20599968? ago

I think your mom need more practice

20598057? ago

You leftists literally smell bad.

20598204? ago

I think you need to re-examine where you actually fall in the political sphere dude.

20596890? ago

You lose over 80% of the Evangelical vote (a large base) if you don't parrot the "Israel good" narrative. Trump is playing for votes and he will lose if he doesn't get the Evangelicals (as delusional as they are) and some of the dems who are jews. It's a numbers game. I wouldn't get to caught up about it. We'll see what POTUS does after he wins in 2020. They are saving Israel for last remember.

20597886? ago

If we herd all the Christ cucks into ovens we don't have to worry about their votes.

This includes Mexicans who are pretty much all catholic.

20597135? ago

YAWN, Incumbents nearly always win.

20596981? ago

Do you think the Evangellies are looking at the Rad Dems and The Squad and getting a warm and fuzzy?

About the only thing "warm" the Evangelicals will get from this new Dem party is burned at the stake for ever picking up a bible or saying a prayer in their lifetimes. It was only a week or two ago that the Dems took their We Hate Religion pledge.

20597061? ago

The only thing you need to turn the evangelicals is just to show them who did 9/11. Then, they will never support Israel ever again.

20596804? ago

To make America great, we must send billions of dollars and risk our men/women in uniform to defend Israel

20596779? ago

maybe, but unintentionally he's shaking the the jews grip on world power. Another 4 years, I say

20596812? ago


20596765? ago

Says the goatfucker...

20596824? ago

Muslims rule the world!!!!!!!

20596706? ago

Best President Ever

and Hillbags lost

20596702? ago

Our forefathers weep in the afterlife.