20586226? ago

Former Deputy Director FBI Anon here- it was Comey, Brennan, McCabe and Strzzozokzz. They set everyone else up.

20585238? ago

We do two things:

  • Identify evidence related to already previously known information via the intel agencies

  • Inadvertently stumble onto special access programs from intel agencies

either way, we don't control any narratives.

20584492? ago

Of course they are.

20584003? ago

No, never considered that. Voat isn't a big player on the world stage. It's a waste of their time.

20583720? ago

Jesus fucking christ. Ever consider the possibility that this whole "Q" thingy is just more deep state bullshit?

20584233? ago

Fuck off 322.

20583707? ago

Consider the crap posted on QRV - ask yourself, why would any DS operative, foreign agency or whatever give a fuck?

QRV is a joke. No ‘threat’ whatsoever.

As research/truther community forums go, QRV is abysmal and you’d have to be clinically retarded to think any different.

You ‘Muh Shiils’ imbeciles live in a fantasy world - one which you barely comprehend outside of your blinkered religious dogma.


20584245? ago

You're lying. I can sense your deceit. ICU... > 11/66

20584520? ago

a real life supe eh, wowzer

20583617? ago

They and their useful idiots.

20582920? ago

They believe in their agenda is the worst of it

20582858? ago


20582592? ago

Ever consider how fucking gullible the people in this sub are?

Easy targets.

20582229? ago

Uh, no. Their time is worth way too much to waste on internet fora and social media. They can buy below-minimum-wage labor to do it for them.

20582217? ago

Every once in a while, I see a post that "sounds" like it's coming from someone with some kind of inside perspective.

20581812? ago

ask urself: why do they need to care a little chat board that there s only 300+ ppl online ?

20586556? ago

Yet they (you?) are here 24/7, 365.

20581707? ago

Like they’d give an actual fuck about some shitty little forum, get real.

There are no shills, just trolls getting sum lolz from the abundance of retards here.

20582599? ago

Spot on

20580819? ago

Let me tell you what's really happening : BOOM ! People are becoming disheartened and skeptical to Q, due to the lack of results and many many red flags around Q's narrative.

Here QRV ppl can post whatever they want, not like GA or TGA, where those two boards are heavily censored and Mods ban users if they have a different opinion. Hence of course you see a "surge of shills".

"shill" is just another word like "nazi" to shut down people who has a different opinion.

20581385? ago

"Red flag". You are deluded and stupid. Too stupid to BE stupid, so you're being deliberate. These supposed "red flags" around Q's narrative are red flags for the [DS] (looking at it from your perspective. That's what you really meant), not those of us that are The Children of GOD and actually know what's going on.

20580815? ago

Q cults are mostly israeli's.

20580699? ago

Yes deep state actors, their suspicious spouses, curious kids and their neighbors and in-laws that can’t stand them


20580268? ago


Everyone who disagrees and proves you Q-cultist's wrong are or just have to be a paid shill or DS actor.

SEE a Psychiatrist immediately.

20581424? ago

You are projecting. Mirroring your deepest feelings, that you need to see a Shrink. Interesting reading you all. ICU > 11/66.

20580177? ago

Lol at the deranged, pompous, delusions of grandeur of this braindead Q-tard. As if anyone gives a shit about you or this obscure pointless forum. The "shills" you obsess over so much are just people like me who get a kick out of laughing at mentally ill cult members. That's it. There's no conspiracy against you, "Q" is just some 8chan shitposter, and you're the laughing stock of the internet for believing a dumb 8chan LARP is real. Keep trusting the plan faggot.

20581460? ago

Whilst reading this Shill's post, MIRROR everything he says (think in terms of opposites) and you will have the real conversation going in this Demon's head. FEAR. ICU...

20580319? ago

You are fully vaccinated right?

We can hardly notice the brain damage

20580173? ago

I don’t mind the shills. Just a daily reminder that this shit is for real since it gets attacked on the daily.

20582291? ago

Being attacked and mocked is how you determine what's real? Are you also a furry?

20584963? ago

Who wastes time and energy mocking and ridiculing TRUTH, day in and day out?



Never Interfere with an Enemy in the Process of Destroying Himself



22 Jul 2019 - 7:51:16 PM


These people are stupid.

Enjoy the show!


20586221? ago

Your "TRUTH" is as true as the truth of a Moorish-American who is traveling not driving. It's a bunch of nonsense and hooey that normally-abled people enjoy laughing at. Here's a different version of you and your "truth":

Moorish Sovereign Citizen Claims The Cops Are Kidnapping Him For Driving Without A License https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eZkJOFYYh8

20586412? ago

That's typical how you use video and group of people that's easy to ridicule to deny the sovereignty of free men. I bet it takes two hands to hide that beak of yours, doesn't it?

"The use of the highway for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a mere privilege, but a common fundamental right of which the public and individuals cannot rightfully be deprived." Chicago Motor Coach v. Chicago, 169 NE 221.

"The right of the citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, either by carriage or by automobile, is not a mere privilege which a city may prohibit or permit at will, but a common law right which he has under the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Thompson v. Smith, 154 SE 579.

"The right to travel is a part of the liberty of which the citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment." Kent v. Dulles, 357 US 116, 125.

"The right to travel is a well-established common right that does not owe its existence to the federal government. It is recognized by the courts as a natural right." Schactman v. Dulles 96 App DC 287, 225 F2d 938, at 941.

In Hertado v. California, 110 US 516, the U.S Supreme Court states very plainly:

"The state cannot diminish rights of the people."

Bennett v. Boggs, 1 Baldw 60,

"Statutes that violate the plain and obvious principles of common right and common reason are null and void."

"The assertion of federal rights, when plainly and reasonably made, is not to be defeated under the name of local practice." Davis v. Wechsler, 263 US 22, at 24

"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." Miranda v. Arizona, 384 US 436, 491.

"The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime." Miller v. US, 230 F 486, at 489.

There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this exercise of constitutional rights." Sherer v. Cullen, 481 F 946

20588716? ago

"The regulation of the exercise of the right to drive a private automobile on the streets of the city may be accomplished in part by the city by granting, refusing, and revoking, under rules of general application, permits to drive an automobile on its streets;" Thompson v. Smith, 154 SE 579.

20589400? ago

Which expressly implies that there is a distinction to be made between "driving" (commerce, for profit) and "traveling."

20593494? ago

No. I hope you make and post videos of your police interactions for our amusement.

20580101? ago

No, they pay us scrub staffers to do that for them.

20580085? ago

Do you think I would need payment to laugh at you larping boomer retards? Believe me, I do it only for my deeply held love of amusement and general disdain for morons.

20580279? ago

You still believe white men walked on the moon, right?

You should probably check yourself before you assume you aren’t a dupe yourself

20581594? ago

Not in that video, but yes MAN has been to the moon. Just not the way you think.

In fact a little brd told me that The Freemasons (Armstrong/Aldrin), planted the Masonic flag on The Moon BEFORE the US FLAG.

Talk about delusions of grandeur indeed.

20582128? ago

do they travel 'between' dimensions rather than physically? Can't imagine anything man-made going 237,000 miles.

20582568? ago

Think 4th and 5th dimensional travel, across the universe, transcending all time and space. Onre cannot tap these realms without the use of the "Higher Mind". You exist fractally in higher realms, and the dwell in those regions of the universe you must first train your mind. This is why Q keeps saying "Expand you thinking". What do you think he means?

He means literally to start looking at every detail of life in a different way, in EVERY way, so as to learn about the secrets the universe has to offer. Look into numbers and words, and this leads inevitably to higher "Apperception of The Conceptual" > a higher sense of KNOWING things, with being told anything. It's is a key that turns a lock to a very big door attached to all the knowledge in the Universe. (((They))) know this and have secreted this knowledge of Mankind, in order to enrich themsleves. They have a breakaway civilisation both inside the Earth and in the Solar and Beyond (Mars, Titan, The Moon etc). Some of the planets cannot be inhabited but in these higher realms, where one is a light being. Here is a start for your learning journey. Read all the posts, comments and attached links, as they all tell a story:-


P.s - I'm not saying the Moon landings weren't done with a craft. They were, but unlikely with the primitive technology they showed us they had in the 60s. It's all fake. It's to distract us from the REAL SSP. Peace Fren.




20584953? ago

I've always noticed patterns, especially in language, so this stuff is fascinating to me. thanks for the reply and great link! I've also been on a mission to 'train my mind' since my stroke in 2016, so any info in that area is always welcome. Almost like God had a plan so I'd be 'ready' for Q. 😇

20585044? ago

Read it.

20585246? ago


20585280? ago

TY <3

20580095? ago

Sounds like fear to me. How are you sleeping these days?

20586295? ago

I tend to agree with your original premise that there are probably lurkers. The amount of shilling that goes on here is astonishing especially if all for a larp. There are a lot of paid commenters around too.

20580142? ago

Just fine sweetheart thanks for asking. And I’m not a murican so I’m beyond the reach of your “everyone is getting arrested any day now” fantasy anyway. I doubt anyone is particularly scared of you. Has anyone ever been scared of you in the past? Do you think a collective of elderly larpers whom nobody fears individually, and who rarely abandon their desktop computers, is actually striking fear in the hearts of anybody? Such delusion!

20586306? ago


20581522? ago

Absolutely People fear me. If they are scum bags, they are right to.

Being in the USA is irrelevant. We see and hear everything. There are those of US who don't need CORN to see you... 'o-o'

20580541? ago

Please fact check this


20580006? ago

I hope Mad Max is shilling.

20579999? ago

I notice they ask a lot of dumb questions they must be desperate

20579994? ago

As asinine as most of them come off, I can believe it.

20579870? ago

Proof that they are now scared of their downfall and incarceration: link

20584289? ago

WOW! Thank you. This is to suggest that there is nothing untoward in the emails, otherwqise she wouldn't have gone to see it. It was to intimidate the Artist too. A stunt and a threat. She is the spirit of The Anitchrist and is a Jezobel Witch. Evil.





20580776? ago

PLEASE put a NSFL warning before posting any future pictures of that evil witch.

20580122? ago

So unreal. She reminds me of the Joker from Batman. Despite her hubris, she too will fall.

20579649? ago

Ever consider that the "shills" aren't deep state, or paid, or even actually shills?

Ever consider you, and about 95% of the true believers on this sub are so stunningly, shockingly, profoundly bad at identifying genuine shills you're now inventing ever more complex bullshit narratives to explain how and why they do what they do?

We're already at "maybe its the rothschilds themselves checking up on whats coming", I personally am excited to see what comes next. I bet its "Shills are literally satan himself sowing discord into our holy place of sanctity. Shun the great unclean one and his wicked lies"

20580295? ago

Ever consider that everything you’ve been taught is an outright lie, or worthless trivia?

You know that Columbus sailed in 1492, but you can’t even change a flat tire on a car

20580715? ago

Can and have changed a flat tyre. It's not that hard. Wouldn't even have been able to guess the century columbus sailed. I could tell you a lot about biology though.

20586546? ago

I could tell you a lot about biology though.

How many genders are there?

20589428? ago

  1. Maybe a handful more if you wanted to assign people with some of the varieties of intersex their own genders. So lets say 3?

20588120? ago

2 + unfortunate mutation.

20584505? ago


You aint from here are ya?

20584927? ago

When did I claim to be Jose?

I wouldn't live in america if you fucking paid me

20585450? ago

"I wouldn't live in america if you fucking paid me"


20579883? ago

I mean, it would be the next logical step, given that Q is just a cult anyway

20581295? ago

Bwahahahahahaha! You keep telling yourself that.

Keep it coming Shillbo, this is Hillaryous AF!

20582725? ago

He's wrong about that. "Q" is a psyop. It's the worshipers and followers who formed the cult, which is separate from the psyop, although a predictable result.

20582936? ago

It's known as the QAnon (Dorian) Information Disclosure Project AKA The Great Awakening. Expand your thinking as Q tells us.

What does Dorian mean?

Dorian = QAnon = 61


61 is 19 mirrored.

Go and check out the book: A Portrait of Dorian Grey, by Oscar Wilde. This showed up in my research.

Then go and analyze the Gematria results of "Oscar Wilde" the Author, to gain some insight, into The Storm, Dorian (Hurricane), Dorian Gray (Grey Storm), and QAnon (The Great Awakening), and you will start to understand what QAnon is really all about. It's much bigger than catching bad guys and saving kids. It's about what has become of humanity, a parable of what we have become is Dorian Gray. It's about us waking up literally: -


The Picture of Dorian Gray, moral fantasy novel by Irish writer Oscar Wilde, published in an early form in Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine in 1890. The novel, the only one written by Wilde, had six additional chapters when it was released as a book in 1891. The work, an archetypal tale of a young man who purchases eternal youth at the expense of his soul, was a romantic exposition of Wilde’s own Aestheticism.

Oscar Wilde, 1882.

Courtesy of the William Andrews Memorial Library of the University of California, Los Angeles


The story begins in the art studio of Basil Hallward, who is discussing a current painting with his witty and amoral friend Lord Henry Wotton. Henry thinks that the painting, a portrait of an extraordinarily beautiful young man, should be displayed, but Basil disagrees, fearing that his obsession with the portrait’s subject, Dorian Gray, can be seen in the work. Dorian then arrives, and he is fascinated as Henry explains his belief that one should live life to the fullest by indulging one’s impulses. Henry also points out that beauty and youth are fleeting, and Dorian declares that he would give his soul if the portrait were to grow old and wrinkled while he remained young and handsome. Basil gives the painting to Dorian.

Henry decides to take on the project of molding Dorian’s personality. A few weeks later, Dorian tells Henry that he has fallen in love with an actress, Sibyl Vane, because of her great beauty and acting talent. Henry and Basil go with him to a dingy theatre to see Sibyl, but her performance is terrible. Sibyl explains to Dorian that now that she knows what real love is, she can no longer pretend to be in love on stage. Dorian is repulsed and wants nothing further to do with her. When he returns home, he sees a cruel expression on the face of his portrait, and he decides to seek Sibyl’s forgiveness. Henry arrives the next day, however, with news that Sibyl committed suicide the previous night, and he convinces Dorian that there is no reason for him to feel badly about it.

Dorian has the portrait removed to his attic. Henry sends Dorian a book that he finds poisonous and fascinating (critics have suggested that it might be Against the Grain by Joris-Karl Huysmans). Under the book’s influence, Dorian spends the next 18 years in the pursuit of capricious and sybaritic excess, and he becomes increasingly drawn to evil. He frequently visits the portrait, noting the signs of aging and of corruption that appear, though he himself remains unblemished.

One evening he runs into Basil, who tells him that there are rumours that he has destroyed the lives and reputations of many people. Dorian, however, refuses to accept blame. Basil declares that he clearly does not know Dorian, who responds by taking him to the attic to see the portrait. The painting has become horrifying. Basil tells Dorian that if this is a reflection of his soul, he must repent and pray for forgiveness, and a suddenly enraged Dorian murders Basil. He blackmails another former friend into disposing of the body.

Dorian goes to an opium den, where Sibyl’s vengeful brother, James, finds him, but the fact that Dorian still appears quite young dissuades him from acting. However, another patron of the den later divulges Dorian’s age. At a subsequent hunting party at Dorian’s country estate, one of the hunters accidentally shoots and kills James, who was hiding in a thicket.

Some weeks later Dorian tells Henry that he has decided to become virtuous and recently decided against taking advantage of a young girl who was smitten with him. Dorian goes to see if the portrait has improved because of his honourable act, but he sees rather that it has acquired a look of cunning. He decides to destroy the portrait and stabs it with a knife. His servants hear a scream, and, when they arrive, they see a loathsome old man dead on the floor with a knife in his chest and a portrait of the beautiful young man he once was.


“There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book,” wrote Wilde. “Book are well written, or badly written. That is all.” The aphorisms that make up the “Preface” of Wilde’s novel were his response to those critics who had denounced the immorality and unhealthiness of this story after its scandalous first appearance in Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine. However, for all its transgressive delights, The Picture of Dorian Gray could easily be read as a profoundly moral book, even a cautionary tale against the dangers of vice. Dorian’s descent into moral squalor is neither admirable nor enviable. Indeed, the beautiful boy is the least interesting character in the book that bears his name. To be sure, it is the epigrammatic wit of Lord Henry Wotton that encourages Dorian on his quest for sensuality and sensation, but Dorian’s values pervert the deeply serious Wildean ethic that they superficially resemble. Whereas Wilde’s essays advocated individualism and self-realization as a route to a richer life and a more just society, Dorian follows a path of hedonism, self-indulgence, and the objectification of others. It is nonetheless a story that poignantly reflects Wilde’s own double life and anticipates his own fall. Dorian’s negation, “Ugliness was the one reality,” neatly summarizes Wilde’s Aestheticism, both his love of the beautiful and his fascination with the profane.

Publication of the novel scandalized Victorian England, and The Picture of Dorian Gray was used as evidence against Wilde when he was tried and convicted in 1895 on charges related to homosexuality. The novel became a classic of English literature and was adapted into a number of films, most notably a 1945 version that was directed by Albert Lewin.

Ronan McDonald

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

20588689? ago



a Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on those of their constituent letters.


20588754? ago

...AND the rest... 'o-o' <

20579538? ago

I'd love that,actually.nothing makes me more happy than the idea that maybe i've personally told Comey to go fuck himself

20581278? ago

I remember a sense of pride when that paytriot Cor$i blocked me personally on twatter after calling him out for being a fake patriot. Think how angry you have to be to manually block all these people calling your pathetic ass out ..

20579521? ago

I consider this every time a see a “what do we know about ...”? Post . As if they are trying to see what we know so far and how much we know . If these were legit anons they could do the research and find the answers pretty quickly . It seems like a plan to keep everyone confused . Those that know the truth will be compartmentalized and probably killed eventually imo.

20579496? ago

Deep state actors themselves?

Deep State actors are puppets of Mossad bribery and extortion.

Whether they are paid or not makes no difference.

20579459? ago

I have considered it. It would be difficult. Chances are that they hire people to monitor and they might review highlights.

It is difficult to withstand an onslaught. It is difficult to hear vitriol directed at you. Someone who works for them can field it for some hours and then go home (somewhat) and tune it out.

Regarding Mr. Laughter Shame who thinks your very question is made of hubris, THAT'S nonsense. 8Chan is under pressure. QVR was acknowledged. This is where anyone comes to find out what the threats are. The threats are so distributed.

Their side has no loyalty and is made of fear. Do they try, within psychological limits, to track what might be coming at them because they do not trust each other? Yes. Are they convinced that they have lost? NO.

20588100? ago

who thinks your very question is made of hubris

Good Greek word, hubris. Means (as I recall) "overweening sense of false pride" (for the benefit of the uneducated).

20579203? ago

Well we know that during the Clinton Reign Dem operatives were trained to call in conservative talk radio and pose as conservatives while pushing the Dem agenda, so yeah.

20579264? ago

He said "Deep state actors themselves" not paid personal.

20582343? ago

I just made a link from dem operatives to DS. Sorry it was not clear. If they can train psych op operators then certainly they themselves can partake. Remember DS operatives need not be high level players.

20579141? ago

lol, I'm sure the Klintons, Oubama, B. Gates and all the other are spending their spare time here.

20581331? ago

Of course NOT! (((They))) are on the toilet all the time; shitting bricks. And it's quite the effort I'm sure.

20579136? ago

Oh man... Lol


Please keep going with your unhinged psychotic delusional shit. This shit is hysterical.

I can't speak for any of the other critical thinkers here, but hqve you ever considered that we post on the smoking wreckage of what's left of this site because it's funny as hell to trigger you thoughtless npc's and make you post this kind of shit? Lol your fantasy larp has collapsed bud. You were never on anyone's team but isreal's

20581648? ago

Lol go suck molochs dick.

20581165? ago


20579533? ago

Found one ^

20580307? ago

Yup, he’s trying way too hard.

20579049? ago

One day ill graduate to paid shill

One day