20659891? ago

That is damned funny since so many Democraps are Jews including the sorry pieces of shit that are so hot after Trump's head like Schummer, Nadler, Shiff, Feinstein, et al.

20659952? ago

Moving the goal posts again? 20 minutes ago Trump was a Jew who sold us all out.

20660562? ago

I have no idea what the fuck you are going on about with your moving the goal post shit. That comment you replied to was my one and only comment on the thread.

20658941? ago

It's hard to follow, some are saying that the Liberal MSM and Holywood are owned by jews, and you are saying the democrats blame the jews.

Who's right?

20657115? ago

Far right and far left ... exactly the same thing.

20656136? ago

yo keep spreadin the word but stop linkin me it's annoying :P

put a slash at the end like this


or use this archive


bonus thread : http://archive.is/M1wso

20655632? ago

And their Muslim brotherhood conspirators (like the many who prey on this site.)

20655692? ago

Yep.. A while back we tried to get a couple of them to draw Muhammad and denounce him as a pedophile POS and they wouldn't.

20655433? ago

From the "Hitler liked animals so people that like animals are fascist" School of the Mentally Challenged. Israel just got caught trying to spy on the White House. Jews and Muslims are both insular and treacherous.

20655489? ago

All roads still lead to Rome, you're kidding yourself. Why would Israel need to spy on the White House if they control everything and Trump is working for them? You faggots can't even keep your story straight anymore.

20655545? ago

There are different Jewish factions, retard.

20655571? ago

Save it... You fucking retards screech "gas all Jews" all day long. Are you moving the goal posts again?

20655667? ago

Save it

Stay in denial.

You fucking retards screech "gas all Jews" all day long. Are you moving the goal posts again?

Do you deny that Islam is harmful yet also has different factions? Same idea.

20655726? ago

Do I insist on eradicating all Muslims? No. Do you glowfags insist on eradicating all Jews? Yes. See the difference now? You all have an obvious agenda.

20655756? ago

Do you glowfags insist on eradicating all Jews? Yes. See the difference now?

"See the difference between my stance and the strawman I've created to represent yours?" Show me where I said Jews should be eradicated.

20655948? ago

Show me where I said Jews should be eradicated.

You must not hang around here much. My apologies if you don't believe that. It gets tiresome seeing "kill all Jews" while ignoring everyone else involved. I'm down to hang everyone involved in this shit, I don't give a shit what religion/race they are.

20656060? ago

My apologies if you don't believe that. It gets tiresome seeing "kill all Jews" while ignoring everyone else involved.

Agreed. Genocide isn't moral. And, as you said earlier, anyone claiming Jews should be exterminated glows. The question of how to disassemble a 5th column fairly and humanely warrants discussion. Jews with a proven track record of loyalty, like Steve Pieczenik, aren't the problem.

20655263? ago

It's the Lithuanians for sure. Research people.

20655231? ago
