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20680369? ago

good observation. There's always more to the story with these fucks. And the whole "sun never sets on the British Empire" thing has always been a mystery to me. How did that little tiny island take over the world? What blackmail, extortion, murder, and other evil fuckery did they employ to get there. Now we hear rumors that they essentially own the FED, therefore still OWN the USA. Time for the sun to set on all of them. Their time is up. Pull the curtain down. Close the lights. The End.

I still love the photo of POTUS walking in FRONT of the Queen awhile back. All of britain was up in arms about how rude that is. He was like, "Watch this!" The grin on his face was priceless. The old bat is probably afraid to die because she knows none of her heirs to the throne are a match for POTUS.

20680983? ago

It was Eugene Cesar. He got a job the week before doing security there. Similar shit to the USSS agent that got everyone shitfaced that was new in Dallas and got into the car behind JFK and a rifle. Pretty standard back then to get the shooter in plain clothes to provide an alibi while the patsy was set up