20562509? ago

The number of people loudly participating online, ripe for identification, is small compared to the people who are just quietly amassing their own stockpile of online sources and offline information.

Whatever their intentions, Q has been instrumental in training a large number of people in how to do their own personal research, ostensibly in order to prepare for defusing the confusion and fear in our various communities when the habbening finally gets off its butt and habbens.

Whether or not Q is designed as a honeypot, after almost two years there’s now a stronger base of people who think for themselves, and have learned how to hunt down information from diverse sources to solidify their own understanding, regardless of what any authority tells them.

This includes whatever Q says. By Q also being “LARP-ey,” we’ve learned that we can't defer to Q’s authority to convince anybody, and instead have to back up everything we’re saying with actual data.

Going forward, these people will now be an entrenched irritant to any nefarious machinations attempted by anybody on any side.

20561362? ago

2 and 3 aren't logical UNLESS it's a honeypot op because of the light the Q has shined on the dirtiest parts of the cabal. There's no whitewashing that Q says these motherfuckers kill people and drink their blood. The only reason to reveal that to massive numbers of people would be to ferret out the most vocal opposition. There's no other upside for the exposure that I can see.

It's not even like this is a limited hangout, it seems like their ass is fully flapping in the wind. Based on risk/reward for the cabal, I my logic leads me to strongly consider number 1 to the most true.

Or maybe I'm just an optimist.

20559166? ago

3rd one >>> 2nd >>1st in likehood

20558314? ago

If a person wants to read Q, then he reads Q. For whatever reason he chooses.

There is no "following" Q, except in the sense of reading his drops.

The Commie shills and News Propagandists claim that people who read Q are mindless ones who "follow" by doing whatever Q says. That's totally not it.

The only thing that Q has asked people to do is research, and think for themselves. Does that sound like some kind of mindless cult?

Q asks questions. People research to find the answers. Lots of hidden stuff has been discovered this way. It that good or bad?---That's for each reader to decide on his own.

Then there are the people who try and convince us that Q is bad. Why would they do that? If they think it's a bad thing, then why do they waste their time here? Are they just trying to be kind and warn us?---Not with the nasty way that they insult us! It would appear more likely that they are afraid of the truths which have been exposed through research suggested by Q. But what each reader and researcher thinks is up to them.

So if someone has something to report and backs it up with the source that's fine as far as I'm concerned.

But his crap of trying to tell people what to think about everything is just a bunch of Communist propaganda from those who want to do harm (which is criminal minded). And they don't belong here because that's not the topic of this sub.

20563056? ago

religtard posts are not the topics of this sub.

we who think q is a DS agent are doing our best to redpill ppl about q 's lies. we are the real "q researchers" cuz we research q

20583376? ago

Religion and politics don't mix, I agree.

Researchers can red pill themselves.

New people just coming to QRV can think for themselves.

If you have actual sourced news to report or discuss, that's one thing. But just repeating "Orange Man Bad, Q Bad" is junk food boy trolling or Commie paid shilling.

20557896? ago

The first time I viewed the video "The Plan to save the World". I took a deep breath and openly wept just to express the joy of how it felt to have HOPE, real hope. God, it was such an involuntary response. A dream come true after following the corruption of the Obama administration. His administration badly demoralized us all.

I've lived a long life and not had hope for humanity like that before. But just like with most promises, I realized that it was just that, a dream, a hope for how things could have been, how we want them to be. Now, I have no faith in our political system. I trust NO ONE.

Whoever Q is has reminded me of the research we must do and To pay attention. But most of all I've learned more from the anons and Patriots. Lurking at the conversations has opened up a world of knowledge, a unity, in some respects. A large percentage of anons are Good people. We are all here, because we want to know if this country is going to survive the evil that has rooted itself in our way of life. We all feel the boot on our backs.

I NEVER thought Obama would ever change the law to say a union was other than between a man and woman. When queers said they just wanted to marry and be left alone in peace, it was a lie. Now look at the LGBTQP and that P is Pedophile. It has always been about access to our children. Look at the awful madness going on around us. People don't know what bathroom to use. Trans library hour. Rampant fighting about non-existent racism. Attacks on MAGA. Muslims in congress. Open borders. China flooding our country with drugs and stealing our wealth. Growing poverty and homelessness.

Obama quietly smuggled in hundreds of Somalia refugees into a rural area in Tennessee where my mother lives. She said the Tyson chicken plant have slowly replaced its workforce with the Somalias. They DO NOT assimilate. The small town is very angry because it was eventually leaked out that the plant "ordered" them.

With the experience I have had, I think this is an op to gather as much about the men who will resist the most. To many patriots have been scooped up and sent off to Little Gitmo. I belong to several clubs where the men will stand and protect. They are the last of the real cowboys who carry a side arm as a way of life. We are on high alert. Be prepared. Have a plan. Stay frosty.

20557956? ago

My exact sentiments with the q video. Also, your last paragraph are my exact thought too.

20557880? ago

Or it's the antichrist in disguise as the messiah betraying all his old friends.

Bitcoin will bring a mayor change in humanity. The first money from the people for the people. (((They))) will sure lose very much power. The question is how they gonna profit the most from it. I wouldn't be surprised if the antichrist is coming. Hope he doesn't last long and jesus is going to kill him with a sword, at least that's what's the muzzies saying.

20557900? ago

What happens to bitcoin if we lost electricity for awhile or if the internet were shut down? Honest question because I’m not very well versed with bitcoin yet.

20561143? ago

Same as your visa debit card. Shit won't work.

20564594? ago

Never lost use of my debit card because the power went out but nice try.

20566942? ago

So, you're telling me that you can run a credit card with no electricity?? Neat.

20567360? ago

I actually just use cash

20567632? ago

This site is infested with niggerfaggots.

20567761? ago

I fucking love free speech you kike loving, greedy Jew!

20572148? ago

Found the Jew...

20567338? ago

No,I don’t have one as I noted in my comment.

20564589? ago

I don’t use cards. No credit and no need for debit. If I dont have the cash on me I don’t need it.

20557313? ago

what faction controls POTUS? Which one isn't attacking him?

the only way you use a program to deceive the masses on a wide scale is to allow that program to be unhindered in its reach to said masses. someone fucked that up if this is a psyop. real bad.

when you have 99% of all you need to initiate a NWO is now the time to tell the whole world you're a Satanist and a pedo? mmm....no.

20563087? ago

Zionists control trump. they are in a power struggle with their globalist overlords

20560852? ago

Trump is aligned with the military. I guess you can call that a faction.

Someone wanted 8chan shut down and it seems logical it wasn't the good guys. Q could just not post, there was no need to take 8chan down as its mere existence wouldn't compromise the mission. I am surprised the bad guys would shut Q down since they also got their information from the drops. It's seems like a childish manuver, like putting your hands over your eyes so you can't see what's happening in front of you, a grand waste of time and effort for them.

I agree with your assessment, there is no way the NWO would have created Q knowing it would out them.

20561350? ago

they shut down Q because of the public. The big secret here is that the rule of the world is only by consent. the more become aware of what has been going on, the more the scales of public consent tip. they do not want the public informed at all costs.

20557355? ago


Understand how they work. Everyone attacking him has us all thinking what u say anon. If it’s a psyop it’s a bad one? If it’s a psyop, it’s a genius one?

20557029? ago

It's just some dumb larp on the chans you retarded faggot. Imagine being stupid and gullible enough to actually believe a high-ranking military intelligence insider is posting memes on 8chan, LOL.

20557446? ago

Imagine being a stupid cocksucker trolling stupid gulibles about a dumb larp on the chans, El oh El! You must be taking a break from sniffing arseholes at the truck stop?

20557268? ago

Back to square one shilling, are we?

20556963? ago

I came into this skeptical and will leave skeptical. I have always asked the hard questions and looked for the hard answers. No one knows for sure if this is real we just go on our guts. My gut changes daily. When I see things still proceeding with no justice my gut says its a ds op. Other days an Anon will do a dig on a Q post and things will be proven correct and my gut says its true. One thing I know for sure after three years of this is I will never ever trust another politician or rich asshole. I will hold their feet to the fire at every turn and if I don't like what they are I will fight to have them gone. I will never ever put anyone on a pedestal again. Trust no one question everything.

20562508? ago

This describes my perspective exactly

20557319? ago


20557129? ago

Great comment man.

20556962? ago

Trump has been sent by God to open the eyes of the sleeping to the evil actually running the planet. I look at the current situation as a reprieve, a pause to allow the veil to be peeled back a bit and the evil to be revealed more clearly, thus allowing people to make a decision, as if God's Word isn't enough, about Jesus Christ ... THAT is what is is ALL about ...

Any of the scenarios is plausible ... but which one makes most sense? ... There will be a one world government and the mighty USA of nowhere to be found in end time events ... Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart today ...

20563060? ago

which God ? moloch ? his 10 grandchildren are all jews. his 100% legacy are told not to believe in ur god

20560685? ago

I would say there is a one world government now. The USA is already part of it and we are fighting to remove ourselves from the vice.

20557594? ago

If this is the case, why has Q never, not even once, mentioned the name of Jesus?

20565994? ago

It is an interesting question. He has referred to Bible passages, Jesus' words. His ACTIONS say Jesus all over them.

20566138? ago

How so? Elaborate, please.

20569424? ago

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 7d110c No.5214701📁

Feb 16 2019 21:46:28 (EST)

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." - 2 Thessalonians 3:3

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." - Psalm 46:1

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." - Matthew 6:13


Here's one ^^^

20569770? ago

Those aren't actions. Those are Bible "quotes" given out-of-context and pulled from corrupted modern "translations". What is this supposed to tell me? That Q can read? How does this point to Jesus?

Anyone can quote the Bible. Satan did so when trying to tempt Jesus (see Matthew 4:6 - the devil quotes from Psalm 91:11-12).

I ask again: why has Q never mentioned the name of Jesus?

20561134? ago


20561284? ago

A fine idea, to be sure. I agree.

That doesn't answer my question.

20561460? ago

Q quoted Jesus. Is that not enough?

20562193? ago

No, actually. Q has, seemingly purposefully, avoided the name of Jesus. Why?

20562904? ago

What do you mean "no"?

Q quoted Christ. Isn't that enough? You still need more? Who do you think gave us the Lord's Prayer?

20563071? ago

go search q map for ur self. don't be lazy. search for Jesus or Christ. tell us how many results you find

20563404? ago

He won't, because he already knows the answer but confirmation might lead to doubt. We can't have people doubting the plan, can we?

20563126? ago

If Q quoting the words of Jesus is not good enough for you, I suspect that your motivation is simply an attempt to divide. Q quoting Jesus Christ's own words is plenty of evidence of which side they've chosen. Don't be a dividerfag.

20563568? ago

Anyone can quote the Bible. False prophets do it all the time. Or has there never been a liar behind a pulpit?

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 -

13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Even Satan himself can quote scripture, as he did while trying to tempt Jesus in the desert in Matthew 4:5-6 -

5 Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,

6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

The devil's quote (paraphrase or misquote, really) in verse 6 comes from Psalm 91:11-12 -

11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

If Q is Christian as you seem to think, and the Q movement is truly of God the Father...

Why would Q not once mention the most important name of all?

Acts 4:10-12 -

Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.

11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.

12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

If Trump was sent by God, why does he never invoke the name of Jesus? Instead, he claims to never have asked for forgiveness because he just tries to be good and doesn't do anything bad (even though adultery and fornication are expressly forbidden in the Bible, and *specifically by Jesus in the New Testament - and that's just a couple. How about pride?)

But this blows that "I don't need forgiveness" bit right out:

Romans 3:10 -

As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one

And Romans 3:23 -

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God

But we are justified by grace through faith in Jesus:

Romans 3:24-25 -

24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God

But what are they if they refuse to even mention Jesus? Could they be liars?

1 John 2:22-23 -

22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

Does this mean that Q or Trump are liars and "Antichrists"? Not on its own. Perhaps Trump and whoever Q is/are do, in fact, place their faith in Jesus.

But they have not publicly acknowledged the name. Five letters, the most important letters: Jesus. As a Christian, that should concern you. It should make you question why. It should make you wonder, when Q invokes "God" but never Jesus, what "God" is he invoking?


muh division

Matthew 10:34-35 -

34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

And why should we be so quick to unite with everyone who maybe kinda agrees with us on some things?

2 Corinthians 6:14-16 -

14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

20563208? ago

q is a jewish mossad agent,or muslim brotherhood agent

20562988? ago

I'm paraphrasing here, but he story goes something like this: The disciples asked Jesus how to pray to God and Jesus said, "It's easy. Just say something like 'Our Father in Heaven, your name is greatly honored..."

Does Q quoting Jesus meet your desired standard of Christianity?

20563606? ago

That story is from Luke 11:1 -

And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.

Matthew and Luke both have versions of the Lord's Prayer. From Matthew 6:9-13 -

9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

An aside for you Catholic and Orthodox chanters out there...

Matthew 6:7 -

7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

Does Q quoting Jesus meet your desired standard of Christianity?

No, actually, it does not. See my comment above for more.

20556744? ago

Same concerns here sometimes.

20556687? ago

Go find a job or just do something better with your time than waste it on your bullshit shill analysis. Q is real and Trump is saving the world.

20557612? ago

reeeee don't burst mah bubbles reeeee

Do you have an actual counter argument, or are you merely a brainwashed cultist?

20556946? ago


20556805? ago


20556621? ago

great analysis I have much the same thoughts

the biggest red flags for me about the whole thing is how the false flags have not stopped, if anything they ramped up significantly, and with obvious help from the Wray FBI

Q's story on Las Vegas for example, is a total lie. There was no Saudi prince. The whole thing was another hoax, no deaths. Mona Alexis Pressley did a deep dive on the obituaries. Some names were completely faked. Some names were recycled from real recent deaths, but from other states not LV. Iconic "red white and blue boots" photo - the shoe signature common on many FFs

So right off the bat Q is not being truthful with us. I have my own research on LV that dovetails with what Jake Morphoneus was doing. And it points towards exactly (who) you might expect

20558087? ago

A Saudi prince most certainly owned the top floor of that casino

20556935? ago

ok who is (who)?

20556982? ago

the foreign nationals in LV that night who were reported "unaccounted for"

various reports place their number at 10-15 individuals

20557098? ago

thanks for the details. but confused when you said 'So right off the bat Q is not being truthful with us.'

Why would you think that Q always tells the truth?

20557130? ago

right off the bat

because it was among the very first Q posts

before the "disinformation is necessary" disclaimer

20556614? ago

Fuck off ShareBlue libtard

20556797? ago

Dude please stop and think, please. Everyone thinking this way isn’t a shill

20557621? ago

Imagine being this brainwashed, to think that everyone who doubts Q or Trump is a paid Shurrbloo shill (reeee)

20557674? ago

Bingo. That’s the thing. It’s scary.

20557886? ago

It's literally a cult. No god but Trump and Q is his prophet. It is scary.

What will these people do when the psyop finally falls apart?

20556954? ago

who is 'everyone'? Do you not realize that one person could be posting all these replies?

20557684? ago

He accused me of being a shill because I’m not thinking exactly as he is. I’m just telling him that not everyone who has a different opinion than him is a shill

20557977? ago

Proofs are unmistakeable. So, yes, shill

20557569? ago

My thoughts exactly. That's their job, to sow doubt/fear.

20556555? ago

Agree. I've remained skeptical, but hope for option 1. And if not option 1 not much the general population can do. I pray my doubts are the result of years of demoralization propaganda efforts by the DS and not reality. I have faith the "good" folks will prevail and the DS is only scary until you see "the man behind the curtain". If option 2 & 3 are true, I predict a slow creeping death of the nation not a bloody civil war. I will not go easy! Death before FEMA camps!

20556782? ago

Great point. I think many of us have been demoralized over the years and it’s so hard to trust anyone or anything.

20557128? ago

This is exactly how I feel, anon.

Hegelian Dialectic much...

I find it hard to trust my own thoughts anymore... I know it sounds crazy.

Beyond questions of Q;

I DO believe the "Great Awakening" is a real thing.

Weather Q/Q+ are actively working for, or against it, I can't tell you for certain...

-I for one will remain optimistic. PMA (Positive Mental Attitude)-

...but people ARE waking up. I see it all around me now out in public spaces.

If anything I have researched about the power of human conscious is right...

Holding onto the thought that you are loosing, and powerless to effect the outcome...

...is nearly guaranteed to assure that you do loose.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, anon.

20557170? ago

“..but people ARE waking up.”. I thought this for sure late last year but the midterms punched me straight in the gut. Then, 2.5 years into this, when we should have made some inroads, I see them being still so powerful that were able to shut q down without even having to flip off the internet.

20557414? ago

There was so much shadiness about the midterms, though. They wouldn't have won without their scamming. The fact that they got away with it is what shook me. I'm holding out for massive revelations regarding voter fraud before 2020 election.

20557670? ago

Something to ponder anon..... as q has stated, patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable, which was to remove hrc had she won however q claims, that they gave djt assurances that the election would be free from rigging (if u need the sauce I can hit qmap and get the posts but it’ll take a few). So now if they were able to ensure a fair election in 2016, when we did not hold the levers of power then how in the hell do they cheat in 2018? When we hold the presidency and the power that comes with It?

20556509? ago

I think we should maintain an open mind about all your theories, even if we start seeing some major arrests.

That said, I will continue to support President Trump 100% until he gives me a good reason not to.

I continue pray for the best and plan for the worst.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water in case not everything "goes to plan".

20556763? ago

Well put..... me too patriot.

20556487? ago

If anything, don't those examples just prove that Q is someone close to Trump, and provides no proof that its an intel operation? Like, isn't it as likely that its just Melania as much as its proof of an intel op?

20560927? ago

I've always wondered how much involvement Melania has in the Q operation. She has an interesting history and appears to be highly intelligent. It would be hard to separate a man from his wife in matters involving secrecy, just that fact alone makes me think she's involved.

20556931? ago

I know what you mean. Those examples, "by themselves"? Yes, you could say that. I agree with the comment above, in that we ALL should hope and pray it is #1. If it is #2 or #3, then most of us are fucked. No matter how much ammo we have stored up.

20556755? ago

Well my thoughts are that there have been some good intel come to us that was classified stuff that eventually came to light, like a lot of stuff with spygate so I’m assuming it’s intel.......its cia or nsa so the question is.... is it rogue cia or patriots from nsa?

20560883? ago

Patriots from NSA most likely. From what I've seen of the rogue factions in our government there's no way they could pull off being kind to people for this long. Q is not snarky like they are.