20640310? ago

One of my oldest friends is a coroner and while he’s ethical and honest it’s an elected position (here not sure about other places) so it’s always one election from being someone else and who knows about them. Outside of qualifications there is no vetting process

20640237? ago

See also Andrew Breitbart.

20639572? ago

We are not important enough for such treatment! For us it's jail for missing a line on a tax form.

20639499? ago

Then there was "the boys on the tracks" deaths in Arkansas many years ago. The coroner ruled that the boys had taken drugs, felt tired then laid down on the railway line. Sadly for them, a train passed over them before they woke. After that the boys were buried.

However, the parents were not happy with the conclusion. They were fairly sure that their boys had never taken drugs so they had the bodies exhumed and examined by another coroner. Only then was the rifle butt wound to the head and the stab marks discovered.

It is believed that the boys saw a drug drop near Mena airport and were spotted by the smugglers.

20639233? ago

Maybe the nomination of Eugene Scalia will begin the wave? He probably deserves a major role in cutting the purple scarf?

20639168? ago

Local contractors for the hit. Somebody in every city. The contractors have contacts with Leo's, EMS, coroner's, doctors, nurses, anybody in the evidence chain. Just need a few key positions and know their schedule. Set time/date of contract to accommodate times when assets are available. Some are bribed, some threatened, some members, others are told it is for national security. People have been taught to obey authority and worship money. It's easy to compromise the weak and willing.

20640776? ago

Yes. Everything you wrote. Truth.

20639020? ago

My father was slowly poisoned to death by his wife. I knew it, some nurses even caught her doing it red handed and reported her to the authorities. There was no investigation, and no doctors even had a clue what was wrong with him. So once he was so damaged by the poison (manganese?) that he couldnt speak or walk or feed himself, my stepmother started purposefully hurting him by pinching him so that he would show signs of pain, something else nurses witnessed and reported and nothing was done, and she had him placed on hospice and they gave him morphine for his "pain" until he stopped eating and drinking and he died.

She is a big time witch and her brother/lawyer is a freemason. That's how she got away with everything.

Coroner ruled his death complications from dementia and he didnt even have dementia.

20640252? ago

Wow! So sorry you had to endure this. Thanks for sharing the story.

20640244? ago

Why didn’t you involve the police?

20640251? ago

I did. They refused to touch it.

20641147? ago


20640178? ago

My stepmonster would have meet karma the minute I/You knew about it. Just saying.

20639590? ago

Why don't you do something about it? I would if someone killed my relative. Maybe try talking to the lady? Or ever watch the Sopranos? Maybe you can find a happy medium where you can get some closure and her to get punished for what she did.

If one thing I've learned from this entire clusterfuck of Clintons, DS, Podesta, child rape, torture, murder and blackmail is that the "authorities" aint in it for "justice" they're in it for money, power, children raping, torture and devil worship.

Don't trust "them" to do justice for you if you're not providing them their evil pleasures!

20639630? ago

I have a family, and a young son that needs me to be free, and working towards his future. I'm not throwing it away to get revenge on that bitch.

20639203? ago

There you go. This guy gets it. If your father can be openly murdered by them why not anyone else?

20639342? ago

Why not wire the twin towers and blow up 3,000 people and still get away with it despite most people with a brain knowing it?

20639539? ago

Why not? Why not wire up the NEW tower with bombs while it's being built so that they can blame this one on white supremacists in MAGA hats when it falls down?

20639331? ago

I watched him die in front of me on Christmas day, me begging the hospice bitch to stop giving him morphine. I tried in vain to try and get him to drink some water and he was just morphined out. The bitch got $500,000 from his life insurance policy.

20640836? ago

The hospice gets to charge for each delivery of drugs. No way will they stop doing it.

20642027? ago

It was Avalon Hospice. For profit.

20642581? ago

Of course.

20639018? ago

Wow, I never thought of that, but imagine how powerful it would be to own all the coroners. I can imagine you have Freemason coroners in every city. Commit the murder in the right location at the right time to make sure the corpse goes to the Freemason coroner, and Presto! It's a suicide!

20645500? ago

Just curious, why jump to nefarious freemasons? There are plenty of ways to corrupt public servants, i.e. blackmail and bribery, which would seem to be easier than trying to install a member of a certain fraternity into a certain position. Not to mention the apparently inherent shadiness in the justice system, the cops and lawyers and judges all look out for each other just because they are in the same profession - an us vs. them mentality sets in.

20646233? ago

There's always pushback when you make a comment about Freemasons. Funny thing, you guys are always very polite and make intelligent arguments. The Muh Jews shills are usually really nasty and unpersuasive. Similar with the with the Arrests or GTFO crowd.

The fact is that Jimmy Savile did horrific thing and probably was a mason, and obviously had a bunch of Mason best buddies. Add to that all the accounts of horrific abuse of children by people that claim to have experienced it. Then you have the musicians that use satanic imagery along with Masonic symbols. All of the Google icons are pretty much Masonic symbols, such as the gmail icon which is the Masonic apron. Then after false flags, the witnesses are wearing Masonic pins or whatever. Your downfall is your fascination with symbols. To make sure we see them, so you can laugh at how dumb we are for missing them. I get the whole Lucifer thing, with the light shining down in your temples, and the black and white duality. Appear good on the outside, while you do the most horrible evil in secret.

No, not all Masons are evil, particularly the lower level clueless ones that are never invited to rise in rank.

20639842? ago


20638861? ago

We have it all, think logically, reconcile, no deals, nobody escapes this, NOBODY

20639650? ago

Epstein just escaped.

20639404? ago

Then why do they keep getting away? A big claim requires equal proof.

20638700? ago

What faculties fo they control that allowed ol Barry and ilhan Nur Said to even hold office? The authority of law and order that we have all grown up to respect and fear has been a SHAM.

20643990? ago

Who are they praying to? https://voat.co/v/anon/3321415 Baldwin, Courtney Love, Duke of York, Hoffman, Jagger, Kissinger, Kennedy, Rothschild, David Blaine, Mills, Spacey, Soros, Maria Shriver, David Rockefeller, John Kerry... Epstein's Little Black Book:

20638692? ago

If they own coroners, what about doctors? What about psychiatric doctors?

20639021? ago

Everything up and down the ladder.