20589416? ago

My link wont load but Trump 911 bombs will get u there.

Link and more can be found here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3424608

20589109? ago

Real perps: jews

20589107? ago

No planes hit any buildings on 911.

Mossad planted the plane-shaped charges. Look up B-Thing, Gelitin.

Bush buddy Tom Leppert's company, Turner Construction did the rest of the demolition charges while ostensibly doing 'fireproofing' in the WTC buildings.

All the network news was complicit, airing different versions of the same footage of a plane hitting the building.

Also note: Tom Leppert's company did the 911 cleanup (evidence hiding). They sent all the steel to China to be recycled.

20588951? ago

It pains me to consider this, but if the truth ever comes out, it'll need to be done after the reputation of Israel / Mossad has been complete destroyed.

Jews own our mainstream media and those filthy seditious kikes won't cover any news against their (((tribe))) but they would spin legitimate criticism about (((Mossad))) as a "right wing Nazi conspiracy theory" and they use it to destroy any politician.

We must free ourselves from these deadly Jew parasites, but they've burrowed so deep that it'll be a difficult task.

Yes, "blackpilled" crybabies will disagree because they are superheroes in their own imaginations... but things are more complicated here in the real world.

20589110? ago

Reply of the Month!

hat tip, patriot

20588866? ago

We also should look carefully at Public Television. The weekend before, public television broadcasted a program about a plane striking the Empire State Building. In retrospect -- was this a "go" signal? Did the dems think that Bush would buckle at the knees and they could regain control of the government -- but it backfired on them? Dittos -- I'm not into 9/11 conspiracies.

20588852? ago

I'm not into 9/11 conspiracies -- and I am one of those who blame the EPA for the collapse of the twin towers -- but it stands to reason that there would have been operatives on the ground in addition to those flying the planes. After-all, the earlier attempt on the WTC was at parking level.

20590379? ago

What do you think the word "conspiracy" means?

20589954? ago

There were operatives on the ground. Look at the random members of the public reciting their lines for the camera on septemberclues.info.

20589568? ago

The EPA isn't responsible for buildings imploding at the rate of freefall... unless they were the ones who planted the demolition charges. Shit who knows, maybe it was the EPA.

20589119? ago

9/11 is only a conspiracy to dim wits like yourself.