20640316? ago

If not for double standards leftists would have no standards at all.

20639620? ago

Maybe he was a coon.

Relatively tame by my standards.

20638918? ago

I would let his wife do Yoga on my cock, yea

20638550? ago

One set of standards for me, another for thee. You know the drill.

20637387? ago

The black photographer was actually a thief. No way he paid for a camera to takes pictures of an asshole like Alec Baldwin.

20636771? ago

Chief pedo

20633535? ago

Holy shit, I love alec baldwin now!

20632902? ago

Leftist rules are for thee, not for me.

20632335? ago

That's fine, he didn't vote for Trump so he is ok.

20632154? ago

Who the fuck cares why he called a black person a coon?? You guys are fucking pathetic

20631995? ago

Show is on once a week. 52 weeks in a year. That means he’s been on it every week for over 160 years

20631892? ago


8,345 times since 2013?

That’s almost 4 appearances a day, every day, seven days a week, 365 days per year, every year, for six straight years!

Is there another performer in any role that can match that incredible record?

20631509? ago

I can't hold that against the guy.

20630839? ago

Baldwin has red shoes

20630227? ago

He is doing his Piggy apology tour.

20630083? ago

Was he wrong?

20634150? ago

No, he was not. And fuck these anti-racist MAGAtards who have already accepted the most important terms of their enemy. These people are fucking stupid.

20630062? ago

But they just fired another SNL cast member for the same thing.

20632196? ago

That guy barely even did anything. He was pretending to be someone else, during a comedy podcast.... other comedians saw what he said and side with the dude. It was not worth firing him

20630037? ago

He is keeping quiet on this because he has a new TV show coming out soon.

20630031? ago

Who gives a shit. He's a jester. Makes no impact on our lives, and is completely irrelevant. Let his handlers do with him as they want.

20629930? ago

Disinformation is necessary! Trust the plan.

20629862? ago

The difference is, Alec makes fun of Republicans, so his actions are forgiven...

20629917? ago

Quit the circus and what names are in the book? https://voat.co/v/anon/3321415 Baldwin, Courtney Love, Duke of York, Hoffman, Jagger, Kissinger, Kennedy, Rothschild, David Blaine, Mills, Spacey, Soros, Maria Shriver, David Rockefeller, John Kerry... Epstein's Little Black Book:

20634648? ago

The book contains people Jeffrey WANTED to ‘collect’. The people who rode his ‘Lolita Express’ plane to Little St. James Island and stayed there . . . have a bit more explaining to do once the truth of that island is revealed. As if the information publicly available isn’t damning enough already to the elites [should the public en mass actionally become curious enough to learn the truth]. But in the Meantime, have a look at news regarding Ed Buck (you know the Democrat donor who twice in the span of 18 months had a person overdose in his house and die). Apparently a 3rd person has just overdosed in his house.

20634382? ago

Trump's in the book too, ain't he

20629837? ago

Quit bitching, whining and crying. It is called Double Standards that is how the Libertard's operate. What is good for them isn't good for you.

20629761? ago

8,345? When did SNL start making 4 episodes a day?

20629861? ago

He might just have appeared 20-something times per episode

20629656? ago

He was merely demonstrating the kind of thing a republican would say to a lovely person of color.

20629522? ago

If you're a convert to the Woke Religion then your sins are forgiven.

20629282? ago

https://archive.ph/LvdZ0 :

2013-02-18 | Alec Baldwin 'unleashed a racist rant' on a New York Post photographer | Daily Mail Online

'Alec Baldwin has been accused of unleashing a racist rant on a New York Post photographer outside his apartment building, but the actor has claimed that HE is the victim of harassment. '

'Before the altercation on Sunday morning, Baldwin had been approached by a New York Post reporter and was asked for a comment about the lawsuit against his wife, Hilaria. '

'Following the spat, the police were called and Miller, 56, and Baldwin, 54, both filed harassment claims against each other. ', "The Post claims that Baldwin then grabbed the female reporter by her arm and said: 'I want you to choke to death. 'She allegedly recorded the comment and played it to police."

'Alec Baldwin disputed the claims, tweeting: 'The class was, IN NO WAY, "dangerously crowded".''

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