20642524? ago


A beacon sent by the Assembly to "chirping" worlds who have recently discovered radio signals. Most species use particle entanglement to communicate in real time. There's a window of about 80 years to reply to this signal before it moves to the next candidate. Frequency of the signal: middle of the hydrogen line. Ideally sending a Fibonacci sequence is preferable as it's a common symbol of the divine.

But why would anyone want to answer this? Because doing so would elevate the status of this species from mere primitives to full membership and legal protections. Of course, mankind can instead choose to remain primitive slaves to the beings that insist on using them as genetic cattle to develop cures for contagions they can sell to other species and as warm bodies to replace the worn out bodies of those in charge who would rather live forever. The primary shareholders of the Consortium would really prefer it that way.

20641015? ago

2+7 = 9 = perfection

4+2 = 6 = upside down 9

20641006? ago

This is Luciferian bullshit. We got a lot of shills here or else a lot of people who don't know what putting on God's Armour means. Stop being such suckers for emotionally titillating drivel and DISCERN what you're reading here.

20644129? ago


20645130? ago


20640808? ago

Rapture first. Then Tribulation. Sorry.

20644146? ago

Keep reading left behind.

Let me know when you actually read your Bible, learn history, and take lessons in apocalyptic style literature

20645039? ago

Rev 3:10

1 Thes 4:16-18

Luke 17:34-37

20646169? ago

How long was the rebellion? What was the culmination? When was the man of sin revealed? How were the Christians tipped off and were able to 'flee to the mountains when Jerusalem was encompassed by armies'??? Learn history.

20646707? ago

Still projecting, I see

20650389? ago

If its ANY consolation, I believed exactly what you do -most of my life. So I fully understand every aspect of the pre/mid/post millenialist argument. I stood in your shoes arguing that for MANY years. Till I started to really dig, and found many inconsistencies, and questions that just didnt make much sense. I mean, a LOT of questions. Even simple ones like, If God left the temple at Jesus death, and Jesus said that our BODY is the temple of God now, then what is the need for this '3rd' temple to be built? There ISNT.

Or how 'the man of sin cant be revealed until the rebellion comes first', and that rebellion aka the Jewish rebellion started in 66ad, within THAT generation just as Jesus predicted, and lasted exactly 3.5 years till Jerusalem was laid waste and the Jewish temple was torn down stone by stone, as Jesus said it would. And the Christians were able to flee to Pella and be safe (their 'flight/fleeing) becauseJohn wrote a letter to them in code they would understand WARNING them it was at hand and t prepare, not unlike Q. That letter we call Revelation. And it was written BEFORE the rebellion, not after, because John is told to measure the TEMPLE complex, so it wasnt destoryed yet.

ANd for further reference, the totality of the Jewish rebellion / war lasted 7 years exactly, ending in 73ad. 40 Years after Jesus (supposed) death, not an insignificant number.

How about how Millenialists assign the verses Daniel wrote to 'the antichrist'? He will make a covenant with many for one week, and in the midst of the week he shall be cut off the sacrifice and oblation shall cease?

Thats about the SAVIOR. Jesus made a NEW COVENANT/agreement/testimony/TESTAMENT with the world aka the GOSPEL/GOOD NEWS. The covenant is the ENDING of the OLD sacrificial ways of worship, an END of sacrifice and oblation, his testimony started at 30, after his 'transfiguration', ironically also lasted 3.5 years till his death at 33, where he was CUT OFF / killed. Almost like a forcast of what would come in 66ad, 3.5 years later the temple building was destroyed and FORCED the end of [their] sacrificial system.

Am I still projecting, or making you curious enough to learn and read actual history?

I could go on and on

20650723? ago

You've been hostile and condescending and I was trying to disengage. I know about Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls and all that. I keep an open mind, but not to those who think they're better than others but you're not as bad as most. I saw one woman going around cussing at people that weren't "saved" or nonbelievers and I asked her if she really thought defaming people was the "way of the Lord" and got hit with both barrels so when I find people thinking I'm stupid or I'm slime because I know things differently, but I listen to Dispensational speakers and preachers because at least to me, Dispensationalism is what makes logical sense. Lots of things in the text (which I gave chapter and verse instead of generalities based on history) which you should know was written by the "winners." It always is.

However, nobody is perfect - you nor I - so I'll give you some of my sources; others I can't because they're locals and I don't wanna dox myself or them, which I'm sure you can understand. A Dr. Gene Kim on UToob via BBC International has a lot of good lectures; some I've watched and others I haven't. He's gotta be a strong fellow, teaching at UC-Berkeley about GOD(!!) My pastor has been more help to me with a post gang-shooting case of PTSD with understanding of what I've been through and what prayers to say with me and as we were finishing praying, I literally felt probably 85% of my troubles lifting off my shoulders. Not ironically, we were praying that Jesus help "bear my burden" and I "shared the yoke of my burden" with Him through prayer, and He heard us and responded.

Dr. Kim covers some of what you claim and may cover other things but I haven't seen every last lecture so I'll listen to those I know for a fact who are teachers instead of random anons.




20650917? ago


Well, I do recommend at least looking to preterism / partial preterism. IMO its not 100% correct, however, if anything, youll learn how so much has already been fulfilled.

I think the key is Fibonacci though, or exponentialism.

Jesus said many parables hinting at this, for example, the mustard seed parable.

Revelation uses the 144,000 (Which I DO believe is Anons)

ANd based on dates, And Q saying 'think mirror', I think that what is happening now wil the lead up to teh FINAL world wide judgement.

It started with one man, Jesus, and you have your 3.5 years there, then judgement (on Jesus, the last sacrifice)

Then within THAT generation, it went regional, you have 3.5 years there too, then judgement (on the region, end temple sacrifice)

Now we are, after 2k years, exponentially at the ENTIRE WORLD, and 1335 days (Daniel) after POTUS election is July 5th 2020, the first day of the new world, Judgement completed and the end of all THEIR human sacrifices.

THe events mirror each other, and grow each time.

btw, rapture simply means 'to arrest, or seize by force'...its not believers who are arrested, its [them], the mee are left behind to inherit the earth. Jesus himself said he did not wish to TAKE us from the earth, but that we TRANSFORM it.

Its happening. Right before our very eyes. Judgement is coming VERY soon.

20651598? ago

*I did watch the first 90 seconds or so to make sure the subject matter of the last link was relevant to the convo.

BTW, thanks for staying engaged with me after all. You taught me 2 things - to watch myself to not be "run off" when someone gets a little passion. It does take work to spread the word, and yours is more open than I assumed. You also taught me (well, I knew this but you helped highlight it) that while I am aware I'm not the biggest expert on the Bible and never claimed to be, there is ALWAYS something more to learn. The Bible's hardly....."pamphlet-sized" to be absorbed in an afternoon, a year, or even a lifetime. Worldly issues take so much of our time, I put learning off sometime and I shouldn't, but I've been taking steps recently to remedy that. Thanks for the kick in the pants I DID need on that one. :)

20652713? ago

None of us will fully know until the dust settles. We all need to just be a bit open minded i suppose

20651350? ago

I agree with most of this. Some I'm not convinced yet but haven't written it off, either....like the 144,000. You could be right or wrong. The possibility for you to be right is certainly there and I've seen talk of it on here just recently.

Rapture has many meanings and the Biblical one comes from Latin. "To meet in the air" -- think of birds of prey (Raptors)

I think Christians of different sects (That's the English language for you....I remember my 9th grade Bible studies teacher VERY CAREFULLY PRONOUNCING the word "sects" so as not to sound like he's saying "sex" - that WAS funny and while we were hormonal 9th graders, we "got it") - we need to focus on the beliefs we have in common instead of going down rabbit holes, and my original reply shows I'm guilty of it myself, so I stand to be counted on that one else be a hypocrite. I had thought most believed there were 2 "raptures" - pre- and post-trib, but when speaking of it among fellow Christians, it's usually assumed we're talking about Pre-trib since we're both of Jesus and the church, and Paul's talking to Christians in Corinthians about a "secret revealed" while the book of Matthew is for the Jews. To me, this is why Dispensationalism is kind of a no-brainer, else, why the NEED for 4 Gospels? Wouldn't one cover it?

Not if there's a different message for different groups, thus, Dispensationalism. Also, the rapture Jesus speaks of is no "secret," as I said. So why would Paul talk of "a secret revealed?" It's all contradictory UNTIL one realizes Jesus was speaking to Jews and Paul was speaking to Gentiles. THEN a lot of thins fall into place. There's your "Wow" signal, not some background noise from space that just happened to different from the usual, and wasn't repeated, which an "alien species" would very likely do if communicating that way. I mean, an alien species advanced waaaaay past us should understand the concept of "missing the phone call."

I learned a LOT of OLD Testament stuff but granted that was mostly about 35 years ago now, but one thing that stood out was all the 7s and 40s in it. Again, way back, but I was taught 7 meant "the entire time/the number of completion" and such. 40 days and 40 nights meant simply "a long time."

It's funny; I was about to ASK you if you were into preterism because that's what you were saying sounded like. :)

So, let's just agree that neither of us is the scholar we think we might be and the other could be right about things but more likely, we've both got parts of it right. Maybe you have some right and I others, and we probably are both right about some, but both wrong about some. Here's what Dr. Kim has to say about it, and he says in part "...in some ways it does make sense." I found a lecture I haven't yet seen, the one below. I suggest we both watch it now? It's only 12 mins. I've found Dr. Kim to be charismatic (so you don't fall asleep in his lectures lol) and very bright. He'll also challenge you when called for. I don't take everything he says as The Word (I tend to believe our beloved pets will be with us; the Bible says we can have hobbies and pets - it speaks of riding on the back of a leopard or Jaguar I think in Heaven, and plus I don't think He (God) would destroy the most pure form of love that exists, and I'm a cat-lover and the Bible isn't too fond of cats lol) - but Dr. Kim says we could have pets but not necessarily the ones we loved on Earth, but that God will erase the hurt of separation from them and our memories of them, but they have meant so much to me...don't care about my day, my wallet, my looks, how I'm dressed. They love me unconditionally. So I struggle over that one.

Anyway, here's what Dr. Kim feels about preterism, but he did say he's not a big expert on it.


20642134? ago

Hey Dumb-ass. The rapture bullshit was put out by 2 Jesuit priests. It's a L I E.

20640396? ago

Your title is nonsensical. U seem unhinged.

20640690? ago

you seem

That's a Jewish way to argue

20640918? ago

No, Jews lie and act as if it’s fact. Jews will resort to identity politics as one needs no real substance to do this.

20641123? ago

nonsensical, unhinged

This takes substance?

20641285? ago

I never claimed that, so why are you? I’m claiming that the tools that the Jew uses to make you submit, like “racism” or identity politics lacks any substance in the political (of which we are talking about here) or world theatre for that matter.

Definition of substance

1a : essential nature : ESSENCE

b : a fundamental or characteristic part or quality

c Christian Science : GOD sense 1b

2a : ultimate reality that underlies all outward manifestations and change

b : practical importance : MEANING, USEFULNESS

the … bill—which will be without substance in the sense that it will authorize nothing more than a set of ideas

— Richard Reeves

3a : physical material from which something is made or which has discrete existence

b : matter of particular or definite chemical constitution

c : something (such as drugs or alcoholic beverages) deemed harmful and usually subject to legal restriction

possession of a controlled substance

substance abuse

20641328? ago

Identity politics is gay, but exposing a Jew is worth it for showing others how they lie and subvert

20640895? ago

stop projecting

20640584? ago

Lines drawn, sides picked, good luck

20641219? ago

It amazes me that people think this is how a "God" would operate, with rules like these, despite the absolute lack of benefit for the deity. Deities ONLY make sense when humans are involved, because God "Wants" and "Needs" stuff from us. Sorry, but that is utter nonsense, even a child can see that a God would not require assistance from his creations, if he does, then he may be creator, but is not a God, is not onmipresent and is not all-powerful.

The idea that God is all powerful, but is withholding both his power and his judgement for a "catch a predator" style rapture, is equally nonsensical.

The real rub though, is a God who teaches you to love your fellow man, even your enemies, which alone is a FANTASTIC social mechanism for dealing with strife, then the same doctrine pulls a 180 and declares that anyone who does not believe in the truth of this unconditional love..... must be tortured for eternity.

I'd be willing to bet if anyone's hand was guided by God, it is that of the Atheist, sent to undergo the trials of telling you how backwards you all have gotten it. The real kick there is, as a man who will literally believe anything, you'll never believe that. Yet, such an action matches God's Modus Operandi as documented. It's the sort of shit he'd do, according to you.

20642057? ago

^^^ This

20646306? ago

^^^This. Lets not confuse scripture being questioned as meaning we/I do not prescribe to the words of Christ. There is a difference.

20649639? ago

Ah, an important distinction I'd agree.

I've agreed with many idealogies over my lifetime, sometimes I nodded, sometimes I shouted "Heck yea!", sometimes I just went "hmm, I think he might be right...".

I cannot imagine I would have any respect for any of those people, had any of them demanded to the sole focus of my lifelong pondering.Of course none of them demanded that, because its a ridiculous thing to do.

My father, when questioned about his beliefs by me as a child, summed it up as he thought Jesus was just a guy, who had a great idealogy, shared it, gained undesirable fame, the msg flops and he gets murdered over it, but never gives up his idealogy, ie: martyrdom. My dad theorized when he said he was the "son of god" he meant "a son of god, like you, like us all" and so forth.

I come from a long line of eyebrow arcing skeptics.

20651452? ago

Seems our Fathers were similar and I appreciate you sharing this. Thanks.

20640896? ago

Not picking sides, didn’t even read your post so it’s impossible to choose any side.

20639933? ago

If you consider Billy Meier ET contact and recent Swaruu contact information you are providing is out of context and that 77 transmission had double meaning.


20639992? ago

Im sorry, I didnt understand your message. Whats out of context? Thanks

20641126? ago

It means galactic humans already were and are contacting people so Ashtar is part of some Vatican / monoteistic dogma according to some sources. In medieval times you simply did now see anything that was more than few villages away for most of population and now people assume that people from stars might be super advanced even if they got space travel tech in some garbage like US government back in Roswell for instance.

20639633? ago

I keep looking for the two witnesses spoken of in revelation 11. Revelation 11, by the way, is one of the places that talks about 42 months. Jerusalem will be trodden under foot by the gentiles for 42 months. Then it goes on to say that His 2 witnesses, the 2 olive branches spoken of in Daniel, I think. The way it talks about them seems like they will be very public and out in the open for all to see and hear. Their death will be very public also, but especially when they are brought back to life and ascend up into heaven after 3 days and a half.

I pray that I am alive to see these great things!

20639934? ago

The 2 witnesses are us. Also the 144k.

Jesus said he sent out his followers into the world 2 by 2 (the means as 2 person teams)

It multiplies, like a mustard seed, exponentially, until fullness is reached at 144, 000. Which is 12 by 12 times 1000, which also means a 'great multitude', spoken of in Revelation.

11:11 was nearly there, 12:12 has been reached since then, times 1000 which will likely be when DECLAS occurs.

The 144k is the FOUNDATION of the new world, the New Jerusalem in Revelation. A crystal clear cube. Replacing the BLACK cube of saturn. All symbolic of course.

20641165? ago

OP why you use 144 and 1111 as some numbers. Did you know tesla work ? 1+4+4 = 9, 369 is other important number for some reason https://youtu.be/JA9f27koOcs

20644160? ago

Yes, 3 6 9 I'd very important.

20644169? ago

1x2=4 4x2=8 8x2=16=1+6=7 2x7=14=1+4=5 and so on, interesting math!

20639591? ago

from: doglegwarrior

yall do know people have been predicting this kind of shit every 100 years or so for thousands of years? but yall fucking retards think this is the real one. what the fuck if Qtards really believe this shit we are fucked.

20639941? ago

Peace be with you when it goes down. Sides picked.

20639678? ago

You talk like a 12 year old, use y'all when you dont come from the South....yeah you're sad Leftist. Good luck in life!

20641590? ago

I'm a different guy from Beaumont/Houston/Nawlins areas and am equally offended by the use of y'all and I suspect this picante sauce was made in New york city...

I'll get the rope.

20639476? ago

Look around you. All of the pins in the lock are aligned with the key that God gave us. We will soon be free and will receive Christ again on Earth. I love you all, spread love in Christ Jesus name.

20645978? ago

Little confused here, ( as I often have been, as of late). So, if months, years and days are "interchangeable", to confuse "them", (which in this case is me), could that 42 years be 4200 years?

20644958? ago

Christ spread his love, it’s time we start spreading ours.

20644990? ago

Accept Jesus Christ and the life he brings through Love. Once you do, you will not be able to help but spread Love through his word.

20640835? ago

How can any of u say these things? There’s no proof of any of this, only blind faith. And if we’ve learned anything over the last few years it’s that the Vatican is complicit in helping the cabal. We also see the rampant pedophilia within the church and again, knowing what we know about this ancient cabal, that they’ve been farming and trafficking kids and ppl for thousands of years then how can anyone take this stuff as fact? I’m it shilling whatsoever and would actually love for someone to educate me a little bit.

20646036? ago

Prepare for chapter and verse references coming your way. Just remember, the "Bible" as written, in the "gospel". Those who want to call my comment blasphemous, just remember, doubt can sometimes enter the minds of even the most "Holly"..., Holey..., Wholly, Jesus, you know what I/m trying to say, or not.

20642621? ago



churches are child rape turnstiles

having faith in religious institutions


20639517? ago

Seems that way.

20639290? ago

72 years ago today, September 18, 1947, was when Truman signed the National Security Act, and when the CIA was born.


20640845? ago

*renamed from the Office of Strategic Services

20640790? ago

Today is the 19th

20639526? ago

Again. 1947, the most critical year, aside from this year.

The start and the end of the beast reign.

20641191? ago

What about Office of Strategic Services, project Paperclip and William Tompkins talking about Secret Space Programs back then?

20639281? ago



For someone unfamiliar with "Terran" this stuff may seem tangled and disjointed at the same time. But for those of us who have been following him since his AmericanKabuki blog, this all makes sense.

Bring it, Q!

20639561? ago

Odd stuff

20639226? ago

What scripture says 42 months?

20639251? ago

Simply do a search in your browser. Start with Rev 13

20646258? ago

Go to biblehub.com. But make sure you choose the right version for you out of the 31 choices.

20641091? ago

Op you believe in some Rev stuff? who wrote it you think under what command?

20639209? ago

According to the Bible, THE BEAST will reign for 42 'months'

I guess we can add Douglas Adams to the list.

20639174? ago

https://tweetsave.com/afspace/status/1174367614363209729 :

AF Space Command on Twitter: "Happy 72nd birthday to the @usairforce! Today we celebrate who we are as Airmen, what we do as a war fighting organization, and how tomorrow brings a new competitive edge that people expect from the USAF. Keep aiming high!

HBDUSAF #THISIS72 #WILDBLUEYONDER #spacesuperiority… t.co/Udaxp0E1Uy"

This has been an automated message.

20639153? ago

The (((Sons of Satan))) do seem to be assembling.

Never have I seen so many Jews attacking President Trump and western civilization.

Every online platform is Jewing at 100% with widespread censorship on Reddit, Twitter, YouTube and Google and endless DDOS attacks against Voat and Gab.

20639754? ago

Wake up and also smell the non-Jews attacking President Trump and the West.

20639806? ago

You mean the puppets who are funded by Jews or are caught in (((Mossad's))) (((Epstein))) style child rape extortion honeypots?

Those non-Jews? /s

20639886? ago

You just made my point.

20639985? ago

You just made my point.

20641077? ago

They both have good points :)

Tell someone a "they" group is manipulating society, and the person will dutifully inform you that this is absurd.

Then ask them what effect absurd information has on an informed society and they shall dutifully quip:

"NONE! Because we shall IGNORE it entirely!"

Right about then, I like to agree with them that large groups of people never coordinate action to control the spread of antagonistic ideas, then I just grin real big and walk away.

20639486? ago

They're so ravenous that they have completely forfeited their credibility. They willingly lie and are proven to lie and are discredited. They're exposed for who they are and how they think of the rest of us as Sheep. Sheep...no more.

20639444? ago

you are right they are soo soooo visible on Twitter in plain sight,

it is so obvious and horrendous in the same time

I even called out bunch of them after DJT supported Israel for the zilliont time, [a honeypot on itself so public and humiliating support of Israel]

They are silent after that,

one bitch even blocked her public twits after my Question.

I was blocked by a lot of them, one even defending SA doing bad thiings to Yemen / no matter if they are Iran supported

It is all about leverage not about people

Semitic tribes will fight among themselves trough the ages just like their predecessors