20584613? ago

In two days we will have -3 in the halo full moon effect. Here is the power days in order +7 +5 +3 FM -3 -5 -7. There is weaker fields beyond 7 but the difference between that and regular crazy these days is about zero.

20583862? ago

Nah, there is just a massive increase in ban hammer anti semite faggots looking to paint QRV as a Jew hating racist shithole.

Nice try faggots. You are losing again in 2020. You are whining about Trump for four more years. Choke on it faggot.

20583837? ago

Just take some time off to be present to life while they're desperately pushing their black pill nonsense. Check the X22 Report every day and you'll remain caught up during your reprieve from the nihilism-pushers.

20583723? ago

The so called shills are internet trolls who have a life and go out on a Saturday night with family and friends no doubt.

20585206? ago

When you say "no doubt" you're saying that what you've posted is fact. You don't know that!

20583852? ago

Shabbat is Friday night to Saturday evening, they come back on Saturday nights.

20584502? ago

A constant source of entertainment.

20583662? ago

Big time, I agree anon. The jews are trying to infiltrate the Q movement because they know Q stands against the jew.

20583843? ago

because they know Q stands against the jew.

Q stands against loxism, not necessarily "the Jew" - it seems more like a huge part of the plan is splitting off the real children of Israel from the Synagogue of Satan that's been running the show forever.

20584180? ago

sure thing jew boy

next time talk to us about the persecution of muslims because "not all of that are bad"

20587403? ago

But, but, Not All Orcs! Not All Orcs!

20589035? ago

But most definitely all loxists!

20583801? ago

Lol sure he does

Just like Orange Jewlius does, yeah?