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20629862? ago

The difference is, Alec makes fun of Republicans, so his actions are forgiven...

20629917? ago

Quit the circus and what names are in the book? Baldwin, Courtney Love, Duke of York, Hoffman, Jagger, Kissinger, Kennedy, Rothschild, David Blaine, Mills, Spacey, Soros, Maria Shriver, David Rockefeller, John Kerry... Epstein's Little Black Book:

20634648? ago

The book contains people Jeffrey WANTED to ‘collect’. The people who rode his ‘Lolita Express’ plane to Little St. James Island and stayed there . . . have a bit more explaining to do once the truth of that island is revealed. As if the information publicly available isn’t damning enough already to the elites [should the public en mass actionally become curious enough to learn the truth]. But in the Meantime, have a look at news regarding Ed Buck (you know the Democrat donor who twice in the span of 18 months had a person overdose in his house and die). Apparently a 3rd person has just overdosed in his house.

20634382? ago

Trump's in the book too, ain't he