20543940? ago

I feel very conflicted with this individual. On the one hand, I feel sad for him and his family, but on the other hand, I'm quite upset with him. How could he leave that beautiful family behind all alone? It seems like a very selfish thing to do, absolutely horrible.

20543974? ago

Me too, especially selling himself as a mental health advocate and then leaving all those people who bought his snake oil so confused. It gives Christianity a bad name as far as I'm concerned, because the guy was tricked into self destruction by the Devil (using their terms).

We must be ever vigilant against the black pill pushing depressive nihilism narratives.

20544113? ago

Absolutely and Amen. The only possibility that can redeem him is if it was a forced suicide, which shouldn't be forgotten. It's becoming all too common today.

20543344? ago

The false “aliens are deceiving demons” is a dogma being pushed into the religious communities because the Cabal does not want you opening yourself up to the cosmological, and technological, truths of ET life.

Free energy, antigravity propulsion, and consciousness is too much!


20543400? ago

The Christ is part of the original godhead programming matrix of earth and even the Ashtar Command reveres Christ.

He has nothing to do with the Abrahamic Deception prison planet heaven-hell-reincarnation trap, the greatest hoax in history was knitting the belief system around Christ up with having to support the Synagogue of Satan.


20544100? ago

What about Billy Meier contact?

20544265? ago

Or Steven Greer? The list goes on and on, then there's the whole convoluted universe and parallel lives, dimensions, etc. You don't expect me to have the answers to all that just because I posted something to QRV do you?

The point of the Q movement is to hone your own inner bullshit detector ... but you can't force your version of discernment on others.

20544930? ago

Ya, so much research

20542917? ago

Georgetown shill crew reporting in? Stop with this religious dogma anons.

20543247? ago

Freedom of religion is not freedom FROM religion.

The first amendment grants you the right to skip whatever you don't like, it doesn't allow you to tell us not to say things that trigger your inner nut job.

20543307? ago

I disagree. Freedom is also freedom from religion.

20543334? ago

No one gaf if you disagree, the Constitution is clear. Not to mention that if you can't handle other people having the same freedom you expect for yourself then you don't belong in America.

20542003? ago

"the psychological trials of dwellers in the last times will be equal to the physical trials of the martyrs" - fr seraphim rose

20541817? ago

They've studied psychology and researched drugs in order to induce us to commit genocide against ourselves. Evil.

20542124? ago

my "dad" is the most evil SOB I've ever known. He's a PhD in Psychology, a big lefty, and manipulates people. That's just for starters. He's a Sociopath who has weaponized his education to FUCK WITH PEOPLE ALL HIS LIFE. Now, he's 78, blown his money on buying his girl friends, broke now without a "girl friend" (odd...he does like them very young, too) and having to work again after alienating everyone he knows and stupidly giving his 3rd ex-wife power over him by pulling his last hateful stunt while enlisting her help to go to court and bear false witness against me so the cops could UNCONSTITUTIONALLY KIDNAP ME. This is in a very RED state too, so don't forget to bring down your state governments too; they're every bit as bad as the Feds are with passing and enforcing laws that a 5th grader can tell aren't constitutional, and while we're at it, William Shakespeare sure had it right in his comments about what should happen to lawyers. They're all in bed with state governments because they get sent business by them and their ILLEGAL LAWS!

20541546? ago

[Suicide weekend] is here at LAST!

20541484? ago

I CAN'T fucking believe this shit! I mean, the guy had smoke machines and a rock band... videogames for the kids... I could show up wearing jeans and my AC/DC t-shirt... gourmet lattes and cappuccinos... WTF! How does someone like that just off themselves.

20542881? ago

Two bullets in the back of the head?

20541432? ago

OP, it's true. People are carriers. They are not aware they are. If you are in the Body of Christ.....they Holy Spirit will reveal the demons to you. The most mischievous ones are the everyday stuff, gambling, alcohol, overeating, anything to keep you from Gods Love. This man must have had a sin he did not forgive himself for, because suicide is selfish.

The hardest thing about redemption is accepting forgiveness from YOURSELF, even when all forgives you.

20543950? ago

California, a Mega church...hmmm...could there been sacrifices going on? Is Greg Laurie clean?

20544626? ago

Why would he be? Joel Osteen recently attended a big LGBTQABC concert with Lady Gaga.

20543752? ago

[They] don't only attack via spiritcooking or trying to get you to engage and think negtive thoughts, which are of lower vibration, and therefore make you more vulnerable to mistakes.

But also via chemicals and technology.

Preservants, colorants and other chemicals in food, GMO, chemicals in tap water, pharmaceuticals, vaccines that cause allergies and other ilnesses, chemtrails...

And then via technology in the form of flat and plasma screens, smartphone's. which can both influence thoughts, and cause nightmare's and demonic dreams, be sure to turn off and unplug when going to sleep, microwave food, cell phone antenna's...

20544111? ago

Always unplug!

20543184? ago

They sure as fuck can attack you physically.

Pissed off an attachment that has been with my family for who knows how long. By praying to eliminate it from my blood line. Left me with a nice sized claw mark on my right hip before that demon was exorcised.

They can reach out physically, but it takes great strength on their part for not much damage on our end.

But yeah. Your premise is correct.

20544122? ago

Could be attached to an heirloom. js.

20541826? ago

Very well stated, thank you

20542049? ago


20541093? ago

They are suiciding pastors by the dozen right now.

20542161? ago


20541081? ago

Religion will not save you.

20541891? ago

That’s officially old. It’s also dumb. Voodoo is spiritual. Christ calls Christians sheep. Do sheep lead or are they in danger without shepherds?

20541190? ago

But The Christ will free you from the heaven-hell reincarnation cycle of a prison planet colonized by The Abrahamic Deception.

20540967? ago

Dude must have had some serious skeletons in his closet he didn't want exposing.

Those you're told to trust are the worst of them all.

20540907? ago

Daniel 10:13 after 21days of prayer and struggle arche Angel Micheal fought it directly for 3 days. Most don’t stop and think of the implications of that and how strong our advisories are.

20540771? ago

Very sad for his family and friends.

It is very strange that someone in that position would do such a thing.

Any irregularities around his life?

20540803? ago

This is the first I've heard of him, but I can't help but feel something's not quite right about the whole story.

20540966? ago


HI guess he may have done something he feels he couldn't be forgiven for.