20607022? ago


Nice work. This is a path I have not gone down yet.

20594742? ago

Gates is such a piece of shit, I hope he fries with the rest of the scumbags

20592315? ago

Mr. Maxwell who was born in Lincoln, Neb. Father of Ghislaine and Christine took on the name Ian Robert Maxwell after WOII, born name: Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch (Slovak Jew from the east, right below Ukraine.

20588775? ago

Bill Gates is a jew, they don't make European faces like that.

20588763? ago


If that is a woman who died at 64, I'll eat my shoe.

20588050? ago

20589592? ago

Great work Thank you. Please share widely!

20587809? ago

Upvoat for textbook use of spoopy

20587736? ago

Fucking hell. Bill Gates connected to Epstein and Maxwell, no less to Maxwell by blood? Thank you anon, gonna make sure people know about this.

20589466? ago

NOT by Blood, turns out the Robert/Ghislaine Maxwells changed their name to Maxwell.

20591554? ago

Good to know as well, thank you.

20587649? ago

Says she died at 64 but in the picture she appears to be closer to 80.

20587127? ago

DUDE! That is some EXCELLENT work! I am impressed! Thank you very much!

20586666? ago

My question to everybody is the following, and please do review what I have to say before answering. My question is this:

How many of these people, are in fact, humans?

Oh man normies... so many normies.

Knowing the website qanon.pub does not make you not = a big fuckin normie.

How much do you really know?

One of the heightened events of Enemy Patterning buried in our cellular memory history is that of the Luciferian Rebellion which reached its apex during the end of the Atlantian Cataclysm Root Race (human evolution) cycle. From the Guardian perspective this was the end result of our last Aeon or Astrological Age, approximately 26,000 years ago by our human timeline measurement. What resulted in our Atlantian Cataclysm evolution experiment was quite a traumatizing cataclysm that set the events into motion as to what humans would experience in the next Aeon cycle. The last 26,000 years have been a dark cycle of evolution and planetary "rule". This is the current age of (de)evolution that is now coming to completion now and through 2012. With the recent timeline intersection, a large chunk of this cellular history has been playing out in our hologram and therefore our lives. We are able to complete this "enemy patterning" now via these new evolutionary intersections. See the Ages of Humanity.

Through the energetic enslavement of the Seraphim consciousness, the Fallen Angelic were bound to play out the program of the Luciferian Rebellion as the Sons of Belial


If you wanna see how deep and dark the rabbit hole goes, use this link and follow some of the terms, this site works like wikipedia.


Review the Seth material


and the Law of One material from the Social Memory Complex known as Ra (they are obviously intricately connected but it's best to begin with Seth).


They don't actually have names it's just what they have used to identify with humans throughout the ages so they use the title for consistency but they do not really have these names, they don't use them in their "everyday lives" so to speak, with that said, these beings live OUTSIDE of space/time as we know it...

Tesla was friends with a guy named HILBERT from Germany who was a brilliant mathematician who essentially figured out there was multiple dimensions using Math.

Tesla learned all his formulas and was fascinated.

This stuff was brought over to USA by Van Neumann and showed to Tesla (institude advanced study princeton)

This was all used in the experiments (Philadelphia exp)

Electricity and current flow, in electrical circuits.

There are elctric fields, magnetic fields, ever heard of “Gravity Field” ?

Mass of the planet determines str. Of Gravity field = incorrect.

Gravity Field is what was used to create a means of access to the time field.

Not many people outside the HARDCORE scientific field understand that time is not an illusion but is in fact a FIELD. (measurable).

(Al Bielek – whos a smart fucker – is trying to break it down how this all works for us (laymen)).

He says Gravity Field, Electrical field and Magnetic field all form basically an equilateral triangle (they all work together).

At 3 points of the triangle. If you interconnect these 3 fields using electronics, which they took many many years to figure out how this all works and how to build the hardware and setup these fields working together..

you setup electronics and electronic means, to properly interact together, it develops (gives access to?) the Time Field.

This is a small localized field, It depends how much power you put into it. You can access it, and manipulate the time field, for effects which as local. Think about a donut. A torroidal structure resembling a donut. Time is a closed loop, a closed circuit.

There is no beginning and there is no ending (infinity chan logo? 8Chan) There is a point where you can say it is PLUS or MINUS infinity but this is a mathematical concept that perhaps doesn't have any feeling in reality, you might say there is a beginning and ending and you can go through that point.

This is a concept, Alpha and Omega, We are at some point in the time field.

Think of a line around the edge of this donut, this is the reality edge of time, the 3 vectors. Time can be measured with a clock. Time has another aspect, another vector called T2, which is at right angles to the linear flow. It controls T1, they combine for the time field.

In you go to T2 and affects things there, it affects T1.

They created a time field.

If you can create a field large enough to surround an object, you can hide the ship basically. This field affects time around the object, with enough power, can make the field bigger.

The field creates a rotation around the object (torroidal field) which causes so that light can pass through the field, the object is invisble essentially. The light is being reflected back by the time field.

No return of light, no image. Sounds simple, but its really not. If you make the index of refraction of the ship = 1 , then it is invisible. It bends light.

Tesla involved in this all the up until March 1942. When they heard he made the little ship small, Roosevelt contacted him and asked him to do it with a big ship, and everything was classified. It was moved to Philadelphia.

Tesla had Einstein as a consultant.

Many brilliant people involved.

Al Bielek had been sent out, with his brother Duncan, out on a ship with a home dock being PHILADELPHIA in 1940 ship called the Pennsylvania arrived to pearl harbor as ship was due for overhaul in Oct 1941.

So they went to Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, and then left to go on leave for 2 months. On Dec 5th, 1941 they were supposed to head back to Pearl Harbour but they were intercepted and told not to go back because there would be an attack on the island and the people at Princeton did not want them on the island then.

And 2 days later the attack happened, They had known for 2 months, everybody on the island, that an attack was coming from Japan they just didn't know when. This lie (surprise attack) was ofc used to get AMERICA into the War.

As they worked back in Princeton in 1941 on Philadelphia experiment, on a huge battleship, they installed the equipment in the ship and began doing testing but Tesla was worried that the coils and equipment would be too powerful for the sailors who would be aboard if they were to ever try and use the equipment. Tesla tried to tell them to put back the date for the test but was told

and it goes on

you ain't seen nothing yet...




20593924? ago


Digits confirm! TL;DR Wingmakers post is accurate!

20590632? ago

This is the current age of (de)evolution that is now coming to completion now and through 2012.

You copied this without updating it. 2012 happened without (apparent) incident some seven years ago.

20588870? ago

Nice oat, replying at there is a lot to take in and will have to revisit

20587119? ago

Good report. Thanks!

20586804? ago

How many of these people, are in fact, humans?

which people do you mean?

20587834? ago

Full disclosure. I'm not human

20588923? ago

What are you then? I dont think any of this shit matters, its cosmic racism really, we are all crossbreeds anyway to some extent or another. However, evil is evil, of any race, and the "elites" whatever race they are, have lost key elements of being able to sense things clearly in this dimension. Except for the rare purebreds left among them, They are flying blind right now, and it shows.

20589076? ago

My not sure exactly what I am. But when I figure a proper pronoun to address me as I'll let you know. Oh and by they, I can shit in any bathroom I please.

20589481? ago

Not my bathroom!

20586521? ago

I did a tiny bit of digging, I don’t think there is a connection between Robert Maxwell and Mary Maxwell Gates.

Robert Maxwell is an assumed name, he was a Czech national and took an American name. He was born Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch

Sauce: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Maxwell

20588627? ago

He may have been born in Czech Republic, but he's Jewish. It's a real ethnicity, as well as a religion. The name Hyman Binyamin (Benjamin) Hoch is Ashkenazi and explains his banking career. It's almost like this ethnic group has a cartel-like grip on the financial industry. And because of the close genetic lines of Ashkenazi Jews, it's not improbable that he be related to Robert/Ghislaine Maxwell.

20586642? ago

TY for checking! it is a common name afterall. I was looking at her (Mary) and wasn't even going to post until I saw all her board directorships etc. and the banking connection, and that all seemed worth sharing. Even without Microsoft, the Gates family is all deep swamp.

20586448? ago

Makes you wonder if Jobs knew about Gates and the (((Intel))) connection. It took 20+ years of Windows (since 3.1) market dominance for Jobs to ditch Motorola for x86. Then there's his lack of any public philanthropy as he knew most of it was bullshit... feel like Jobs was actually redpilled.

20586564? ago

Didn't Jobs die of pancreatic cancer? I feel like pancreatic cancer is awarded to stubborn folk who will not retire and go away.

20587502? ago

While I love the theory, don't forget that RBG had (or has) a round of it. I really want her to retire and go away, but I don't see the DS sending her off any time soon.

20589475? ago

shit, yeah, I forgot about her "pancreatic cancer".

20585299? ago

“Just so happened to line up an IBM Deal”

Bullshit. IBM was worried about antitrust / monopoly so they spun off Microsoft as a “garage software” ventureZ. Microsoft was always IBM. The idea these connections w family were there, too, but meant nothing is total bullshit fake narrative crap.

Nice find. Mom was the connection.

Follow the wives indeed

20586326? ago

The story goes that IBM put together their revolutionary "PC" but didn't have an operating system. So they invited Gates and the guy who invented c/pm to come and pitch their offerings.

The c/pm guy was a pilot, and had "trouble" on the way there. Due to his good flying skills he was able to bring it down safely, but didn't make the meeting.

So since he didn't show up, they gave the contract to Microsoft---without any competition or bid.

Experts at the time said that c/pm would have been a much better choice.

They called the Microsoft piece of crap, "Disc Operating System," or "DOS."

20607005? ago

Always wondered why my XEROX 820II came with C/PM.

Dad was a programmer at XEROX for 25 years. (COBOL mainly)

I had the 2/5.25 inch drives

daisy wheel printer

monochrome monitor (whitish/light blue)

detached keyboard

much of the software to and manuals.

Later got a 300 Baud hayes modem so he could dial in to work off hours.

20619947? ago

I had a Radio Shack TRS-80 with cassette tapes instead of floppies.

And I thought it was really amazing, at the time!

20588342? ago

$50k. Seattle Computer Company

20619571? ago

Wikipedia has a story about the whole thing. It differs from what I recounted as hearsay, and adds a few side items also.

20587215? ago

QDOS, Quick and Dirty Operating System, shortened to DOS.

20593900? ago

QDOS was a much better product.

20588417? ago

Only MS didn't call it Dirty.

20589824? ago

They never do, but their stuff always has been.

20587184? ago

So that would make Gates a POS! Correct? That is not new news though.

20589444? ago

Just a stereotypical jew

20588410? ago

No, it's not.

It does let some new people know how the whole thing came about, however.

20586729? ago

This is much closer to what has been presented as the truth. I was in the middle of these goings on, was hired by IBM after designing and building an 8088 based micro with my own BIOS to load CPM; ironically on the S-100 bus as the backplane. The reality of IBM of that time, and for many years afterwards, was that they didn't have anyone in the Sr management ranks that had a vision for what the PC could become. Gates was in the right place at the right time and essentially got lucky. IBM viewed the PC on the same playing field as a typewriter, and as about as important so to speak. Intel, for several years prior to '81 was all about unseating IBM by foreseeing what the microprocessor could one day become. Intel's whole pitch was so inspiring that a whole generation of EEs like myself were dying to become part of the revolution. As we now know, Intel's vision back in 1975 eventually came to pass in much the way Groves and Moore envisioned.

Back to MS, IBM and other fortune 100 definitely did big business in NY, behind the scenes and among the elites of that time. It is not inconceivable that Mary Gates may have had some sway over IBM's board possibly more than over John Opal personally. Whatever the accurate version of the story, it has been true for quite some time that the wealthy have had tremendous influence over the direction of business and US policy in general.

20588888? ago

As someone who has a shitload of s100 bus shit lying around, tell us more stories ya old bastard ;)

20590127? ago

LOL, didn't date myself too much.

20599355? ago

Yeah, you're a boomer who helped build what we refer to now as "the good stuff" because the current stuff is crap unless you know exactly what to get. I really miss the UI designers of your generation.

20588374? ago

Everything you said sounds right, except for Gates "got lucky."

I suspect it is much more likely that he was, either because of successful MK ULTRA programing, or just ingrained through rearing bloodline beliefs, found to be a very reliable and controllable puppet. They needed to have a backdoor in every iteration of that Operating System forever. And Gates would absolutely provide that.

I don't think that anyone could start out as a merely "got lucky" kid, and turn into such an evil monster.

20586645? ago

Consistent with all contemporaneous reports of the time...

Boomers do know some shit!

20588212? ago

And that's another thing (((They))) are afraid of....

20588491? ago

which is why (((they))) are trying to make it seem as if older folk are mentally deficient in the eyes of youth instead of revered for their wisdom as the elders once were.

20619615? ago


Makes it hard to get jobs, too. Because (((They))) sure don't want wisdom interfering with their agenda.

20586508? ago

interdasting. I had heard back in 95/95 that he stole DOS, but $1k is also pretty much stealing.

20588200? ago

Or maybe the kid he bought it from stole it?

At any rate, it was junk.

20585975? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3421990 Epstein Was A Known Sex Offender. The Leaders Of Amazon, Google, And Tesla Dined With Him Anyway.

20585244? ago

“Mary spoke about her son’s company ‘Microsoft’ to a fellow committee member and chairman of ‘IBM’ John Opel. ”

And just like that IBM picked Bill who still didn’t had any OS.

20588350? ago

The term "vaporware" exists for a reason.

20588398? ago

So knowing now about Lifelog-FB it is following DOS was created from same “sources” and given to him to reduce it to practice manage it . The image created for him was to keep many young people thinking they can do the same “one day”. The green pastures.

20584898? ago

Bill Gates and the Gates family are now confirmed pedophiles. Tell everyone you know.

20584946? ago

Is it true he named MicroSoft after his penis?

20586345? ago

Bahahahaha. I need a meme of that for my interwebs. #sharingiscaring

20585012? ago

Yes. Also I happen to know one of the original Microsoft employees. He said Bill caught him making a MicroHard joke and flipped out on him.

20593386? ago


20584800? ago

Say's Bill's ma died at age 64, is that her picture? She looked 90.

20584822? ago

The pic of Mary Gates is at the second link. The first link (photo only) does not include Mary Gates.

20584692? ago

True if big.

20584797? ago

LOL big if true

Someone should dig

20584861? ago

I'm guessing that the grandfather would be the link to Ghislaine Maxwell family branch if that exists. I'm not good at genealogy.