20638992? ago

Seems like "bait and switch" for the DS. Disinfo is necessary. Bait expends ammunition. The reason given a week later is the correct legal reason.

It's not the reveal of those names that scares them, those are likely puppets. It's the fear of the whole scheme unravelling.

20634334? ago

State secrets can be claimed by previous presidents, right? Bush or Obama could’ve done this.

20628726? ago

He's jewish.

20628362? ago

Barr killed keshogi

20636916? ago

With his wife waiting in the car outside 🤫

20627678? ago

Did they get to the dancing israelis part and then a loud voice boomed - SHUT IT DOWN!

20627321? ago

Someone could win the presidency on the sole platform of slaughtering the deep state and declassng everything. Total war on secret societies and certain subversive Ethnic supremacist groups that support pedos.

20626951? ago

It's a cat and mouse game where Trump keeps threatening to release the really big stuff and then backs off in return for the DS backing off on their own thermonuclear weapons (NYC prosecution on taxes, his kids, Epstein ties, running a Dem with an actual chance to beat him).

20626837? ago

Like Trump, full of shit. All talk no action. When will people just fucking DO something rather than announce their intentions to then get shut down FFS

Jesus would declas regardless!

20629860? ago

Isn't it suspicious how Barr immediately made a statement on Epstein's death, but hasn't made any comments since the autopsy was completed? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3392660

20626539? ago

Because his Grand Master told him to.

20626516? ago

Because Barr is a fixer, a cleaner.

He is doing the job that Muller fucked up.

20626505? ago

optics. Force the DS to use ammunition.

20626441? ago

(((State secrets)))

20629713? ago

Intresting CDAN blind item https://voat.co/v/QRV/3334121

20626289? ago

Staffanon said it's Turki bin Faisal. Who knows...

20626415? ago

Psyop... staffanon name dropped to see the social media impact.

20626190? ago

Because it wasn’t the saudis.

20625975? ago

The state secret is our government perpetrated the act. Most of the Saudi terrorists our government claimed to have died on the planes that day are still alive and well, some still flying commercial airliners in middle east.

20639094? ago

The voice changing call made by high ranking officials. The remote landing of jumbo aircraft.

All public and done before 9/11.

Never forget the stand down order.

Never forget the 'drills' that day.

Never forget the "pull it" order.

Never forget the put options on select stocks.

I could go on and on.

20639923? ago

There is a mountain of evidence pointing to the fact this was a false flag event. After the mountain gets so big the official version become the conspiracy theory. When you have so much circumstantial evidence showing a alternative story, the governments version becomes a lie.

20629878? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3393833 Barr came out and accepted the results of the Epstein investigation saying he committed suicide, and I don't see any discussion of it here

20626886? ago

Or still flying around the globe doing dirt for the cia, of whom they work/worked for.

20626131? ago

^^^ THIS ^^^

20625762? ago

Dear OP, you need to substantiate your claim if you want us to take you seriously.

Why do you make us ask?

Don't be a nigger.

20625813? ago

The fact that this will get a shill stamp shows this bias against truth. Im a Dem that is now considered far right if you put me up against national dems ... This is something I'm sure of it what it is Im not sure

20625737? ago

Barr is deep state

20626613? ago


20626547? ago


20626167? ago

Barr is deep state

Bill Barr is the B2 Stealth Bomber. Your side is screwed, shill.

20625757? ago

you are a idiot.

20625861? ago

I'll meet you back here after the Horowitz report gets torpedoed by Barr

20625847? ago

Your post proves it numbnuts

20625965? ago

Don't you guys say this is 4D chess?

So this couldn't be giving up a pawn to get a Bishop??

20626157? ago

Not if its your bishop.