20601225? ago

Iran is no real threat to the US.

China is the real threat to the US.

China has build a fleet of permanent-aircraft carriers in the South China Sea, constructing up to 10,000 foot aircraft runways on artificially-constructed reefs, with weapons and military radars, in the midst of the SUPERHIGHWAY of internation shipping, with 5 TRILLION dollars worth of shipping trade passing, 24 hours a day, right through their new ring of sea-castles.

Iran is a diversion. China will get its fake islands eliminated by DJT.

20600118? ago

This may be why Trump’s talking to Israel about this Treaty. He may be getting his ducks in order. I doubt he’ll be sending many American troops into a ground game though. Those will be from Gulf Cooperation Council, or whatever they call it, and others in region. He’ll most likely soften everything real good for them. So by the time they arrive it will be mainly a mop up operation.

20599128? ago

Iran is soon to be government less. DJT did warn them. Now they will be taken out, our way.

20599053? ago

no that's a stupid comparison

20598582? ago

Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?


20598559? ago

Ready to suck israels dick even harder!

20597884? ago

Hit EVERY major bridge at least twice on each span, every civil air radar, & each divisional C&C for their military. I like my gas cheap, so leave the O&G alone.

20598578? ago

Hopefully Iran seeks out all jews in America

20597705? ago

Is Q supposed to be the shape Donald Trump's asshole takes on when he is being raped by benjamin netanyahu and a pack of hasidic jews???

20599960? ago

only in your fever dreams, shilly

20601068? ago

SHILL!!!!!!! JIDF SHILL!!!!!!!!!!

20597668? ago

Interesting. Both of Qs posts referred to the Supreme Court. Trump was telling Kavanaugh he should sue the media (article on this today).

Trump's post looked and loaded clearly was not some clear related, though

20597554? ago


20597337? ago

Trump told Iran that, if they abandon their nuclear ambitions, they can become rich and independent (free from Cabal control). If they continue to do the Cabal's bidding, he said that he would "obliterate" them. That's the word he used. He said we would not get into a prolonged war with them, that he would obliterate them. I have a feeling that, to avoid full up World War III, he's going to order such a strike that it will take Tehran decades to recover from it. Iran keeps making threats against our ships and other nations' oil tankers. If they were behind the Saudi strike, that just took out five percent of the world's oil production capability, which will drive up prices, he's going to stop them cold. To prevent the strike from blooming into regional war, he's gonna hit them so hard, with such capabilities that the rest of the world won't dare challenge us. Welcome to the inauguration of Space Force into day-to-day operations.

20612935? ago

Tehran wouldn’t recover, they’d move the capital and I’d imagine would be under Jew control at that point.

20600853? ago

I pray for the day to come soon when our countrymen know Iran is being advised by our deep state.

20599972? ago

(((they))) are picking a FIGHT. The Battle of Armageddon.




20599961? ago


BTR GT your ARMS then I guess...


20598571? ago

It will be the end of the US if another kike war is started. The people will revolt.

20598158? ago

Oh, so we love war again? Ok....

20597999? ago

it was one percent yesterday

20597916? ago

Space Force, yes. Iran, no. Deep State fuckers have nowhere to hide.

20597696? ago

Wow. You are such a massive faggot. And Iran doesn't have nuclear (bomb) ambitions and never have. You have been lied to your whole life. Iran doesn't have the amount of uranium necessary nor the energy capabilities to convert that uranium. Iran wants nuclear power so that they can sell their oil, and make money. If they don't have the nuclear power, they can't make any money.

20608430? ago

Back in the early 2000s, Iran practiced a series of missile tests that had an unusual "profile." They were cheap,SCUD-variants that they launched from freighters and container ships out in the ocean. They went up to around 400 km in a slight ballistic curve and exploded. The western media reported these as failed missile tests. What the media didn't know was that this was the profile for an EMP attack. All they needed was a nuke small enough to create an EMP and launch one off of each American coast and we would be back to circa 1850. An expert testified before Congress about this and said that casualty estimates from an EMP attack would be 100 million in the first thirty days due to loss of water and sewage systems primarily.

Iran has been in the hands of the DS for a long time, at least back as far as Shah Reza Palavi. Ayatollah Khomeini and the Twelvers represent a branch of Islam that believes they must create absolute chaos in order to bring about the arrival of the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah. They don't have to worry about winning a war. All they need to do is bring chaos. It's not a rational strategy against which we can effectively deter with military force. They will have to be obliterated, to use Trump's term. I'm not advocating for a way, but it is incorrect to say Iran has never had nuclear ambitions.

20598615? ago

They just say "death to America" for fun

20601018? ago

They literally don't say that, that is mistranslated fake news. They don't have the power to start a world war and they aren't interested. Your gobbling up jew fed fake news.

20599395? ago

Kek. "It's just jokes"

20597672? ago

If he destroys Iran we'll known the Sabbatean Frankists, Zionists, Jews, Cabal, whatever you want to call them, have won.

20597640? ago

And the jews got all you jew haters on board to destroy the enemy of the jews.

20601441? ago

Being a combatant isn’t a binary thing. We can wipe out Muslims and Jews, it doesn’t have to be one or the other. To be honest with you, whites don’t even want to control Muslim or middle eastern countries. The weather sucks, the jobs would all be long haul like trucking or freighting off the continent, the history of the land sucks and farming and food production is shit. We would be better off obliterating Africa and the Middle East, since they are heathens and pagans or worse anyway.

20601835? ago

Cave man change your loin cloth

20598454? ago

They are taking the bait....again...just like Germany in WW2

20598429? ago

Just like WWII 👈

20598371? ago

the Satanists in Jews clothing..FTFY

20597564? ago

Rods from God raining down

20599978? ago


20602037? ago

I just harvested sunflowers for the first time. Really neat, how they are "a lot like corn" I thought while taking the kernels out. They have a head; corn has an ear. The kernels in corn have silk (one strand attached to earn kernel, I learned reading "My Ivory Cellar" about the history of time-lapse photography, lots of good info in there!), but sunflower kernels are "on the outside" (head, not ear). Both have tall stalks. Just looked them up; quite different families (sunflowers are same family as lettuce!). Weird, and neat at the same time.

20597433? ago

from: doglegwarrior

he says what his jew handelers tell him to say wake the fuck up Q anon

20597497? ago

Dream on.

20597491? ago

Is that why the media hates him, or is it just so elaborate we just can't figure it out..THAT elaborate? Come on bro.

20598477? ago

Exactly. If they are behind Trump and Q then they just spent the last two years completely destroying their propaganda machine.

20598185? ago

Yes. Its THAT elaborate. Centuries of corruption and deception

20597796? ago

from: doglegwarrior

do you know nothing of deception of magic tricks of wizardry??? hey look at the orange man he bad. we all hate him...the country is 100% divided.. thats perfect for the jew swindler middle man... golan heights??? we the jews want it... trump hands it to him... trumps top advisor..sure give the kike securitu clearence he shouldnt have.... move the capitol as the jews wanted??? trump sure move the capitol we support the kikes 100% keepntrying to fight iran??? sure keep poking iran..

come on.. trump was bailed out by jew rothchild bankers and he is backed by adelson the jew king maker.. its fucking obvious if you take Q's dick out ofnyour mouth for more then 10 seconds.......... ok 10 seconds go back to sucking Qanaons dick like the retards you sound like you are.

20597927? ago

Speak for yourself. I love my prez.

20597877? ago

Please say it, Trump is one of the most evil, wicked, and deceptive men that ever walked the earth, and he has complete destruction in mind for the USA and all whites and loves Jews blah blah because...because...because why?

Money? Fame? Power?

Makes no damn sense you faggot. You guys love your chains if the truth be known.

20598809? ago

from: doglegwarrior

you have valid points. but damn he is fucking surronded by jews.. he was bailed out and owes everything to jews including his fame... the only hope which my friend who has been telling me this shit for a long time is that he hated the jews because he knows they did 9/11 and he is keeping his enemies close and will serve his revenge in the end for their backstabbing of america.

i dont hold out a lot of hope but Q and the anons give me some hope.

20597706? ago

Who paid for Hitler's war machine? How did the French Revolution start?

If you don't understand the Jews play both sides, you haven't been paying attention or learned a damn fucking thing. How are you going to start a civil war to fracture the country if you don't get half the country so mad they're willing to commit violence in the streets, openly? How are you going to destroy the United States if you don't get the army inside before the war starts? Why do you think the hundreds of thousands of illegals have flooded into the country since Trump was elected? And Trump is even kind enough to use your money to get them to where they want to go. How kind!

Question. Everything. Stop buying official narratives on anything. Stop being so fucking naive.

20597832? ago

Not this time. Trump has a 'love the sinner but hate the sin' approach to Jews.

“As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.”

As touching their wickedness, and all the havoc they have done, he hates what they've done and who they've become. But he knows that a day is coming when God will turn to them again as a people and forgive their sins, and they will embrace the messiah.

I believe he is juggling these two things and if there is some error in excess on his part, for a time, it is because of these demonic 'if you're a jew you're automatically saved and not cursed' (huge error) evangelical phonies that he's got himself surrounded by.

God help him. But the scenario that all this is just one huge deception on his part, and that he is evil, no I don't think so. Though it has happened many times in the past.

You're not a very astute people reader if you think Trump is a phony.

20597938? ago

Your post is incoherent. You say I'm wrong, give no reason, say it's happened in the past, but I'm not astute if I think Trump is phony.

You sure wrote a lot, but nothing compelling.

20598033? ago

Such are the constraints of an online forum, I shouldn't attempt to explain it.

20598147? ago

The only downside to attempting to explain it is if your argument is exposed as incoherent, and you have a reason to defend the argument regardless of its veracity. Otherwise you should welcome the conversation and ability to test your world view against reality, and potentially learn something.,

So why do you think you shouldn't attempt to explain your position? Will it be revealed as incoherent? You already wrote a lot, so clearly "it's a waste of time" is an incoherent rebuttal. You were willing to converse up to now. So I'm honestly curious why you think running away at this point is the best strategy?

Is this your admission that your argument doesn't stand up to modest scrutiny? That's the only way I can make sense of your comments, but I'm willing to listen to your argument, should you deign me worthy of the honor of hearing it.

20598315? ago

Actually I'm just tired. And that was the nickel I was flipping you.

No disrespect, the idea was, half of something is better than all of nothing. Sometimes maybe it's not.

I'm simply saying that in my opinion Trump is doing a balancing act, he's trying to give the Jews the Biblical respect that he believes they deserve, while condemning their evil ways at the same time.

I'm the same, I hate them for what they've done and who they are, but I believe, as do hundreds of reformed ministers from the 15 and 1600's do, that God will redeem them, however those who have died outside of Christ, up to that point, will be condemned.

Trump's ancestry, heritage, goes back to these people, in Scotland, on his mom's side.

Doesn't mean I have to hang wit them like so many of these false so called Christian preacher prophets do, who worship the Jews in error, and put them on a pedestal. These are the people leading Trump astray, to a degree.

Like I said, it's complex, and there is a spiritual element, tough to put in a few concise thoughts.

20598425? ago

Of course it's complex. The problem with your assessment is that if Trump believes that, he's literally given his children to hell by turning them away from Christ and into Jews.

Doesn't really make any sense if he believes as you and I believe, does it?

He seems to be more cozy with Jews than with Christian Americans. I have a problem with that. I realize that makes me anathema to the Q movement, but I feel like I'm watching a slow motion car crash as the country is incrementally destroyed. That combined with my lack of giving a fuck with fitting in means that I will continue to say things that make people uncomfortable even if it means I'm expelled from the club.

We'll see who's right. I hope I'm not. But I fear I am.

20598492? ago

I think Trump is still somewhat confused theologically. He needs some sound people and not John Hagee types. He might regret the situation with his daughter and grand-kids or he might genuinely be confused. We'll see what happens. Do keep talking, we need it.

20597280? ago

Oh man normies... so many normies.

Knowing the website qanon.pub does not make you not = a big fuckin normie.

How much do you really know?

One of the heightened events of Enemy Patterning buried in our cellular memory history is that of the Luciferian Rebellion which reached its apex during the end of the Atlantian Cataclysm Root Race (human evolution) cycle. From the Guardian perspective this was the end result of our last Aeon or Astrological Age, approximately 26,000 years ago by our human timeline measurement. What resulted in our Atlantian Cataclysm evolution experiment was quite a traumatizing cataclysm that set the events into motion as to what humans would experience in the next Aeon cycle. The last 26,000 years have been a dark cycle of evolution and planetary "rule". This is the current age of (de)evolution that is now coming to completion now and through 2012. With the recent timeline intersection, a large chunk of this cellular history has been playing out in our hologram and therefore our lives. We are able to complete this "enemy patterning" now via these new evolutionary intersections. See the Ages of Humanity.

Through the energetic enslavement of the Seraphim consciousness, the Fallen Angelic were bound to play out the program of the Luciferian Rebellion as the Sons of Belial


If you wanna see how deep and dark the rabbit hole goes, use this link and follow some of the terms, this site works like wikipedia.


Review the Seth material


and the Law of One material from the Social Memory Complex known as Ra (they are obviously intricately connected but it's best to begin with Seth).


They don't actually have names it's just what they have used to identify with humans throughout the ages so they use the title for consistency but they do not really have these names, they don't use them in their "everyday lives" so to speak, with that said, these beings live OUTSIDE of space/time as we know it...

Tesla was friends with a guy named HILBERT from Germany who was a brilliant mathematician who essentially figured out there was multiple dimensions using Math.

Tesla learned all his formulas and was fascinated.

This stuff was brought over to USA by Van Neumann and showed to Tesla (institude advanced study princeton)

This was all used in the experiments (Philadelphia exp)

Electricity and current flow, in electrical circuits.

There are elctric fields, magnetic fields, ever heard of “Gravity Field” ?

Mass of the planet determines str. Of Gravity field = incorrect.

Gravity Field is what was used to create a means of access to the time field.

Not many people outside the HARDCORE scientific field understand that time is not an illusion but is in fact a FIELD. (measurable).

(Al Bielek – whos a smart fucker – is trying to break it down how this all works for us (laymen)).

He says Gravity Field, Electrical field and Magnetic field all form basically an equilateral triangle (they all work together).

At 3 points of the triangle. If you interconnect these 3 fields using electronics, which they took many many years to figure out how this all works and how to build the hardware and setup these fields working together..

you setup electronics and electronic means, to properly interact together, it develops (gives access to?) the Time Field.

This is a small localized field, It depends how much power you put into it. You can access it, and manipulate the time field, for effects which as local. Think about a donut. A torroidal structure resembling a donut. Time is a closed loop, a closed circuit.

There is no beginning and there is no ending (infinity chan logo? 8Chan) There is a point where you can say it is PLUS or MINUS infinity but this is a mathematical concept that perhaps doesn't have any feeling in reality, you might say there is a beginning and ending and you can go through that point.

This is a concept, Alpha and Omega, We are at some point in the time field.

Think of a line around the edge of this donut, this is the reality edge of time, the 3 vectors. Time can be measured with a clock. Time has another aspect, another vector called T2, which is at right angles to the linear flow. It controls T1, they combine for the time field.

In you go to T2 and affects things there, it affects T1.

They created a time field.

If you can create a field large enough to surround an object, you can hide the ship basically. This field affects time around the object, with enough power, can make the field bigger.

The field creates a rotation around the object (torroidal field) which causes so that light can pass through the field, the object is invisble essentially. The light is being reflected back by the time field.

No return of light, no image. Sounds simple, but its really not. If you make the index of refraction of the ship = 1 , then it is invisible. It bends light.

Tesla involved in this all the up until March 1942. When they heard he made the little ship small, Roosevelt contacted him and asked him to do it with a big ship, and everything was classified. It was moved to Philadelphia.

Tesla had Einstein as a consultant.

Many brilliant people involved.

and it goes on

you ain't seen nothing yet...




NOTE: This weekend I have rewatched "The Lord of the Rings" -- EXTENDED EDITION -- and holy fuck my mind is exploding. Peter Jackson tried to tell us the truth not long after 9/11. And Pedowood EDITED THE FUCK out of the movie to remove ANY ANY ALL TRUTH he was trying to convey.

For example, at one point Gandalf the Grey dies, right? He fights a Balrog at the end of the first movie and in the second movie we find out that he killed the Balrog but did himself die on that mountaintop... So how is he alive again in the second movie? In the extended edition, we find all of this out, as the original story that TOLKIEN meant to tell, remained intact. I posit that many of the versions of the LOTR books themselves available in print have been censored also, removing MUCH truth.

Gandalf the Grey RETURNS (resurrected by Prime Creator) to continue to fulfill his duties of the LIGHTFORCES. He is a WANDERER. Much like Jesus or Buddha. He returned as Gandalf the White and his memory was not the same, but it seems in this special circumstance, Prime Creator knew he must come back almost like he was when he left. Gandalf memory slowly returns, at first he does not even know his real name.

What's crazy is that the books are so fucking good that they still have people nerding all over them world wide. Okay, so enough about that, let's get to the good shit.

What is "Middle-Earth" ? What if I told you that there are three major ages to an evolutionary cycle and that is the reason why the Precision of the Equinoxes are meticulously measured in Egypt and in South America, via their Megalithic Structures from the Ra entities manifesting on the earth long, long ago. Each major age, or precesion, is about 26,000 years. It requires 3 ages to makeup a full Earth Evolutionary Cycle. We are in the third age right now of this cycle and, fucking fucked up as it is, we are entering the final years of this 75,000~ year cycle. That's right bitches, us here alive on this planet, we are living through this. Biblical times so-to-speak. But if you follow me, you will know even the Bible has truth mixed with lies to keep us all in check. Don't get me wrong, Jesus was fuckin' great! But the winners write the history books, don't they?

So we are in the third age of this cycle, I would posit to you that the second age of the cycle, or the middle-age of the cycle, is documented in "The Lord of the Rings" Epic. I would posit that this is not "Fairy tales" or "myth" but instead more-or-less a historical documentation of our planet from the middle-age, or middle-earth-age.

David Icke who went on BBC back in the 80's (or 90s?) and announced that he thinks he is the next Messiah, he thought he was Jesus. He used to be a BBC presenter/pro soccer player. He could have lived his live and said fuck all y'all and gotten rich and not given a shit. But he did not do that, did he?

What if Icke himself is a Wanderer and here to spread truth like no tomorrow?

I ask this because this guy gave me the best research advice I've ever gotten in my whole life. He said:

"What we must do, to see and understand this, is to take a great big deep breath, and STEP BACK, and look at the big picture."

See how this small piece fits over here? Why is that so? What are the real interconnections and why have they been hidden or occulted? Stuff like that.

This advice has helped me ENORMOUSLY.

I leave you now in peace as I must continue to research Professor JRR Tolkien (notice they just made a movie about him? I wonder if there is any truth in it -- NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP -- get the fuck outta here).



p.s. please be kind and rewind (I mean upvote) and please SHARE THE INFORMATION. I will edit this post if I find further goodies to share. ENJOY.

20613452? ago

This ridiculous screed is like allowing a Jehovah Witness into your house to pontificate about his bulls##t.

20602338? ago

Thank you so much. I quoted you yesterday without reading your reply. I told co workers that the bible holds truth and lies. And that our genetic memory is waking up.

20600692? ago


20599163? ago

That was a weird read, but I do wonder if time is the factor that unifies quantum field theories and the Theory of Relativity to form a Grand Unified Theory. It could not be simple, or they would have discovered this already if it were true.

20601963? ago

I like the "ten dimensions" video. It comes from string theory which I know very little about but it nicely explains how 10 dimensions is all we would need, to be able to contain all possible starting and ending points, in a point in that dimension. Since there'd by no other possible starting and ending points, there's be no other "point" in the tenth dimension, such that we could draw a "tenth-dimensional line" -- thus, it's really only "half" a dimension since it has a point but no other points, and no lines (this last part I added, and could of course be wrong).


kek, and in searching for that 11-minute video, what comes up? a 5-minute video titled "The 11 Dimensions EXPLAINED"! https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=vvUX6uHqbm0 -- I like the other one better, better quality audio as well as video production; and it explains them better as well. (And, this one stops at 10! So it's also inaptly named.)

20598572? ago

Wait, I need a bowl for this read....ok...420.

20600375? ago

Just a bunch of copied and pasted crap.

20597574? ago

Jews leg humpin you huh


20597499? ago

that all you got?

20597276? ago

8Chan is also locked!

20601871? ago

...and new code is being loaded

20597174? ago

Thank you for the connections.

20597123? ago

Good dig.

20597057? ago

Oh joy another war for Israel

20596988? ago

Ted Kennedy sure stayed loaded all the time when he was still around...

20600840? ago

Celebrating 3674 days of sobriety for Teddy Kennedy.

20596980? ago

Maybe hes just telling us its a simulation. 🍿

20596958? ago

Nice find! Ignore the shills, they know they’re hosed.

20596839? ago


20596788? ago
