20545125? ago

According to Gareth Porter, "[John Bolton] has been obsessed for many years with going to war"


Coincidence that Bolton was a key member of the secretive Groundswell? Which is connected to corporate lobbying. War for-profit?


20539165? ago

I noticed this too. Consider that Trump is a master chess player. He does NOT do stuff spontaneously, but sometimes acts like he does. Who are the parties in this deal? U.S., Taliban, Afghan government, and Afghan people. The stalemate has been going on for years with the Taliban and Afghan government, to the point where U.S. citizens aren't paying much attention any more, which is bad news since it is OUR military at risk over there. And OUR tax dollars.

What Trump wants: what is best for the U.S.: troops out but only if terrorists can't build up in Afghanistan

What Taliban wants: To keep doing terrorist acts. It's what terrorists do.

What the Afghan government wants: Well, the government has been known to be corrupted, but don't we Americans know about that? Some are probably honest, some are lining their pockets, including with U.S. taxpayer dollars. What they are NOT doing is stopping the Taliban terrorists, just like we are not stopping the Antifa terrorists here.

What the Afghan people want: for the whole shit show to end.

So I suspect that Mustache wanted to continue his warmongering and paying OUR money and providing OUR military.

I think that Trump inviting and then disinviting the Taliban was a show for the Afghan people so they insist their government get their act together and kick Taliban butt. Trump publicly disinvited the Taliban to prove to the Afghan people that the Afghan government is screwing around and not dealing with terrorists. If ISIS can be defeated, the Taliban can too. But not if the Afghan government is farting around and doing nothing.

All of this is for the benefit of the U.S. people, so we stop paying and stop risking our military's lives, but are safe from terrorists building up in that country.

My theory.

20535315? ago

quite possibly, and could also mean Turump reached a deal with Iran.

20536628? ago

Like when McMaster was fired before North Korea

20534716? ago

Ancient history would destroy modern myths.

20534674? ago

Bolton wanted to protect the poppies.

20535117? ago

build dam > raise (salty) water table > only poppies grow > opium

20534494? ago

I'll tell you this much ... if Taliban thought a great peace plan was on the table, they would become confident, make mistakes, reveal their leadership locations, etc.

If that intel is used to take Taliban down hard ... Trump is smarter than Sun Tzu.

20534479? ago

Bolton was put in there to fail. Well, he did. Fired!

20534460? ago

Could it be that the C_A wants us to stay to protect its poppy fields?

Maybe they did the FF bombing to kill those people to force Trump to back up.

20534344? ago

Canary trap?

20534334? ago

The deep State needed to keep its drug trade flowing out of Afghanistan and Bolton was just the man to do it as national security advisor. We needed to keep troops in Afghanistan to protect the poppy fields.. Peace in Afghanistan and the withdrawal of all troops went against the deep States needs

20533929? ago

Bolton is a traitor. He works for israel and no one else.

20534452? ago

Bolton > C_A > Israel > banksters

20534728? ago

video no workie.....

20533878? ago

Could it be that Bolton was in the know on the strike that killed the American? Some "contractors" or mercenaries on the DOD Deep State payroll to sabotage a possible agreement? In that case, POTUS should have him hung, not fired.

20536238? ago

in the know on the strike that killed the American

which one? there were several

Extortion 17



20533780? ago

Buwahahahaha Meeting wasn't cancelled because of Bolton. Meeting was cancelled because the Taliban claimed responsibility for a deadly attack in Afghanistan

What a dumb shit YOU are.

20536917? ago

CNN tell you that?

20540082? ago

Trump did. lol

20534837? ago

Even now you still believe what the media tells you? Crazy!

20540121? ago

Trump said it again today during the 9/11 speech. Lol

20541639? ago

I don’t believe everything the administration puts out also. Never did with Bush or Obama either. I bet there’s more to it.

20541671? ago

President DJ Trump said it. Not administration officials. He did. C'mon man. Geesh ..

20555981? ago

Don’t take everything at face value when it comes to the government.

20556025? ago

Trump said it in his own words and out of his own mouth yesterday during the 9/11 speech. So you either believe Trump or you don't. Which is it going to be?

20569288? ago

You just don’t get it. Perhaps there is some truth to what what Trump says about Bolton but I believe there’s more to it. It’s like Q posting necessary disinformation. We (the public) don’t need to know all the particulars as it’s all part of the plan. I always question everything. So, do I believe Trump on his Bolton statement or not? Sort of. But you really need to get over it, it’s not that big of a deal.

20569323? ago

Oh ... I get it alright. You don't get it.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by those Rulers

20571182? ago

Yes! You do get it after all.

20534576? ago

Hi bwahafaggot, nice to see you today. How're things at sharia blue?

20534699? ago

Looky here .... the Joo Boy who types while Joo dick is in his mouth. Very talented goy. .

20533796? ago

jake Tapper is that you faggot?

20533860? ago

Barr said today that the meeting was cancelled due to the Taliban attack. lol

20533921? ago

Yeah barr said so

20533988? ago

Trump said so too. Buwahahahahaha

20533844? ago

WTF does that dumb fuck have to do with what I said friggin ignoramus troglodyte.

20533868? ago

You sound and probably look just like that faggot.

20533980? ago

Sound? Aaaaaaaaaaahahahaha ^^this^^ mutha fucker hears voices over the WWW. How the fuck can you hear typing beeeatch!? Med time. Take your meds. Go to bed. Call it a day. And don't forget to kiss mommy on the way.

20534063? ago

Do you suck your lovers dick with that filth mouth of yours?

20534101? ago

There's a tranny nigger that says troglodyte on here all the time.

Troglodyte is a favorite word for tranny niggers.

20534155? ago


Michelle Malkin say's it all the time and she isn't a tranny nigger. Buwahahahaha Fucking dumb shit Q-cultist's.

20534638? ago

But you literally are a nigger faggot

20534098? ago

No I suck your mommas pussy while your sleeping though. Buwahahahahaha

20533954? ago

Oh yeah. Well I guess Trump looks like him too. He tweeted the same damn thing you ignoramus troglodyte. Useless idiots all over this sub.

20533672? ago

Trump was open to all options to get the fuck out of Afghanistan. Bolton absolutely did not want to reduce troops there. I’m sure Bolton crossed a line in making his point so he was fired / quit. Where’s the coincidence with that?

Just as an aside... you could have a north and south border wall coast to coast one thousand feet high for all the fucking money that has been wasted in Afghanistan over almost 20 years.

Fact 1: Sand niggers are going to kill sand niggers from now until the end of time because they are from one fucking tribe or another.

Fact 2: You can’t change Fact 1.

20535697? ago

This guy gets it

20535478? ago

Your facts 1 and 2 are so cohesively accurate that most people just can't wrap their ignorant heads around them.

20534409? ago

You sound like a kindred spirit with matching temperament. ARE YOU AS TIRED OF THE TALKING? In my experience, people who talk don't do, people who do don't talk. For the awoken this "building optics" time frame is like pouring salt into an open wound and is less exciting than watching grass grow. Basically this is "common core" for the "awakening mode"........... we have to wait until the retards get "woke" so they don't hurt their fragile minds. WE WILL NEVER CHANGE THE HEARTS OF 33% and if we/they can't change their hearts, they will never change their minds. Fuckem all, open season on the cabal with 5 generations of their blood line included (no one escapes to start over) and we can pick off a few retards as a bonus along the way.

Why isn't this opening discussed? I'm just stating the facts. The cabal have fucked over/murdered/raped/sacrificed(literally)/tortured/enslaved/stolen/altered the live of hundreds of millions of people for hundreds of years. An eye for an eye.

20538283? ago


Uh oh. You typed the magic number. We know what that means!

20538304? ago

nope, enlighten me, i'm ignorant but aren't we all

20539600? ago

It is the number of vertebrae in a human spine.

20537326? ago

IMO before anything can happen the first step is taking away the Deep States greatest weapon...The MSM....no more lying...no more spinning stories... no more choosing to ignore stories that hurt their agenda...

The MSM is the single biggest threat...if they could get it to at the very least be honest...fair and unbiased....start putting as much effort into the Democraps as they do into bashing Trump...it would be a game changer.

Honestly it seriously make me wonder when the MSM is allowed to continue operating the way they have been....or is it Trump waiting for us to do something about it...like protest out front of CNN HQ...or a million man march on DC calling for the MSM to be shut down???

20537966? ago

I often wonder if that’s what it’s going to take as well, a huge march/protest. But then I look to France and they’ve been marching/protesting for over 43 weeks straight and Macaroni is still in office spouting globalist ideals.

I believe the American people have been deprogrammed to actually fight. Apparently it was bad enough that it got more people out to vote for 2016 elections, but life isn’t bad enough for us to physically do anything yet. “Scary to think of, but what is a large enough catalyst that will motivate us”.

We could send a cruise missile to clowns HQ and stop mockingbird media, blame it on al-Qaeda. Then we have an excuse to send in special forces to eliminate rogue blackop/al-Qaeda sites. Or make up a new boogie man for sheeple to rally behind.

20547333? ago

You are exactly right...and you know what...when I see all these other countries having huge protests like whats happening in Hong Kong, France, Russia and the Nordic Nations not long ago....It really pisses me off...whats worse is the largest protest to take place in the US with the most people was for fucking Gay rights of all things...all the shit going down in this country and the biggest turn out is for Gay rights...probably only because every gay person within a 1000 miles turned up..

But like you said...the majority of American's are to busy growing ass...planting roots into their couch cause none of it is effecting them in their daily life...as long as the cheques keep rolling in each month...the TV and internet still works....and the drugs and booze still readily available....the majority don't give a shit...or I should say they do care...but they get their fix of bitching and moaning online and they are good for awhile...

As for what would be an effective catalyst to get people off their ass....a MSM that actually told the truth that started a full on bombing campaign dropping truth bombs exposing whats really been going on since WW2 for starters...something Trump didn't want to do due to the shit storm it would cause...but imo that is what needs to happen and just deal with the mess it creates...so what if the Libtards start rioting...we will deal with them first...they are fucking useless idiots anyways...who cares if some of the Deep State POS don't make it to trial...it will save us billions prosecuting them...not to mention how many American lives will be saved from all these false flag events committed to justify taking away more of our rights and freedoms and further their agenda...

Why should we be forced to play nice while they rob and kill us...our children and our children's unborn children born into a country trillions in debt that will take god knows how many generations to repay......and all it would take to fuck the deep state big time is take back control of their greatest weapon against us...The mother fucking MSM.

I don't think most have a clue just how powerful it is...and for the life of me I don't understand why Trump has not exposed them for what they really are...it would have made the past 2+ years so much easier...

20537455? ago

WE Digital Soldiers are tasked with disseminating truthful information, bypassing MSM. That is our sole task. Period.

20535510? ago

I get you. Its for time for fireworks. Rip the fucking band aid off and let's get real.

20535082? ago

The 90% of the sheep in the world will follow whoever is in charge. I think they are born lost and without discernment.

I am with you, though. The more this drags on, the more I think we are being slow rolled. Fuck this shit.

20534577? ago

If you don't get your ducks in a row you lose. What happens if Trump orders the military to shoot illegals that sneak across the border? Woman or kid gets shot --> Impeachment and thrown out. What happens if it looks to the normies like Trump is seizing power by arresting people and throwing them in jail on trumped up charges? --> Impeachment and thrown out. I'm so glad we have a President with a brain rather than one that just acts on emotion. We want to win, you dope. Not go out in a blaze of glory.

20536375? ago

A silver one to Soros's head and see peace come back in 2 months. Tired of him and his fucking family still being free.

20545897? ago

You need to get his son too, who is also an insufferable cunt.

20538167? ago

So glad you aren't running this. As if killing one person would end a world wide network of evil.

Their network is set up to survive entire subgroups getting wiped out. It is composed of separate columns, any which of them can be sacrificed if need be. Freemasons, Jesuit/Vatican, CIA/Mossad/MI6, Illuminati, etc.

20543583? ago

True it's a network, but via his funds, it facilitates the playing field. If he's their fall guy, let him fall, while remembering who's behind.

20539585? ago

Compartmentability, and plausible denability, are two of their methods.

20536340? ago

Good points, but a curious line of rebuttal.....that's the tell

20534967? ago

Congratulations, you have won tonight's "spin doctor" award!!!!!!! See what the cuck just did.......... not advocating shooting people that cross the border illegally. There's more than enough evidence to justify herding up the cabal and their co-conspirators. WE CAN HANDLE IT. And in a blaze of glory if needed.

PS........ cucks/shills are easy to spot, you write with no evidence. How do you live with yourself? It must be lonely, isolated and miserable doing this shitty job. Making no progress night after night and getting absolutely owned/roatsted every night. Do your life right, serve justice, serve humanity, become a whistle blower. Call Project Veritas.

20545916? ago

How are you proposing arresting several thousand (or even more) people all at exactly the same time, and ensuring that nobody doing said arresting allows these filth to escape?

20538201? ago

you write with no evidence.

Demands for evidence, huh? Is that in your little Stalwart Script?

You guys are getting a little too shrill. Getting a little hot in there, isn't it?

It will only get worse. Your side is losing badly and you know it.

20538275? ago

1) you write off with no conviction

2) fuck off cuck/shill #MAGA

20538638? ago

Tell me about how you love your country. I want to hear it. Can you get yourself to type it out? Give me some evidence that you are really a Patriot.

20535027? ago


Your posts are far more shilly than theirs...

20535171? ago

I'll get you $100k if you blow the whistle on your shit bag company's "persona management" program. Have you considered when will your contract/funding dry up? Do you have a backup job? KEK

20534555? ago

You nailed it. Hannity thinks his audience each night knows nothing about what is happening politically in America for the last three years.

I just flipped over for 30 seconds... COMEY BAD! Same shit he was saying a year ago, and even two years ago.

It’s falling on deaf ears unless we hear the CLINK of the jail cell closing behind Deep State criminals.

20534463? ago

Q said 3 - 5 %.

20534865? ago

3-5% LOL, Q is getting bad intel. I'm sure it's to keep them from dropping the hammer, but ultimately they want more time to further brainwash another generation and rewrite history books. This "optics" is BS and it's not helpful. Another election will be here shortly and without evidence/arrest, changing perceptions will be futile and to risky.

20534498? ago

Romney needs to be exposed.

20534713? ago

I always said Romney is not his own man. this politician only does what the elder's within the Mormon church tell him to do. The reason he is a never Trump is that the president of the Mormon church and his council dictated to Romney to be this. if Romney had gained the presidency he would of done the same type of damage to the republican party that the Clintons have done to the demacrat party .

20535140? ago

Sorry you are WRONG. Romney is his own man. As bad as he is he does not in anyway represent the Elders of this church nor the members. You forget that Utah went to Trump, not because of of the non-members but because of the members. Our leaders have a right to their opinion but we serve God. God is our leader and He directs what we do. Our members have free agency and can do as we please. But in the end, we as everyone else will answer to God. So even though Romney marches to a different drummer don't confuse his path as ours. Ask us and we'll tell you. Don't assume because you do know what assume is, right. MAGA, WWG1WGA

20536361? ago

I'd like to agree with that, but your "God" comes from the planet Kolob, right?

20539545? ago

I just "thought mirror" and that planet is Bollocks!

20536341? ago

just because rank and file members of LDS are for Trump does not mean the leadership is. the leadership is mostly Bush Republicans . Romneys goal is to be an elder of the church the way he becomes one is to do the current church leaderships biding.

20534476? ago


20533979? ago

I didnt know enough to comment, but if RinoRomney says it's bad, I am in full support of the president's actions.

20533930? ago

Confirmation it was the right move.

20534388? ago

Whenever some I love is disappointed about something I say "you don't know why what happened may be for the best. I was devastated when Obama beat Romney in 2012. Little did I know it was going to get us Trump!" I think about that night in 2012 a lot.

20538011? ago

2012 was the re-election ? I remember going to bed early that night, mad ... because I was sure everyone was so sick of obama. And he just walked to that re-election, that was after Obamacare and all the other race dividing actions he took in first term ... considering white people elected him, I felt there was no way he could win again

20534757? ago

You're sweet. I agree.

20533626? ago

To me it looked like someone was setting up trump for bad optics on 9/11, with him entertaining the enemy on the same day the nation remembered how much they hate them. So much fake news reels just got tossed on the floor.

20534594? ago

I think you are right. I think trump wanted to meet up with the Taliban but the meeting was set up to be seen in the worst light possible by anyone who is an observer. trump only found out the date of the meeting after Bolton arranged it.

20533820? ago

The only thing worse would be someone getting Trump to dance on 9/11.

20536212? ago

The only thing worse would be someone getting Trump to dance on 9/11

well to be fair, he has already been dancing to the 9/11 perpetrators (Irsael) pipes his whole term

Embassy move


muh greatest ally

is it all for "optics"? maybe

but to people who know what the fuck is actually going on in the world, it's terrible optics

20536423? ago

I’m right there with you. At one point I was Trump 100%. His kike love and gun control has turned me off completely. He better win over a moderate because he lost me.

20537504? ago


Re-read all the Q posts you Concern Faggot.

Low Information > Concern Fagging, without actually doing any work, is not what we are about here. You're not helping.

Here is a link to my work to demonstrate to you, how hard others are working on behalf of your lazy, dumb ass.


I'm not angry, I'm just VERY disappointed. Otherwise I would be calling you out as a Shill straight up.

Do better. Try harder. Your very survival depends on it Anon.

Now Move it Soldier! Assholes and Elbows.


20541352? ago

Fuck off with that gay shit. It's really simple; if POTUS keeps sucking off Israel, signs gun control legislation and supports red flag laws he loses my support, period. If any of that changes I may change my mind. I will not blindly follow Q or Trump. If it all works out and OUR Republic is restored, GREAT! Until then you can shove your decodes up your ass.

20537999? ago

+1 cuz Apone ref

20534052? ago

Dance w/ Kushner

20534092? ago

The Shekel Shuffle

20533615? ago

Probably not, Bolton is DS and a war-hawk.

20533597? ago
