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20533626? ago

To me it looked like someone was setting up trump for bad optics on 9/11, with him entertaining the enemy on the same day the nation remembered how much they hate them. So much fake news reels just got tossed on the floor.

20533820? ago

The only thing worse would be someone getting Trump to dance on 9/11.

20536212? ago

The only thing worse would be someone getting Trump to dance on 9/11

well to be fair, he has already been dancing to the 9/11 perpetrators (Irsael) pipes his whole term

Embassy move


muh greatest ally

is it all for "optics"? maybe

but to people who know what the fuck is actually going on in the world, it's terrible optics

20536423? ago

I’m right there with you. At one point I was Trump 100%. His kike love and gun control has turned me off completely. He better win over a moderate because he lost me.

20537504? ago


Re-read all the Q posts you Concern Faggot.

Low Information > Concern Fagging, without actually doing any work, is not what we are about here. You're not helping.

Here is a link to my work to demonstrate to you, how hard others are working on behalf of your lazy, dumb ass.

I'm not angry, I'm just VERY disappointed. Otherwise I would be calling you out as a Shill straight up.

Do better. Try harder. Your very survival depends on it Anon.

Now Move it Soldier! Assholes and Elbows.


20541352? ago

Fuck off with that gay shit. It's really simple; if POTUS keeps sucking off Israel, signs gun control legislation and supports red flag laws he loses my support, period. If any of that changes I may change my mind. I will not blindly follow Q or Trump. If it all works out and OUR Republic is restored, GREAT! Until then you can shove your decodes up your ass.

20537999? ago

+1 cuz Apone ref