20520536? ago

I couldn't open the article.


20519856? ago

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20516201? ago

America has always been divided. Hence the two parties.

20518359? ago

Not like this. Am old enough to remember when we could give each other a hard time for political views. Now you don't dare even say you're a Trump supporter in most corners. Look at the news out of Hollyweird that most of the Techs in that town are Pro-Trump and dare not let on lest they lose their jobs, or worse. No, we've been on different sides, but not divided like this since the Republicans freed the Slaves from the Democrats

20515230? ago

oy vey buy my DVD, goys.

20515278? ago

Oddly, Joel Sion Gilbert doesn't have an Early Life section.

20515374? ago

oy vey because THAT would be anti-semitic and very insensitive of Gods chosen.

20515428? ago

It's almost like they play both sides of every issue to stoke tensions and create division.

20515077? ago

Damn this post triggered the paid shills.

20514994? ago

Awesome. Needs attention and maybe Twitter support from POTUS. Force them to cover it

20514833? ago

Nobody will watch it. Even less will give 2 fucks.

20514777? ago

This is such a small fish relative to the other conspiracies on deck.

20518564? ago

but the bigger puzzle of all the fake news media is important to look at. When you start seeing it everywhere, you get how dangerous and insidious it has become

20514735? ago

Nobody cares about current shit why would anyone care about this years old shit

20514652? ago

Best comment, is this the hoax?



I want to see this. I've had very heated discussions with family/friends over this shooting, and for some reason the liberal mind cannot get over one fact. I can shoot you if you're not armed. The standard is "reasonable fear for suffering loss of life or serious bodily injury of yourself or a third person." I'm 5-11, and Mike Tyson is punching me like an infant, do I have reasonable fear for suffering SBI or death? Yes. And I can then fire.

20518436? ago

Then they just argue that Martin was just a teenager and very small and slim compared to the fat "white" Zimmerman.

20514502? ago

No one cares anymore. Just you conspiracy theory freaks. lol

By the way. America has always been divided. lol

I love uneducated people. They haven't a clue about history in the U.S. Thus, you can show there ignorance.

Trump Can't Change It: America Has Always Been Dis-unified.

When was this nation unified? You can argue during the two World Wars, but that is a lazy assessment, at least by a historian's standards. Any real historian of this time period (1914-1945) can cite innumerable examples of social unrest in America, including racial, class, religious, and political divisions. How unified with White Europeans were Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders during this period? How were Native Americans treated during the great wars in Europe? How were women at home treated? During the First Great War, half of the population in America was not even allowed to vote because of their gender. During these pre-civil rights days, tsunamis of bigotry and hatred swept through the entire nation from coast to coast in the form of laws, cultural norms, and religious edicts.

The cataclysmic upheaval during the Vietnam era has been documented exhaustively. Without laboring the point, this gruesome war emphasizes the thesis. The Vietnam era gave way to the Watergate scandals, the conspiracies involved with the killing of JFK, RFK, and MLK, and shocking disclosures of illegal assassinations by the CIA and FBI. It also marked the rise of conservative media, Reagan and his agenda, and the retaking of power by liberals in the Clinton years. Conflict and disunity have ruled the day since the founding fathers and mothers decreed that they were in charge of other people's territory.

I think there is far too much panic about this nation being torn asunder or ripped apart at the seams by Trump and his confused and damaging ideas. He is not dividing the nation. If the Civil War could not destroy the United States of America as a concept, there is no way that someone like Trump will have that effect. He may fancy himself as being that consequential, but he is far from it.

The reality is that America has always been divided. From the minute the Pilgrims landed in the New World they were encountered and confronted by a native population that was not unified themselves let alone with strangers from other lands. Assimilation and collaboration came painfully slowly and have barely come close to reaching its potential. Quite the opposite. The history of this nation was birthed in outstanding hostilities and unimaginable acts of violence over security, land, treasure, dignity, and religion. (Almost always in that order.)

This nation was not built upon a mutual understanding between all citizens. But truth be told, it has always been that way, and it may continue to be that way as long as America opts to remain a democratic society, one where disagreement, strife, colliding values, openness, and legal protests are not only welcome but essential features of civic life. That is what democracies do: They institute systems which foster organized and constructive disputes among conflicting parties. These disputes almost always lead to social divisions-- but also to creativity, voluntary cooperation, shared wealth, and scientific achievement.

So again, just where and when was the United States of America unified?

20518635? ago

Oooooh, the Liberal College Professor weighs in. Let's cherry pick all the bad things about 'Merica, shall we? Oooooh I'm so morally superior. It's obvious from your writing you didn't live through this stuff. I did, for the most part. Skimming incidents from the headlines skewed by an anti-American bias. Hmmmmm who does that? Oh, right, the supercilious, self-righteous, holier-than-thou, morally superior, braindead theorists who went into debt to get a degree in philosophy so they can flip burgers at Inn & Out.

Grow up. Then, please buy a ticket to Venezuela and then Cuba. Then while you're at it, go to Somalia. Travel outside the US and find out what's going on out there. You'll kiss the ground when you get back. We used to say, "I disagree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." And that's back when I was a Liberal. Heard it from both sides. Yes, all countries have problems because people are involved. But the race baiting and race hating from the Left has made things intolerable.

20519045? ago

I get it. Truth hurts the Pussy Boy.

20515166? ago

An opinion.

I'm sure of it you think highly.

20515227? ago


Another time of Division in the U.S.

You have lots to learn.

20515365? ago

Good and evil.

Light and dark.

You have much to learn.

20515188? ago

Fact. Not Opinion.


Now get to work and LEARN

20515399? ago

Perspective, thus opinion.

20515453? ago

Historical Fact.

20515471? ago

Hey bro. You're wasting your time with these uneducated troglodytes. You could put facts in front of them time and time again but, they are much like the LIBERTARD's who hate facts and cannot accept truth. That is why we call them Q-tard's

20515558? ago

Your programming is showing.

20514727? ago

Its pretty telling that you cherry picked only history including times subsequent to the leftist take over of the press and media and tried to bury that by stating women couldnt vote during world war i.

The truth is the modern left is just like the iconiclasts from byzantium. They have become a religious orthodox that devours anyone that disagrees with them and uses any means necessary to seize power in spite of the fact their tactics have crippled and divided the nation. Which was always unified except during the civil war and the events leading up to it. The fact that people had differing opinions did not actually lead to disunity in those days as orthodox liberalism with it rigid set of victims and mentally suffocating iconoclasm and lack of respect for anyone standing in its way had not yet evolved.

Assimilation has been retarded by the underhanded tactics of the left who import as many illegals as possible in an attempt to change the demography of the nation due to its inability to win a political argument, coupled with its unrelenting use of racial and gender based demogaugery. If you want unity, yall need to stop being such douche bags. Its either that or youll realease the kracken due to your own ignorance. Those are the available options.

Most of the strife is manufactured in our media and/or academia and has been for a couple generations. Without this manufactured strife and racial demagoguery, the left would have no shot in elections as ppl would rather have jobs than handouts and no one wants you to manufacture trannies out of their kids. Your message sucks and reallys totally and completely on deceit.

20518664? ago

Brilliant assessment. Fucking Brilliant. Thank you

20514749? ago

What? Man you are a idiot. Has nothing to do with the left dumb ass. It is Historical Fact. What a stupid Cuck.

20515027? ago

Damn that other guy is right. You are really stupid. The entire thing he responded to was lefty propaganda, but it has nothing to do with the left? Holy f*ck.

20514941? ago

U are really dumb.

20515026? ago

No actually you are. Research the History of the United States dumb ass. Oh that's right. You're too lazy. You'll just take the word of others. That is a SHEEPLE baaaaaah ..

20515096? ago

Put the bong down long enough to read a book. Ancient aliens is not a book nor is the interwebs.

Ps. Name calling makes you look low iq.

20515154? ago

Whet does Ancient Aliens have to do with U.S. History. Evidently you didn't study U.S. History in the 60's. lol Stop popping the Acid Boomer and get educated. You started the name calling. So yeah, you have not a low IQ. But a sub-zero IQ.

20515320? ago

Those other few posters above kinda pinned you to the wall there, guy. Best option is just to quit while your only down 55 points.

20515445? ago

History proves that the Country has always been divided. No they didn't pin me against a wall. History TRUMPS their conjecture. lol Get educated dweeb.

20514690? ago

We've all dubbed you The Long Winded Shill lol

20514766? ago

I know. I get it. Q-cultist's hate facts. Just like the LIBERTARDS lol

20518681? ago

no sweetie, "facts" from Liberal University "history" books are not facts. There's a lot of twisted bullshit in them. Sauce, daughter is a teacher and has been alarmed at what passes for history books these days. More opinion in there than you know.

Like this one: "Abraham Lincoln's Religion was Liberal"

20519039? ago

Wrong History Books sweetie pussy boy.

20514786? ago

The pain you feel is Brock/soros weenies in your hole.

20514838? ago

Awe ... did I hurt your itty witty feewings? YEP

Soros is a LIBERTARD dumb shit. Buwahahahahaha

Q-cultist's are unbearably ignorant troglodytes.

20515038? ago

Name calling is your shill signature Try harder

20515047? ago

No one cares anymore. Just you conspiracy theory freaks. lol

By the way. America has always been divided. lol

I love uneducated people. They haven't a clue about history in the U.S. Thus, you can show their ignorance.

Trump Can't Change It: America Has Always Been Dis-unified.

When was this nation unified? You can argue during the two World Wars, but that is a lazy assessment, at least by a historian's standards. Any real historian of this time period (1914-1945) can cite innumerable examples of social unrest in America, including racial, class, religious, and political divisions. How unified with White Europeans were Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders during this period? How were Native Americans treated during the great wars in Europe? How were women at home treated? During the First Great War, half of the population in America was not even allowed to vote because of their gender. During these pre-civil rights days, tsunamis of bigotry and hatred swept through the entire nation from coast to coast in the form of laws, cultural norms, and religious edicts.

The cataclysmic upheaval during the Vietnam era has been documented exhaustively. Without laboring the point, this gruesome war emphasizes the thesis. The Vietnam era gave way to the Watergate scandals, the conspiracies involved with the killing of JFK, RFK, and MLK, and shocking disclosures of illegal assassinations by the CIA and FBI. It also marked the rise of conservative media, Reagan and his agenda, and the retaking of power by liberals in the Clinton years. Conflict and disunity have ruled the day since the founding fathers and mothers decreed that they were in charge of other people's territory.

I think there is far too much panic about this nation being torn asunder or ripped apart at the seams by Trump and his confused and damaging ideas. He is not dividing the nation. If the Civil War could not destroy the United States of America as a concept, there is no way that someone like Trump will have that effect. He may fancy himself as being that consequential, but he is far from it.

The reality is that America has always been divided. From the minute the Pilgrims landed in the New World they were encountered and confronted by a native population that was not unified themselves let alone with strangers from other lands. Assimilation and collaboration came painfully slowly and have barely come close to reaching its potential. Quite the opposite. The history of this nation was birthed in outstanding hostilities and unimaginable acts of violence over security, land, treasure, dignity, and religion. (Almost always in that order.)

This nation was not built upon a mutual understanding between all citizens. But truth be told, it has always been that way, and it may continue to be that way as long as America opts to remain a democratic society, one where disagreement, strife, colliding values, openness, and legal protests are not only welcome but essential features of civic life. That is what democracies do: They institute systems which foster organized and constructive disputes among conflicting parties. These disputes almost always lead to social divisions-- but also to creativity, voluntary cooperation, shared wealth, and scientific achievement.

So again, just where and when was the United States of America unified?


20514364? ago

Chimpout predicted for Sept 13th

20514338? ago

And nobody will speak about it and only the 17,000 anons on here will ever know about it and life continues putting forward for the sheeple.

20514662? ago

Didn’t you read Tom Hank’s thoughts on cynicism earlier today?

20518406? ago


20514822? ago

I'm personally awaiting the "irony" thoughts from him...

20514795? ago

Yeah, let's just eat our tendies and drink our energy drinks and be happy because we all deserve to be happy. Gosh!

20523003? ago

No FML, this is the worst time to ever be alive!

20514312? ago

Rahm ballerina emanuel "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Yep 0bama crisis dictator in chief "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon"

20515665? ago

0bama crisis dictator in chief "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon"

He might also say: "If I had a daughter, she wouldn't look like Sasha or Malia."

20514170? ago

'"Comedian and humanist Dick Gregory told Allvoices in an exclusive interview in Sanford, Florida last week that he believes George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin as an act to gain “admittance into some paramilitary or semi-police fraternal order.”'

"When asked about his comment Mr. Gregory said, “It’s nothing new. They have been killing black boys for a long time.”'

"Gregory has been a longtime supporter of the theory advanced by James Baldwin in Baldwin 1985 essay, “The evidence of things not seen,” that some racist- based group was behind the Atlanta missing and murdered children crisis that occurred in the late 1970s and into the early 1980s."'



20518519? ago

What's interesting is that he was partially right about the missing children, only it wasn't a Right-wing organization, it was the Hitlery CF crowd. While GHWB was also involved, which lends some credence to the R's involvement, it was more about C_A and trafficking in "walnut sauce" even back then. Too bad we can't get more blacks on board with all of this.

20519191? ago

True, but he certainly was on the right track and wish I'd have heard about his theory back then. At least he was thinking critically unlike many people who are still keeping their heads in the sand.

20518471? ago

What the hell...

20519270? ago

Exactly. More digging needed here. I'd never heard of James Baldwin. Time to find his essay and get reading!

Here's a downloadable version: https://b-ok.org/book/2884549/be9dd7

Another link: https://openlibrary.org/books/OL3020768M/The_evidence_of_things_not_seen

20516248? ago

Mr. Gregory is a huge piece of shit for peddling (and profiting off) this farce of a case...

20516401? ago

Prove he profited off of it. Besides, I don't recall anyone else questioning the Trayvon incident, plus what Gregory is saying explains why Zimmerman is made of Teflon.

20519581? ago

Or perhaps that George Z was innocent....

Occam's razor and all.

Nice try tho kike.

20519787? ago

Evidently you haven't followed all of the shit Zimmerman has gotten himself into. Georgie should be sitting in prison. Especially for threatening someone with a gun during a road rage incident. How many people do you think would get away with that scott free?

20519950? ago

Because I bet we got the full story on that one from the fake news msm.

Just like it was all honest on the Trayvon assault.



20514150? ago

This post is nothing more than part of an elaborate PR scheme to sell books and get clicks.

There is nothing substantive offered. Zero.

However . . .

If your interest in the Trayvon case is renewed, it just so happens you can get the fresh new bombshell insider info if you are willing to pay a few $$$$.

American Thinker has embarrassed themselves by participating in this.

20518547? ago

Why. It's an interesting case that lends itself to the entire Fake News Media problem. If it wakes up a few more people, that's good. I have zero problem with someone who has spent years doing research and now would like to make a little money off of it. How is it so many people on here are anti-capitalism. You work your ass off and write a book - you should be able to sell the book. It's not easy, it's a thankless job, and it's damned hard to get people to buy books when GoogleInc has taught everything that it should all be free. I'll buy a copy of the book just on principle.

20518765? ago

It's an interesting case that lends itself to the entire Fake News Media problem.


I have zero problem with someone who has spent years doing research and now would like to make a little money off of it.

Agreed. I have no problem with that either.

How is it so many people on here are anti-capitalism.

I doubt your presumption because I have seen no evidence to support it. Are you willing to provide some?

You work your ass off and write a book - you should be able to sell the book.

Agreed. I doubt anyone in this subverse would disagree.

It's not easy.

Perhaps. I’ve never tried selling books. I'll take your word for it without requesting source.

It’s a thankless job

Again, I’ll have to defer to your claim. I personally doubt that people pursue a career in book sales in quest of being ‘thanked’. I think they do it for money. There is probably a greater likelihood if getting paid than getting thanked.

It’s damned hard to get people to buy books when GoogleInc has taught everything that it should all be free.

I’ll have to defer again to your expertise as a purveyor of fine books.

I'll buy a copy of the book just on principle.

Then you will validate the publisher’s decision to market the book via a misleading clickbait scam linked to this subverse. You, the author, and the publisher will all be delighted. Good Job!

20523332? ago

Sauce - Am a published author of 8 books. Am in the business. Don't consider this article to be clickbait. To me, clickbait is the "wait, there's more!" and it takes you through 56 pages of one sentence statements to give you the punchline which is rarely worth the first click. Clickbait is also defined as something that has numerous ads on the page from which said person is making money based upon the number of page views. Having an interesting headline about a book that is coming out is not clickbait. It's just an opinion piece about said book.

20523846? ago

Sauce - Am a published author of 8 books. Am in the business.

Everybody on the internet is a published author, astronaut, brain surgeon, MMA fighter. As is the case with you, those qualifications have zero to do with an ability to identify clickbait. Odd you don’t realize that truth. Did you want us to be aware of your writing prowess for another reason?

Don't consider this article to be clickbait.

I didn’t. Until I realized it was clickbait.

To me, clickbait is the "wait, there's more!" and it takes you through 56 pages of one sentence statements to give you the punchline which is rarely worth the first click. Clickbait is also defined as something that has numerous ads on the page from which said person is making money based upon the number of page views.

Nobody here will deny you the right to define clickbait as you choose. However, with the exception of your 56-page rule, the linked site even meets your personal criteria for clickbait.

Having an interesting headline about a book that is coming out is not clickbait.

Agreed. However, making promises in a headline that are not delivered on your ad-plastered landing page, or on any of the sublinked ad-plastered landing pages is definitely clickbait. Hence the charge.

It's just an opinion piece about said book.

lol. I expected an achieved author such as yourself would have a better grasp on identifying when a submitted offering qualifies as an ‘opinion piece’, and when it does not.

Thanks for checking in.

20514610? ago

Shilly goat

20514658? ago

Shilly goat


20514307? ago

You should be ashamed of yourself for posting this shit.

20514683? ago

You should be ashamed of yourself for posting this shit.


The ‘American Thinker’ staff checks in.

Thanks for stopping by, folks.

20514104? ago

This is one documentary I’m very interested in seeing. Wish I was close enough to see the debut.

20514089? ago

The spin was on the racial intensity of Zimmerman defending himself? Martin was actually a lost youth (thug) from an affluent family? Is the hoax about the media surrounding this case?

20518477? ago

Yeah - and even though both fauxbama and Zimmerman are 1/2 white, turns out Z can't call himself Hispanic but everyone thinks O is black. (except me, I still think he's indonesian... https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2010/dec/05/barack-obama-doppelganger-ilham-anas )

20514670? ago

Another, you can't shoot an unarmed assailant?

20514106? ago

Sounds like bath house barry son lawyers are in deep doo doo