20542650? ago

you lost me at "gematria".

20528777? ago

the longer they are free - the more the world turns.

20528288? ago

Brilliant decode! NOP here. :)

"IFDOWDT" = 81 in Simple Gematria = THE WALL. Look at the Letters: IF W DO DT could mean 'If we do Donald Trump' (like Bolsonaro).

20530656? ago

Danke NOP. ; What did you think of the link in 629 - https://voat.co/v/QRV/3420188 ? I thought it is a nice summary.

20531525? ago



It's great that someone summarizes all the methods in one post. He seems to know the articles of SB very well... Maybe an Alter Ego? ;)

20527494? ago

I would say a very legit decode.

20526912? ago

Comey needs to hang. Soon. Evil pos.

20526617? ago

Didn't a dump truck hit the GOP train on it's way to a retreat a couple years ago?? Seems they want to take out more than the President if this is correct...

20528235? ago

Huge story - IGNORED!

The history books will note that more fully.

20540793? ago

Look at the downvotes on my post, I must have struck a nerve :)

20526583? ago

Trump's life and legacy is protected by God. Y'all have faith. Even if something did happen to him, it would end up working for the good of the righteous. Evil will ultimately boomerang back onto the evil ones themselves. Trust the plan.

20526580? ago

He needs to be put away so he has less chances of communicating anything to anyone.

20525629? ago


My latest. I am on your tweet and will provide a decode in c. 24 hours.


The NumberFag.

20525624? ago

Pretty good translation...though a knife attack is way to risky and the ability to kill is very difficult. And the ability to get close enough to POTUS to attempt such a feat just wont happen.

Dont forget POTUS is protected by Majestic technology as well....

It would have to be a large scale attack. God forbid.

We know 9/11 is a symbolic day for THEM.

Lets turn it back on THEM.

20532136? ago

What is Majestic tech, as in Jason group or Majesty 12?

20525523? ago

Nice translation, OP!

I'm not so sure it refers to assassination, but I'm 100% certain that when he is saying 'we' he means the Cabal, and they have shaped the government so their (systems for control, their child/gun/drug trade, their corrupt justice system ) can survive a Patriot in the White House. By saying that the test is underway does seem to be a signal that they are trying a move of some kind. Perhaps another pussy tape? Perhaps their putting extreme blackmail pressure on some cabinet officials?

20525813? ago

The backups were in NK. They don’t have shit but gasoline that anyone can buy.

20524444? ago

Comey the corrupt "Nice Guy" monster.

20525649? ago

The cia asset that made it as fbi director. The prequel to the cia asset that made it to the Whitehouse.

20526572? ago

Obama is/was CIA from his father's ejaculation to present. Jarrett is his handler. Mike is the enforcer.

20524309? ago

They have no idea the hell storm that will instantly released and fully surround them all if 45 can not complete his mission in any fashion. Patriots are on hold. Don't let this dumb Twitter feed shit change your stance, hold the line, keep up the good fight , keep on informing peopleand be ready, be prepared. The only way out if this peacefully is through education. Teach teach teach.!!!

20524370? ago

Thats what I do exactly, I go into antifa strong holds and educate. I am a punk also, the only difference is I have taken the needed years to educate myself on who the enemy is. They have not. Our common ground is we all have no tolerance for corrupt governments. The awakening is planned well and working good, a bit faster would be nice but the legal wheel must turn slow to be effective for permanent cleansing.

20524643? ago

You are correct.

After spending time in different States in this Country, the Real Americans are fed up with all this bullshit, and are well prepared to take back All the States from the Corrupt Demon Rats!

We'll be rapped in the Armour of GOD and willing to do whatever it takes to cleanse this place from the Evil that resides here!


20528536? ago

Clean the planet

20525958? ago

We'll be rapped in the Armour of GOD

So who will be doing the rapping? Do you know the lyrics?

20528825? ago

Sorry, didn't catch that when I was typing...


20525613? ago

God ain’t helping anyone out. If he was there would have been no child rape and certainly no child sacrificing. It doesn’t get any worse than that people. But hey if it makes you feel better believe God is gonna help ya.

20525457? ago

The only problem with that is that it's not a republican vs Democrat issue, both sides are corrupted. Dems a bit more since they were in power more recently and we're plotting our demise

20528788? ago

I call them Demon Rats... and yes they wear Red and Blue badges.

20524102? ago

might have something to do with the 1600 gallons of gasoline the cops found in 2 seperate vans. ??

20526125? ago

That seemed like someone that was just stealing diesel and happened to get caught. Doesn’t sound like terror threat to me.

20526398? ago

wtc 1994...

and OKC used the same method

20528445? ago

WTC was in 1993.. I lost someone in the Murrah building and that was caused by fertilizer (not gasoline) and bombs hidden in the building. Two of the bombs didn't go off.

20529669? ago

1993 World Trade Center bombing

The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, carried out on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The urea nitrate–hydrogen gas enhanced device was intended to send the North Tower crashing into the South Tower, bringing both towers down and killing tens of thousands of people. It failed to do so but killed six people and injured over a thousand.

20526923? ago

without ammonium nitrate, diesel is not a high explosive

20531081? ago

even so, it needs a high explosive 'initiator' to detonate.... not like you mix a batch & stick a fuse innit to make a boom

20531684? ago


20531829? ago

i lived near a quarry way-back when... they mix the AN-FO in a water tanker type truck & pumped the slurry in to every other drill hole then used det cord & a primer can to move about an acre of rock. my dad was army corps of engineers & taught me this stuff

20527167? ago

1) what are the odds that two trucks are founded loaded with an explosive content on a trump rally route.

2) there has been bo confirmimation as to what else was found.

3) no such thing as coincidence

20527303? ago

sure... I'll wait and see if these turn out to be ammonium nitrate / diesel fuel bombs. Something tells me the media will not break the story, if we do find out.

20525940? ago

in 2 seperate vans. ??


20526012? ago

blah blah blah blah...hlba..

20525625? ago

Always seems like him or Brennan tweet something just before an attempt on potus.

20524084? ago

Either way, it is the end of the NWO pedo-satanists.

20524282? ago

Yup. If Trump is part of the plan, its an almost sure bet that Pence is as well. Those running the show for sure would have contingency plans as an assissantion would likely be high on the possibility list of potential setbacks.

20524379? ago

Pence is NWO. Trump wanted Flynn to be VP.

20525639? ago

True about Flynn.

20524359? ago

The Q Team would still stand.

But I think tactics would change drastically....

20524331? ago

Pence is iffy

20524384? ago

Pence is a NWO pedo.

20525964? ago

Only in your head.

20530646? ago

Research it. He is from Indiana.

20524049? ago

FUCK BARR for allowing Comey to walk free from treason.

20524114? ago

i dont know about the rope dance.. but barr 100% needs to get his head out of his ass and start prosecuting these fuck heads..

20524238? ago

I follow Q and I think it's not a Mossad psyop, however it sickens me how many members of this community defend the recent injustice.

They pretend Comey's leaking WASN'T at the center of the treasonous coup plans and they pretend it was wonderful that he walked free - true 20 dimensional chess... except we all get raped.

20526003? ago

the leaks cant be charged becausenof the clasification...... but he will get charged for treason..

20526054? ago


The IG recommended Comey be charged because he commuted a crime.

If you or I stole an ice cream cone, we'd be arrested... yet Comey walks free.

20526429? ago

i totally agree.. he needs to fucking hang... and be shot, and beat like a piñata whilst hanging.. BUT.. i think bigger charges are coming...BUT as far as the leaks, he covered his tracks..the docs leaked were "personal memos"... so they couldnt chatge hom for leaking personal info...HOWEVER i do agree we all should be on the phones to AG barr...he either needs to shit or get off the pot..

20526471? ago

i think bigger charges are coming...

I do too, but forgiving the "smaller stuff" invites the question why we should obey the "smaller laws" too.

Why should I pay my parking ticket if Comey is allowed to walk free from leaking classified material?

Why should I pay my taxes if the government isn't doing it's fucking job?

20527189? ago

i dont disagee . i say, if ever in legal trouble. claim the same defense that the dems use, show case proof and tell the judge to suck a butt

20524937? ago

This is just fucking stupid. Prosecution for lying and leaking is not a slam dunk in the current climate, whereas prosecution for FISA abuse is. Y'all are an embarassment to Tel Aviv and SBBH. Seriously man, this is the worst most idiotic black pill I've seen pushed.

20524946? ago

Prosecution for lying and leaking is not a slam dunk in the current climate

Why shouldn't Comey be prosecuted for all his crimes, just like you and I would be?

Why pretend that Comey's leaking WASN'T at the center of a treasonous coup plot?

Listen to yourself - you are calling for Comey NOT to be prosecuted for crimes he committed. What's wrong with you?

20524973? ago

Why pretend that Comey's leaking WASN'T at the center of a treasonous coup plot?

No one's pretending anything but this is a fucking Q board and part of the plan is to let the MSM destroy itself. Prosecuting Comey now for leaking would require prosecuting the complicit MSM and it's not time for that, given that a huge part of the reason for the Q movement is to avoid civil unrest. We're not yet at the point where the vocal and nutty 8% that you represent will not go full on chimp out if the media were to be brought down in a day. They'd be feeling sorry for the motherfucking jews whereas if we keep letting them expose exactly who they are and what they're about, the public will eventually join us in calling for them to be transferred out of the West and quarantined to their loxist paradise.

20524998? ago

it's not time for justice

Only because of people like you who say "please may I have another" after Comey bends Lady Liberty over and rapes her.

I wonder what a version of yourself from 2017 would think if he could see what you've become.

Please save this comment so you can come back and let me know what you've decided that it is time for justice rather than treasonous criminals laughing at you.

20525004? ago

Only a jew would quote something that wasn't stated in the OP. We see (((you)))

20525011? ago

Yet he said it repeatedly:

Prosecuting Comey now for leaking would require prosecuting the complicit MSM and it's not time for that, given that a huge part of the reason for the Q movement is to avoid civil unrest. We're not yet at the point where...

You have no argument.

20525029? ago

You're the one with no argument, maybe if you'd posted this in news or politics subs, but you didn't, you posted it here as if we don't understand how the dominoes have to be set up. I even posted a great video interview explaining it all for even the most stupid of people but you just keep reeeeeeing about lack of justice as if you're desperate for us to blow our one chance now while it can still be defeated by the lawfare of your masters.

20525003? ago

You too, please bookmark this thread and come back in 6 months to see that your speculation was bullshit. We get one chance asshole. Now fuck off back to Tel Aviv.

20524957? ago

No dude listen to yourself chimping out over absolute fucking nonsense from over there in Tel Aviv. we get ONE chance to get this right, it would be a huge blow to have him walk on the first prosecution. Better to let him show his colors and then take him down in a slam dunk.

Go choke on the black pill you're pushing.


20524774? ago

The meme trump posted shows them all behind bars.

20524864? ago

That meme was photoshopped.

It isn't real.

20531121? ago

I know but he posted it as a manifestation to reality, its not a joke its what he believes should happen. The meme exhists it is real. Idk what you propose is real. So your saying pictures arent real. Theres philosphical arguments for both view points.

20524093? ago

I agree with you on this. I hope that Barr exposed more of the DS network, either intentionally or unintentionally. Anyone who has betrayed their country will hang.

20524251? ago

I hope President Trump and Q understand what a dangerous game they are playing by continuing to deny justice starved patriots even crumbs of justice.

The danger is a civil war will spark while Trump and Q are fucking around posting memes and cartoon frogs and discussing ThunderCats.

20525434? ago

Lately I'm filled with cold targeted defiance. I'm not even angry about the situation anymore. The Demoncrats want us dead. I'm not looking to comply. Molon Labe bitches

20524373? ago

Yep. The tension is mounting. Pedophilia, and worse, will not be tolerated.