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20580085? ago

Do you think I would need payment to laugh at you larping boomer retards? Believe me, I do it only for my deeply held love of amusement and general disdain for morons.

20580279? ago

You still believe white men walked on the moon, right?

You should probably check yourself before you assume you aren’t a dupe yourself

20581594? ago

Not in that video, but yes MAN has been to the moon. Just not the way you think.

In fact a little brd told me that The Freemasons (Armstrong/Aldrin), planted the Masonic flag on The Moon BEFORE the US FLAG.

Talk about delusions of grandeur indeed.

20582128? ago

do they travel 'between' dimensions rather than physically? Can't imagine anything man-made going 237,000 miles.

20582568? ago

Think 4th and 5th dimensional travel, across the universe, transcending all time and space. Onre cannot tap these realms without the use of the "Higher Mind". You exist fractally in higher realms, and the dwell in those regions of the universe you must first train your mind. This is why Q keeps saying "Expand you thinking". What do you think he means?

He means literally to start looking at every detail of life in a different way, in EVERY way, so as to learn about the secrets the universe has to offer. Look into numbers and words, and this leads inevitably to higher "Apperception of The Conceptual" > a higher sense of KNOWING things, with being told anything. It's is a key that turns a lock to a very big door attached to all the knowledge in the Universe. (((They))) know this and have secreted this knowledge of Mankind, in order to enrich themsleves. They have a breakaway civilisation both inside the Earth and in the Solar and Beyond (Mars, Titan, The Moon etc). Some of the planets cannot be inhabited but in these higher realms, where one is a light being. Here is a start for your learning journey. Read all the posts, comments and attached links, as they all tell a story:-

P.s - I'm not saying the Moon landings weren't done with a craft. They were, but unlikely with the primitive technology they showed us they had in the 60s. It's all fake. It's to distract us from the REAL SSP. Peace Fren.




20584953? ago

I've always noticed patterns, especially in language, so this stuff is fascinating to me. thanks for the reply and great link! I've also been on a mission to 'train my mind' since my stroke in 2016, so any info in that area is always welcome. Almost like God had a plan so I'd be 'ready' for Q. 😇

20585044? ago

Read it.

20585246? ago


20585280? ago

TY <3