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20524605? ago


Now a bit of Hermetic Qaballa fundamentals:

In the Hermetic Art of Qaballa as it applies to Gematria, any whole number arrived at through the division of a whole number by a whole number is said to be a "fractal" of the original number. Although you may arrive at numbers with decimal values, often the decimal will float. However, for this representation, it is best to first resolve how the concept works when applied to whole numbers.

However, all of this division and redivision (or multiplication upon multiplications) is really just another way of forming sequences. The easiest demonstration is the fractal of 10. Hence 36 may be a viewed as a fractal of 360, 3600, etc. 36 may also be viewed as a fractal of 72, 144, 288, 576. You must be aware of the number and how it may be appearing in a series of progressions.

For instance, we may write the term "36", but we know that the whole number being represented needs to be multiplied by 10, or 360.

Hence Isis "secret number is "36", which may sum to 666, or multiplied by 12 to arrive at 360 in which the 12 represents each sign of the Zodiac and hence the 36 represents a division of each sign into segments of 3.

When we view this concept of fractals when set against the "the Master Number", we often note that the Master Number is written as "11:11". Yet we also know that 1's are 6's and so the sequence 11:11 is really the sequence we know that the product of this esoteric code is derived from the sequence of transpositions of 11:11 = 66:66 = 666*6 = 1296. 1296 is a fractal of the more lucent Pi Proportion term of 12960. 12960, in turn, is more lucidly represented as AJK, or 11011. Here we note that the "0" in the middle of the formula 11011 is really an occulted (partially hidden) 10.

From here you may deduce that 11:11 is a fractal of 11011.

Another way of understanding this is that the "0" is really shared by both halves of the formula 11011 in that 11011 is 6610*66 = 360 * 360. Since the product of 360360 totals 12,960, or the number of years to half of the Great Year as put forward by Plato, we may then discern that "LIFE" as an Occult construct relative to Qaballa is really comprised of two circle. Further, we find that the "1's" of 11011 are really ciphered "6's".

Why is this important?

Because one is inundated with Occult coding in logos that then grace the fields of sports stadiums. The formula of 11011 is really 66066, and this is really 661066, which is further extended to representation of two halves being multiplied together, or 360 * 360.

This 360*360 becomes the symbol of the Vesica Piscis, while the expression of "A's as 1 are 6's" becomes the reverse formula of VISA, or VI'S (6;s) (r) A's

We may then anchor further sequences to the 360. By taking the fractal of 360, or the number 36, we may then sum the sequence of 1:36 to reveal 666, or the Secret Number of the Sun.

In all cases, however, the great constant remains. The number 360 or its fractal of 36 all cipher back to a number sequence representation of Pi.

t matches the degrees of a circle.

Now those who think that the Golden Dawn were possessed of some super secret mystical code unique to themselves are really only deluding themselves. In truth, the Construct as designed and woven into our Western culture has always been caste around a 26 digit "acroamatic Alphabet" that became what is modern day English.

The fact is, the "Master Number", set against 11 as a cipher for 66, which when multiplied reveals 36 (fractal of 360) and a cipher for 666 (sum of 1:36 = 666) is perhaps one of the primary backbones to the Illuminatus philosophy, a philosophy caste against the Sun and Osiris.

So when the Golden Dawn pontificates about "5=6", they are simply secreting a far more hidden cipher relative to the Construct, a Construct that was caste against English and "the Isisian Codes". Here is how it works:

In order to center the Alphabet against the "Master Number", we must create a series of concentric circles through the digits and letters.

Using the above matrix, we may then draw a circle around the "5" and "6", "4" and "7", "3" and "8", and "2" and "9", and then the "1" and "10", although this would require a bit of the modification of the above matrix. When this is accomplished, you have a dual set of letters wherein the addition of each pair adds to 11.

However, the use of concentric circle pairing only provides you with an intrinsic clue that does not become apparent until you break down the pairings into patterns as follows:

Does the Letter Set "AQ" at position 1 equal 10?

Does the Letter Set of "BR" at position 2 equal 9?

Does the Letter Set of "CS" at position 3 equal 8?

Does the Letter set of "DT" at position 4 equal 7?

Does the Letter set of "EU" at position 5 equal 6?

Does the Letter set of "FV" at position 6 equal 5?

Does the Letter set of "GW" at position 7 equal 4?

Does the Letter set of "HX" at position 8 equal 3?

Does the Letter set of "IY" at position 9 equal 2?

Of course, the center digit relative to a count sequence of 1 to 11 is the digit 6.


In a system that has been rationally designed around Pi, we would expect to find a rational clue encoded at the center point of "Master Number". Of course, we find precisely such.

The only position where we can apply phonetics and see a rational construction is at number 6, or the center point of the distance between 1 to 11.

Does the Letter set of "FV" at position 6 equal 5?Yes - the letter set of FV = 5 in that the word FiVe equals 5.

Here you begin to put it all back together, because through the various crafts of "Sacred Form" and "Sacred Sequencing", we know that at FV we locate the number 6. This is a sequence representation of the form above in that we have a two pentacles located inside two hexagons.

The "X's" traversing as a center point on each of the "5's" are Roman Number 10. The paths of "8" and "16", a binary progression, for them IXXI, or "10 not 9, 10, not 11". To return all back to its "creator" we must then trace from beginning to end as a circle, going forth and proceeding back to "home".

Within the "Vesica Piscis", which is "our home", we then find this matrix embed within.

The proverbial "Abyss" is the region between the line formed by "EF" as demonstrated within.

These 22 paths form the basis for the 22 paths of the Tarot.


20532971? ago


in that 11011 is 6610*66 = 360 * 360. Since the product of 360360 totals 12,960

Second set of numbers should be "6 * 6 * 10 * 6 * 6", and towards the end should be "360 * 360".

20533022? ago

It was a big project to pull all this together, and I am fine tuning it. It IS being reviewed brother. Please be patient. I thank you for your contributions. Kindest regards,

The NumberFag.

20533772? ago

I am helping out of the kindness of my own heart. Thank you for putting this together.

If it helps: I tend to re-read my output over and over again, making corrections -- until, I have a pass in which there are no corrections.

Then, I might make one additional pass.

I find for my own purposes that this is important, especially when my audience is larger -- because, a typo that takes someone an extra minute to figure out, with an audience of a thousand, means 1,000 minutes are being wasted because I wasn't as clear as I could have been.

Your audience is fairly large. We appreciate you, or at least, I speak for myself and I do. I've been called "CodeAnon" and am helping elsewhere although I haven't checked that email address which I should, I think they were getting back to me around now ("two weeks" they said).

I'm also recovering from multiple concussions and the hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy helps a great deal.

Carry on!

21509856? ago

N F is looking for ya. Hope you have recovered well.

Sincerely 00

21521085? ago

Thanks Sir. <

21532313? ago

Have ya seen this ? Post 396 leads to..

21537196? ago

Now that is pretty cool.

I am studying it.

I am also studying hardcore cryptography and acroamatic ciphers incorporating Isisian codes.

You do realize I am cracking the coding system of the freemasons and other secret societies?

They have using this in secret against us for centuries.

Time to turn it on them. <

21543780? ago

Ok when voat posts get mondane, i go back to old,posts. Heres my latest.

I kept seeing odd intrusions of native american culture [cult]

At first Q says apache and that led me to free open source software. Which most people found but i doubt many found this.

Because the terms are seperated by a lot of time so now hes mentioned geronimo. But heres where it gets interesting. If you add them together you get Apache Geronimo. And walla this appears.

A <totally differnt site. Gee <

i just wonder whos runn8ng this site?

21563984? ago

Excellent. And who has his skull? Skull and Bones at Yale.

21553405? ago

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21553404? ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @Lakswjnsiz.

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21547802? ago

Whoa! Mind blown. I will look for more markers.

21550374? ago


Post 964.

BIDEN/CHINA VERY IMPORTANT MARKER< tide has turned we reached marker.

Post 963




Now in yellow q just told us they are in check mate.

Happy shed a tear.

21549461? ago

Found somthing else.

Post 799 so We took project iron hand and turned it into iron eagle which repurposed deep dream morphing into project looking glass?

21549397? ago

Should i copy and post? 2 GA?

21552053? ago

Yes please.

21566131? ago

Just curious what this guy means they arent prime but....?

21543957? ago

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