20563774? ago

Bryn Estyn

20563655? ago


20563609? ago

'Lord' Mandleson is a nasty piece of work. Deputy PM to Tony Bliar during the 'New Liebour' days. He, amongst others, used to set Conservatives up in an attempt to discredit them.

He spoke with this 'air of authority' as if he knew everything about everything and was better than anyone else. Add Blair, Gordon (backstabber) Brown, Alistair Campbell and all the other New Liebour crooks to the mix, I still can't believe they deceived the nation for 12 years! I hope somewhere along the line, these people are brought to account for promoting the Iraq war and nearly bankrupting the country.. None of them were in politics to benefit the country, they were out for what they could get for themselves.

21348457? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3517881/21348155 Alert! Alert! Damage control mode switched on for the royals.