened .

Traumatize generations to conquer easier. Mind control.

20680372? ago

Operation Paperclip has nothing to do with other recorded history. lol Operation Paperclip was a clandestine operation that the government didn't think you commoners were privy to.

20681219? ago

And if you make a bio of each of the Germans that " where listed ". What accomplishments would they have ? And then how about the ones not listed ? Never think their list are complete and above board.

NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS . I am all ready primed to hold the hands with a history teacher and a history addict. A big red pill to swallow but a huge lesson to learn , never ever take history so lightly as to just believe cause you might be believing bastards.

20679371? ago

Tell me, because I'm curious, what era would that be?

20679548? ago

40's - 50's in which would make me closer to the events.

20679613? ago

Is that your era, or mine?

20679203? ago

they expanded the money supply 40 percent and gave us the roaring 20's, then they destroyed all the money they created and caused the crash in asset prices. It's no wonder those who founded the federal reserve published they wished to "slowly consume the wealth of the world." the banks own all the assets. they traded worthless paper for them, and through manipulation of that supply of paper they have confiscated all the assets of the world over the last 100 years.

20681001? ago

In 100 years, the Native French will be a zoo attraction."- A prediction from the 1930s https://voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/3417306

20682110? ago

Appears they are right on schedule. Maybe a little ahead.

20678948? ago

A facebook link? Really??

20680343? ago

Yeah, there was no other link I could find. Sorry, can't help you.

20678894? ago

Taking the Senate away from the states (17th Amendment) was the biggest enabler of government expansion.

20682321? ago

the qth amendment

20678870? ago

It's kind of what organized jewry does. Destruction. And it isn't about profit, it's about power. That's what Zionism is and Communism is just one means to accomplish that goal of jewish supremacy.

20680432? ago

Yes, see the Russian Bolshevik Jews.

20680267? ago

The monetary system is also just to accomplish zionism and total enslavement of man

All the work done by people is aiding israel due to militarily enforced (((modern))) economic systems (central banking backed by jewish promises)

jews don't need the money, it's just about collapsing everyone else's society using its own labour force, while israel looks legitimate

jews already have all the money they can digitally create, it's worthless even how, they just don't have jewish supremacy yet other than in their own religion based reality

20679524? ago

Jews make more money when they orchestrate destruction because they know about it ahead of time. If I had a crystal ball, I'd be making billions right now too.

The problem is they can't create, make better, produce anything without stealing it. So the best bet they have is to wait for the economy to recover, orchestrate a fake catastrophe, and bet against it.

The US has provided them with the best run because we are so resilient, we recover and come back stronger, whereas everywhere else the fucking jews plunder and move on.

We NEED to stop this shit. We NEED to stop fucking jews from fucking over our great country.

20681747? ago

You need a time machine. It’s beyond fixing.

20681704? ago

They shear the sheep, take the wool and throw the sheep back in the pen until it's time for the next fleecing

20680865? ago

The Hegelian “dialectics” in action. Marx choose it for a reason to condition the masses that we have to accept this as normal. So “plan” for next move. Invented s “solution” first as desired outcome. Then created the needed “crisis”, mass feat and then come as white knights with their “solution”. So it is actually in this order.

20684255? ago

Problem->Reaction->Solution. Manufactured problems, MSM fans the flames of emotions, only to pave the way for the prefabbed solution, sitting on the shelf ready to rock. “problem solved!”. Check the timing and size of the Patriot Act. It was done far in advance, ready to launch immediately upon manufacturing a horrible false flag.

20684482? ago

Exactly. What I was saying. But seems with Trump nothing works for them anymore.

20708517? ago

True and it's amazing watching him interrupt that process....every single time. Not sure how he does it.

20709416? ago

I think it is working because the Truth is pier by itself.

20678884? ago

"Video Unavailable"

20678596? ago

The federal income tax, confiscation of gold from citizens and the social security ponzi scheme are also closely tied in here. As well as the sinking of the Titanic. You have a link that isn't to facebook?

20681382? ago

All true!

20680050? ago

Everyone blames the Zionists but they, like Islam and Christianity, are all destined to be destroyed by the hidden Satanic ideology behind the New World Order.

Here's a link that identifies that power and ties it all together quite well


20684440? ago

Read the Talmud or the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The Jews are the NWO, you don’t seem to realize that they are Luciferian. Synagogue of Satan.

20690194? ago

The Protocols are definitely written by someone who understood and accurately explained an agenda that has since been carried forward precisely as planned. But the question of exactly who wrote the Protocols remains unknown.

Consider Albert Pike who wrote a letter way back in 1871 containing foresight similar to that of the Prorocolss in which he accurately explained the three coming world wars which would be necessary to bring about a Luciferian NWO. There, he said WWIII would be fomented and fought between the Zionists and Islam resulting in the mutual destruction of both.

See Pike's letter here:


Blending Jews and Zionists together as if they are one and the same, is a common mistake. One, the Khazarian originating from over 800 miles away from Israel, pretends to be a Jew and hides behind the other using the history of Jewish persecution as a shield. Although these are powerful today they don't sit on the throne as many believe.

I think that there is a hidden power orchestrating global events which completely understands how to divide humanity and create strife, black vs white, Muslim vs Christian, male vs female, young vs older, one political party vs another, nation vs nation...etc The human energy expended through this misery and strife is an offering their god, Lucifer, who will reward them with worldly riches for fomenting it....even that of global domination and control. The Jews, Zionists, Muslims, Christians, and anyone who does not worship Lucifer are fodder to be sacrificed to that god.

20772582? ago

Yeah, but the Torah says idol worshipers are to be killed, and don’t get me started on the Talmud. Seems they’re taught subversive and deceptive qualities from a young age.

20681217? ago


20678391? ago

Yes. All true

People here should already know this. Maybe spread this around Normieville?

20679758? ago

QRV is the Normieville of Voat.

20685433? ago

No u