20526830? ago

Also, according to Corey’s digs, he had his own comms tower for his own personal comms.

20522509? ago

Well, IF that's true (and I'm still not sure that it IS true), then that information might jive with the rumor that he was using a STATE DEPARTMENT "tail number" on one or more of his planes. Both of these rumors could be true if he really was a secret member of the Deep State, or CIA.

For that matter, why do we never hear WHY Sidney Blumenthal also had such good "insider" government connections? He seems just as shady as Epstein, although AFAIK not in a kinky way.

20522492? ago

I wonder who it was in the FAA that gave the final OK for those clearances?

20519808? ago

No sauce on the tweet. Made up?

20519756? ago

As the crimes are revealed, it will be clear that it is ALL taxpayer-funded.

20519507? ago

it shared a gov tail number for a reason

20519360? ago

some proof / evidence seems to be missing

20518451? ago

I knew that Jackass wouldn't quit twitter.

20518372? ago

remember one of his planes "shared" a tail number with the state department. just sayin ...

20517074? ago

I call bullshit.

20516747? ago

Most people don't know that there are two opposing factions of the Military:

1. The Military Industrial Complex = Deep State Cabal Controlled

2. The Military Alliance = The White Hats that Hired DJT to be President

My understanding is that there has been an internal war between the two for decades now. The MIC had control for many years dating back to before JFK and the Military Alliance just recently gained control, as in the last 10 years or so. They contemplated a coup to overthrow BHO after the 2012 election but knew the public would not buy into it so they searched out DJT to do it legally through an election and a soft drawn legal disclosure of all the MIC and DS crimes committed. Thank God it is working as they planned this out for many years. From the sources I follow the Alliance now claims they have about 70% control and loyalty of the entire Military. The Navy and Air Force have been the most resistant.

Don't ask me for specific sources since they are multiple and I don't save or archive my sources in a data file. I am too lazy, lol. But I have been reading about this for about 4 years now. The more sources I come across the more this narrative becomes etched solidly.

20522393? ago

Well #2 better ramp it up because right now they're looking like a velvety vag.

20520771? ago

what proof do we have that they are white hats? What if they are just a different faction within the military, with better PR?

20520008? ago

The Space Force may be a move to counteract the corrupt Air Force.

20519583? ago

look at Donald trumps history as a kid and it makes sense they would recruit him...he went to the same prep school most of the white hats went to. I believe Donald trump has been there man for years

20526806? ago

Djt family is an alliance family from generations ago.

20519357? ago

This is true. The Secretary of Defense staff organization (Office of the Secretary of Defense, abreviated OSD) at the Department of Defense level is where the "Military Industrial Complex," resides in part, in conjunction with the Component Secretary staffs (Department of the Army, Navy (and Marines), Air Force and Agencies, supported by Cleared Defense Contractors (Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed-Martin, etc, etc., etc). The Acquisition Organizations, at the top level down, include the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD(AT&L)), Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition (SAF(AQ)), Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition (ASN(RDA)), and the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition (SAF(AQ)), as well as Agency Acquisition organizations. The Uniformed Components are "customers," albeit captive, who articulate mission need and requirements for the Acquisition chain to fulfill through subordinate "Acquisition Executives" and Program Management Offices. Uniformed Services must "shop" a these civilian led bureaucracies by law, and are capative to the result of DoD 5000 policies, which are captive to the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) by laws made by congress to ensure that the government distributes jobs, etc. across the states and congressional constituencies, athough the ostensible reasoning is that this system is more efficient and affordable. Cough-cough. So, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen are just as captive to the "Military Industrial Complex" as are civilian taxpayers.

20519317? ago

damn shame that the Navy and Airforce are the most resistant. We need our sea and air troops to be with us.

20518566? ago

Interesting! That 70% -- seems I recall Q saying 40%, then 60%, and more recently 70%. We thought that was related to "what will be public knowledge" -- now, I wonder, was it about their percentage of control, which has been growing over the almost-two-years that Q has been posting?

20526815? ago

Try to keep up! The 40 and 60 references were in regard to how much truth the world will get to see. It had absolutely zero to do with what percentage of the military is behind potus? Where in the fuck do some ppl get their information?

20531659? ago

kek, YOU try to keep up. Most things have more than one meaning.

20518223? ago

This was an interesting read thank you!

20521911? ago


20516365? ago

Have you seen the video concerning the payoffs he would make to many AIRPORT personnel. From the flight deck to the tower.

One guy said they all knew after his conviction. But they still turned a blind eye to the "young" girls being funneled in.

20518210? ago

I guess if you have dirt on the top of the heap you can park anywhere your little heart pleases.

20516136? ago

Mil is also not 100% purly good. Also used by a small circle as cover for child traffiting and ritual killing. You can find many reports from some escaped victims.

20516064? ago

Source, you know, besides the 22 year old faggot on Twitter?

20521908? ago


20516039? ago

Where is the original source for this claim? Coudn't find any evidence or source that this is true. Also, AIRCRAFT AND PERSONNEL AUTOMATED CLEARANCE SYSTEMS (APACS) is available for everybody. Also for private travel.

20516151? ago

I believe he went through the flight logs and found military bases that way.

20517643? ago

Hmmm, this would have nothing to do with "automatic clearance".

20515687? ago

Hey everyone, Military is gonna save us!

Already stated long ago, SRI's remote viewers (army section) passed intel onto the CIA, who passed it onto the FBI, in the 80s/early 90s.

And later documents show that the CIA just stopped sharing RV sessions which include OKC, 911, Iran Hostages. All supported by RV intelligence.

All available in their declassified documents.

20515563? ago

Is there any source on this besides a Twitter post?

20515531? ago

And the fuckery of his case just made everything buried, great.

20515515? ago

Jews get special favors when they have videos of politicians fucking kids.

20515071? ago

Mossad pedo dealers have all kinds of connections

20514977? ago

Confusing. I'm trying to understand the controversy, if there is any. What are we talking about here, when we say "clearance?" Pilots with a UN International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) certification can generally file IFR clearances to another ICAO country, paying airport fees and going through immigration and customs at each end. If this is talking about Diplomatic Clearance ("Dip. Clearance"), that applies to state aircraft (e.g., military or other state agency) which requires specific Diplomatic Clearance requested per trip (or time period) and per country. For registered airlines, agreements are established for airports and routes for a specific periods time and for negotiated airport fees. Hard to tell if this is just click bate without better understanding of what is being implied.

20516484? ago

I remember reading someplace that his plane would fly under different "N" (tail) numbers, belonging to 3 letter agencies. Could some of these tail numbers be "pre-cleared" to land and bypass the destination country's customs ?

20519511? ago

I would not be surprised to discover that ABC assigned military aircraft would have standing DIPCLNC on file. Although more likely common, I'd suppose that ABC covertly "contracted airlines" would follow ICAO rules and agreements with foreign airports and facilities as-if they were just regular Joe airlines, meaning contracts in place, airport gate agreements, negotiated landing and gate fees, etc.. If you're really going to be covert, you're going to look, feel and smell ordinary, the fewer in the know-boat the better.

20516830? ago

Yeah, this was brought up before, he had military or some sort of federal agency tail numbers.

20524954? ago

Yep, I remember too. Looked in Qresear.ch and found this searching on "epstein tail":

5994663 at 2019-03-31 22:48:32 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7666: Good Trumps Evil Edition Edition


I had something in prior notables from a dig…

"dyncorp plane and Epstein helicopter shared same tail number. Plane crashed from being "overloaded" per official records NTSB FAS. Flying missions for…..

STATE DEPARTMENT UNDER HILLARY to Columbia in "counter intel ops"......


20514675? ago

He was the gatekeeper. He was the membership chairman. In charge of induction. The inductees entered the club knowing the membership requirements.

20518435? ago

Exactly. I think a lot of people are under the impression his blackmail operation was carried out secretly, without the mark being fully aware of what was going on.

More likely, they knew exactly what was happening. They accepted it as the price of admission to "the club". The higher the price you were willing to pay ie: younger children, murder, ritual sacrifice, the more trusted and rewarded you were.

Epstein was just a ticket taker to "the show".

20519394? ago

It's a contract all parties enter into knowingly. You must give your consent to evil.

20514609? ago

search for new planes and new ones with auto clearences !!!

20514607? ago

He was blackmailing a vast number of powerful people including the military elite. This was protected by numerous country's intelligence agencies.

20514771? ago

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20514552? ago

Are we sure it's true? Not terribly surprising since his aircraft shared id with state department aircraft but still....

20516137? ago

no, it's a made up claim. prove otherwise

20514501? ago

The only issue I having is the usage of elite, top level may he a better descriptor. The people are certainly not better than the rest.

20522837? ago

prefer the disgraced

20514483? ago

https://tweetsave.com/realjack/status/1170492036987797504 :

Jack Murphy on Twitter: "Did you know?

Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express had automatic clearance all over the world, including military bases

He trafficked children for sex to blackmail powerful & influential people for gov. intelligence agencies

This was a taxpayer-funded elite pedophile ring..."

This has been an automated message.

20514453? ago

Pretty girls doing nearly anything sexual with stars for fame and fortune. Never realizing they're just another pretty face for the rich and famous to exploit. The girls get preggo thinking they found a meal ticket, then wind up dead.

Sounds like a bad movie script but based in reality.

Hollywood is a dirty place.

20514432? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLcfpU2cubo Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHSg05P3dA4 What was Donald Trump's relation to accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DajGmYiagLg The TRUTH about Donald Trump's connection to Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein that the media won't tell us!

Birds of a feather flock together

20514389? ago

Jeffrey Epstein had more airport clearance than any mega-billionaire, than any military leader, than any head of state, in the world.

Perhaps, but I’m going to need some verification before I’ll be willing to repeat that.

20523466? ago

I’m going to need some verification before I’ll be willing to repeat that.

I agree. Without source there is little or NO value to this information, and NO interest. As it is not possible for you to validate by yourself, there is no track record of the source past behaviors, and the author(s) are not accountable. Also without source, there is a risk of abuse and immature behaviors. Such as misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda.

20515007? ago

well it's on the internet....

20515468? ago

well it's on the internet....

Good enough for me! Let’s go to print!!

20518478? ago

just remember the words of Abraham Lincoln!

20522945? ago

Not all facts are verifiable on the internet - Abe Lincoln.

20523964? ago

But seriously, if Lincoln could have seen the Internet it would blow his mind

...too soon?

20531616? ago

My dad told me this one, and he's not one to sweak, kek!

"What's the last thing that passes through a bug's mind when it hits the windshield?"

"I dunno, what?"

"His asshole!"

20527413? ago

Not soon enough!

20514689? ago

Perhaps, but I’m going to need some verification before I’ll be willing to repeat that.

You're ruining all the fun though!!!

20514761? ago

I can’t debate that considering the possibility is ”fun”.

I agree completely on that.

20514344? ago

That would presumably include landing rights for places like Groom Lake, Area 51, Antarctica, North Korea, Iran...

20515001? ago

Why presume without any assertion of such a case having been made?

20518465? ago

Love that quote! I usually say it after this one: "A mind is like a parachute; it works best while open."

Because it's cautionary. :)

20514323? ago

It maybe time to release the titan. Father help us.

20514203? ago

FIB Anon posted something like its a massive spider web taking out a few people won't do anything

20514349? ago

Well if he's FIB anon I'm not sure we should believe anything he posts!

20518445? ago

kek, like those liars on GTA5

20515059? ago

Really! It's one thing when an entity hasn't sufficiently established a reputation for credibility, and quite another when an organization has built a proven track record for corruption and deception. FIB is an exemplar of the later since Midterm Exam and SpyGate.

20515921? ago

I was making a joke about the misprint. Keep your pants on, freak.

20519109? ago

Joke recognized the first time. Leveraged top level post to make a broader point. No intention to cast aspersions on the basis of your joke, outstanding and hilarious at it was. Pants on, zipped and belted. Thanks for that reminder.

20514131? ago

The more that comes to light the sicker I get.

20514172? ago

I can not wrap my head around how criminal the world really is.

20519835? ago

and then some troll comes along and gaslights you for daring to notice

20514972? ago

Yup, it will leave you awake at night with the covers pulled up to your chin. I think that's one of the reason's Q said that if everyone knew the real truth 99% of the folks would wind up in the hospital. I think its also why Q said that those who want to know will know. The rest will remain oblivious because they won't be able to handle the real truth.

20526763? ago

The rest will remain oblivious because they won't be able to handle the real truth.

I'd like to add a caveat to this though....

They absolutely CANNOT remain oblivious. It's essential that they know everything. BUT...

Here's the thing. Right now, in the current moment, I'd say something like 10-15% of the population can handle this information and not go mentally ill. That's us, not just the QRV people, but Voat in general, and some other places.

The White Hats needed to prep at least some part of the population for what's about to happen, so, that when it does, all the people who are going to become mental cases in the course of a week have a solid group of people to turn to. Just like people who only started waking up to this stuff once they started following Q had an even smaller group of people who'd already seen a lot of this stuff.

That's us. That's where we are right now.

20514332? ago

The more that comes to light, the more I think to myself... "Damn. We really DO need God. I mean... NEED. Desperately. Mankind without God is a frightful thing."

20522156? ago

that's just what He's waiting for - for us to find our way back to Him

20516259? ago

It also shows that what we know as "society" is nothing more than an illusion. They let us live in a world of entertainments, little luxuries, while in the background they can do literally anything their heart desires. How do we save ourselves going forward? Is this savable?

20516497? ago

Sobering thought. (about the illusion, etc.)

20515080? ago

Always has been.

20514871? ago

Tell him to quit kicking back, and lend a hand from time to time. Then Maybe more people would be willing to believe.

20515318? ago

That's definitely a valid response.

But God works through us. WE need to stop kicking back and lend a hand.

35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

20518430? ago

There are those who are suffering and weak by no fault of their own.

I am recovering from multiple concussions. I feel like I'm in the group that needs help. But I tend to be cast in the group that's helping. Sometimes the concussion symptoms make said help, not so much! But I try.

I also tend to point the finger at myself. Haven't yet found a situation in which I could have saved a life (i.e., "that person died through my negligence"); however, I always feel culpable[1] for whatever happens.

[1] -- Robert Culp was an actor who played Bill Maxwell on the TV show, "The Greatest American Hero". Merging those two names you get "Robert Maxwell" who was Ghislane's father, and died mysteriously at sea.

20519149? ago

Sounds you like need some healing and rest and the burden lifted from your shoulders for a bit. Sometimes we also can put burdens on ourselves that are too heavy. I hope you are getting some help and not trying to do too much (with the concussions and all.) Hang in there... Hope you're doing well, soon.

20519198? ago

I have re-started hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy. My wife mentioned that it helped, a couple years ago. So hopefully[1] it will this time as well.

[1] -- Today was the third hour; I've been going daily, at 17 feet, then 18, and today 19. 17 feet is 1.5 atmospheres; 23 feet will be 2.0. When I went to 2.0 previously, my vision got blurry, and I've only got one eye so that was "contra-indicated" so they say. :) Really liking the changes in my thinking the past couple days though! Will continue, and regulate it such that I can still see.

20515093? ago

Believing is receiving.

You are without excuse.