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20554350? ago

But, the scientific evidence is clear that the benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks. Germs can collect and multiply under the foreskin, creating issues of hygiene. Circumcision reduces HIV, herpes and human papilloma virus the two pathogens believed to cause cancer of the penis.

Circumcision does reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and Uncircumcised penises get smelly smegma.

No I am not a Kike. I was circumcised as a baby. I am white.

Chicks dig circumcised dicks more than uncircumcised dicks.

Bet you didn't get laid much and probably still don't.

20843368? ago

Go troll somewhere else to collect your stalwart sheckles son. This isn't the Pizzagate board.

20840886? ago

from: doglegwarrior

god your fucking brainwashed. watch the video come back and tell the truth about what you learned. everyhting u said is an abject fucking lie. you are either a kike or a fucking brainwashed moron or both.

20555368? ago

There is an orifice on the face that collects germs and allowing them to multiply, often causing great sickness to the person. If you take the modern and humane procedure of epoxying your nose shut, it will clearly benefit society. Chicks love guys who can’t blow boogers on everyone when they sneeze too.

20555431? ago


20555016? ago

this is all total bullshit. Teach proper hygiene and there are no problems. You are honestly condoning mutilation of an infant. just fucking sick. Guess what dipshit. Sex is much more enjoyable with a foreskin.

20555419? ago

Femanon here and I can confirm this. An uncut penis is beautiful in it's natural state.

20555332? ago

REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Chicks hate foreskin. Maybe it's enjoyable for YOU but NOT them. Yeah ... baby!!

20558332? ago

and you know this how? Rubbing your circumcised penis raw watching gay porn from your mom's basement doesn't count as "chicks"

20555683? ago


20555701? ago

Support bacteria - it's the only culture you have.

20555722? ago

Someone hates his cut dick.

20555970? ago

CALLING ALL BABES >> CALLING ALL BABES>>IF YOU WANT A REAL MAN >> LET"S HOOK UP. These little boys need help with some forescum.

20556044? ago


^ look at the nigger faggot above ^

20554982? ago

"No I am not a Kike."

We totally believe you, rabbi. And we haven't forgotten about all the infants who contracted herpes from you sucking their foreskins off.

20556220? ago

Then you are a glownigger. Fuck off.

20555317? ago

The reason I said that is because you dumb shits call everyone a kike when they disagree with you. REEEEEEEEEE!!!

20556281? ago


20555400? ago

You must hate yourself for having a mutilated penis. Now you want other men to be mutilated as well.

20555420? ago

I was a baby. Duh ... didn't have a choice. But yeah I have a really nice dick. Thick and long nigga.

20555594? ago

Thick and long nigga.

^ Faggot confirmed ^

20555633? ago

Nah ... Chicks dig this dick. I dig their pussies all warm and wet wrapped around it. Like your mommas while you're in beddy.

20555900? ago

Goats don't count as pussy.

20555650? ago

^ white nigger ^

20555686? ago

And what is your excuse? Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.

20555710? ago

oooh. Why so mad about your chopped dick, sonny boy.

20555737? ago

ewe .. why you so jealous about my big thick dick pussy boy?

20555780? ago




20555796? ago

Fore SKIN .. ahahahahahaha your one dumb son of a bitch.

20555810? ago


20555764? ago

Why you obsessed with your dick and keep talking about it, faggot? It's MUTILATED.


20555805? ago

Nah .. the babes love this DICK. It is YUGE and Bigly.

20556122? ago

This is your dick, right?

20556163? ago

I am not STUPID like you all. I didn't click it because it is something STUPID as usual. Buwahahahahahahaha

20556250? ago

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahahaha says the FAGGOT KIKE SHILL

20556345? ago

Ewe .. COPY and PASTA I am so impressed. Where did you learn that. Oh that's right. From the Q-tard bubble gum machine. Buwahahahahahaha

20556355? ago

Buwahahahahahaha KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahaha KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahaha KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahaha KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahaha KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahaha KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahaha KIKE SHILL

Buwahahahahahaha KIKE SHILL

20555844? ago

^ lol at this nigger faggot ^

20555938? ago

CALLING ALL BABES, CALLING ALL BABES .. IF YOU WANT a REAL MAN and WANT TO BE SATISFIED .. LET'S HOOK UP. These little boys here need a little help with some forescum.

20555989? ago

^ 'muh pussy muh dick' ^

low IQ nigger faggot post

20556001? ago

You must have been born on a highway because that's where most accidents happen because you have a sub-zero IQ.

20556008? ago


20556042? ago


20556055? ago


20556080? ago


20556090? ago


20556135? ago

CHICKS DIG MY DICK >> CALLING ALL BABES >> CALLING ALL BABES IF YOU WANT A REAL MAN LET'S HOOK UP These little boys haven't nothing going for them but a little forescum.

20556151? ago


20555980? ago

lol nigger faggot tier post

20555428? ago

So now you want it so that other boys don't have a choice? nice.

20555484? ago

They have a choice now. Yeah or nay. Why make a law impeding on the right to choose. Communist piece of shit. Fuck Big Government.

20555559? ago

And choice is what we want.

Fuck forcing parents to cut off the tips of infant boys' penises.

20555600? ago

No one is being FORCED by the government to whack their foreskin IDIOT. They want to force people to not have a choice to whack off the foreskin. You must be THE STUPIDEST TARD on PLANET EARTH.

20555611? ago

No u

20555378? ago

Kike confirmed.

20555425? ago


20555604? ago