20642952? ago

Doesn't matter. Nothing will be done about it. All just a dog and pony show to keep the slaves fighting and divided.

20640923? ago

Yeah, soon. Everything is coming soon. But it never does.

20639623? ago

He's writing a book about it. He might be a paytriot.

20638710? ago

Probably all just a part of DECLAS, or something thatll precede it to wet the palate of the public. Warm them up to whats coming.


20638530? ago

Uh huh. Soon. It's always happening, soon, but somehow never does. Fucking morons.

20637826? ago

POTUS: "i will never telegraph my moves"

Q and some dumb patriots: "we will telegraph all our moves so we can be suicided"

Me: facepalm.

20637815? ago

Every single day every single person repeats the same god damn thing, "oh ya it's coming, oh ya you will know everything, oh ya D5 baby" on and on and on. Yet here we are in halfway through sept 2019 with empty hands.

20637069? ago

Yet another Q proof.

20637061? ago

Yet another Q drop

20637025? ago

Another one cruisin' to get Breitbarted.

20639048? ago


Wow, digits confirm!

20636690? ago

Interesting that one of the '9 others' he replied to is the DOJ

20636491? ago

20637360? ago

Direct link and I archived it at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3432903/20637341/

20635853? ago

Sky event?

20634164? ago

Let's not forget the airline pilot Sean Hannity was going to interview about the conversation he overheard between LL and BC. Apparently all government planes have recording devices going in case of an emergency, and he heard it while still in the cockpit.

The day before, he flew in, went to a hotel, then committed suicide.

20638296? ago

Sauce bro

20637843? ago


20642122? ago

20645127? ago

Thank you. Dunno how I missed that

20634019? ago

Anyone else notice th q drop referenced here speaks of Clinton, Soros, Obama and PUTIN are controlled by the three families? Putin?

20637460? ago

This ^ . What to think of it.

20638713? ago

"Flipped/Freed" but still playing along and pretending, is my guess. He doesn't strike me as "Evil".

20633859? ago

Who are the wizards and warlocks bro?

20638705? ago

"You'll find out."

20639039? ago

I love that response! In a chopper presser yesterday (I think it was the one in CA, just before departing) I heard him say "We'll see. We'll see. And you'll watch." Love it!

20637408? ago

NRO (C) (-CORN( think mirror(ready for two be cut?) They have many images of wizards and warlocks on patches. Matrixxx did a big dig on this. This was a real bombshell. But none picked it up in the truth community. Now InTheMatrixxx is taken down...with all his content. Bc of a copyright thing that Defango hold against him for playing their song on the show?? ?... Sure...

20634216? ago

That Red Fez Hat?


Clown Ops? Wizards & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.



20633596? ago


So tired of hearing this

20639597? ago

He's writing a book about it...

20638567? ago

It's the common theme of posts like his that make me realize there's nothing there. Oh, it sounds juicy, but it never amounts to anything. If it did, people would just release it already. But no, let's take the approach of making the claim you have sensational information and putting a large fucking bullseye on your back after you've tipped off the opposition to boot.

GTFO with this bullshit...

20639028? ago

"Gabbo is coming!"

20638284? ago

Trust the plan goy!

20634330? ago

You can't trust Soon per se, but you can trust Soon to be Soon.

In other words, any telegraphing of pending disclosure means you can scratch that disclosure off your list of what's to come. And start looking at what might unexpectedly be disclosed with much less import in progress towards meaningful disclosure.

20634473? ago

Tired of word-salad justifications for Soon™ too





I have grown a great amount of respect for George Webb. He doesn't Soon™ you. He let's it all drop immediately, with no foreplay

20639026? ago

Yeah, fuck that loser. I was following him until he did that stunt where he was stuck in a hotel with two thugs in the elevator and he needed to get across town. A subscriber showed up with a chain, getting caught on camera helping him "get out".

Later he expressed that he was just LARPing, so yeah, fuck him.

20633577? ago

Who are the wizards and warlocks?

20637898? ago

Q has mentioned them repeatedly. Some sort of intel gathering group from what I can tell.

20634191? ago

The Founder of the FBI was a clown, a homosexual Shriner? https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3318701 Wicked Wizards, hordes of Goblins Praying to an Eye in Flame..... was J. R. R. Tolkien Woke !?

20634109? ago

Those who protect and oversee all the info.

20633531? ago

Is he dead already?

20639019? ago

(if not) then you know the reason why

20633421? ago

I'm gonna shit my pants if a couple indictments drop on 11/3-6

Quantum Baby!

20633885? ago

You will need to upload a picture of that happening to prove to us that it really happened.

20634645? ago

What exactly are you referring to? What picture do you want me to upload fren?


20637093? ago

Your poopy pants pic.

20646640? ago

Will doo! 💩

20633283? ago

20637440? ago

News from October 17th, 2017

Soros Transfers $18 BILLION To His Open Society Foundations


20633456? ago

I'm gonna literally shit my pants if that happens. We all thought it was gonna happen last year and anons were all thinking they predicted a year in advance. Future proves past. Maybe it's two years in advance?

Super intelligent AI on Q team confirmed

20633467? ago

Quantum Baby!!!!

20633219? ago

Great. Watch for suicide/car accident/heart attack in 3...2...1...

Why do they always Telegraph their intentions??! That’s what get you killed.

20633543? ago

FB/Red-it hands do it here everyday.

Aint no camo in that game,they need got.

20633401? ago

He is trying to protect someone else from getting killed. It's conscience v risk to self.

20633190? ago

His impending suicide really upsets us all

20634180? ago

Gotta watch out for those red scarves, they catch you slippin it’s lights out

20633429? ago


He will be missed

20633495? ago

Really..it's the guns fault. We need to act gun control immediately so we wont have more tragedies of a gun shooting people in the back of the head 10 times. /s

20633798? ago

damn bumpstocks.

20634350? ago

He got off easy, those things can fire a 30 round clip in 1/2 a second!

20633127? ago

Looking forward to his insight. This reporter has done so much to expose the truth. Good for him.

20633102? ago

What a fucking moron. What's the chance he's arkancided before he gets the word out?

20633439? ago

He's actually safer if he goes as public as possible.

20633706? ago

This has been proven false many times. The number of people with earth shattering information that have come forward only to be ignored and then killed is staggering.

20634658? ago

True. But in comparison to quietly sharing the info?

20633179? ago

He has already testified. That's why "we" know. Think of it as a burden lifted off the reporters because he is no longer a threat to the cabal. Unless the reporter is a stupid as you give him credit for.

Say, is there any word from Loretta "Lying" Lynch or Slick Willy's bro Podesta the Molesta? Would love to hear their take on this.

20633088? ago

Thanks for sharing.

20633002? ago

Thanks Chris, otherwise we would never have known. ABC 15 in Phoenix is owed a great deal of debt for doing its' journalistic duty without bias in a time when so much news is fake. Can you say Emmy?

20636654? ago

Fake news. There was no tarmac meeting. Quit being so gullible. That’s all been debunked. Foo.

20636138? ago

Haha man good point. Kind of reminds me of how this Nipsey Hustle guy is applauded so hard lately for doing good things in his community before he died. Well what about the people who did right from day 1? We applaud bad people who turn good (which is definitely good) but what's better than people who chose right from wrong since day 1?

20638071? ago

tbh the idea of this goes really far back, probably to the biblical "prodigal son" story. The son who initially made bad decisions and then reformed himself was far more celebrated than the one who always did good from day one (I'm certainly not saying it's 'right', just that this is a really old archetype).

20639113? ago

You completely and totally missed the point of that parable.

20648853? ago

Tbh you're the one who seems like you missed the point, not the OP of that comment.

"The prodigal son, or lost son, was an abuser of grace. Grace is most often defined as unmerited or unearned favor. He had a loving father, a good home, provision, a future, and an inheritance, but he traded it all in for temporal pleasures. We are the prodigal son." - https://www.christianity.com/wiki/people/who-was-the-prodigal-son-the-meaning-of-this-parable.html

20646060? ago

You're just going to leave us hanging?

20635397? ago

Or a footnote in the history books.

20634035? ago

This fucker didn’t know what was up he is probably a leftist himself. He probably thought he’d have a cool little scoop about a friendly “bumping into”

20632998? ago


20632806? ago

Thanks for the info., will watch for more.