20516799? ago

Fuck you, Op! You're a clown. Ban this shill. He's only trying to change our narrative against the fuckin evil jews. The county was founded by Masons. Trump's a mason, although that is for you to figure out, 'cause they don't advertise.

20517288? ago

Boo hoo

20511558? ago

I lucked out. My father was a Freemason. But he died when I was 9 years old. Dodged that bullet!

20510204? ago

This is a very insightful video about Freemasonry by the Freemasons themselves. Even has Prince Philip in it.....

The Freemasons Tercentenary Celebration


20508535? ago

haha nice

20507690? ago

Anyone seeking Membership in Freemasonry must ask a Masonic friend to recommend him. He must sign a Petition, stating his age, occupation and place of residence. Members of the Lodge vote by secret ballot. To be accepted, the ballot must be unanimous. The key is you must ask to join.

There are spiritual laws that are in operation in our world, and even demons have to abide by these spiritual laws that have been set up God. The Bible tells us in Revelation 3:20 that Jesus Himself will stand before us and knock on our doors to see if we will be willing to open up that door and allow Him to come into our lives.

The reason being is that God has given each one of us a full free will and He will never violate that free will that He has given to each and everyone of us.

And it’s the exact same way with demons. Demons cannot enter in on the inside of a person unless they do something specific on their end that will open up the door for them to be able to come into them. And that something specific will be their legal right.

20510267? ago

This is what EVERYONE needs to work out.

The system has been set up so that we are tricked into creating SELF-IMPOSED CURSES on the SELF, usually enabled through out SIGNATURE.

20508664? ago

Very interesting.

20507385? ago

Muh Masons 🙄

20507375? ago

ANY SAUCE?? Or are you just throwing around baseless hateful accusations like antifa does against Trump?

20507307? ago

I was offered by a neighbor. He's only low so I know more about what they believe than he does.

Sorry I'm not worshipping sirius/dogstar/Saturn or whatever.

I've dug through their beliefs. They lie to their followers, and their followers are fucking morons for believing it.

If what they believe is all true I'm worshipping who Ra our sun served, the CREATOR, the SOURCE, the one whom is above and before all others: GOD.

Why would you worship a star in another system, or Saturn, anything ahead of the sun that gives us life? Because they're all stupid.

20512620? ago

Agreed. An "architect" just puts together already-existing materials.

A "CREATOR" though, that's the sauce!

20506521? ago

How is this Q related ... or are you, as usual, trying to divide and deflect?

20509586? ago

I dunno, maybe because Q asked why masons appear at mass shootings and said their symbolism would be their downfall.

20510882? ago

Maybe you should read all the drops on masonry and not cherry pick.

20507329? ago

Q has talked about Freemasonry. You know this.

20510892? ago

I know this and I'm waiting for the retards to give me exactly what Q said, not their division tactics and theories.

20506925? ago

Oh, it's Q related. Evil Masonic Orders are our enemies. Period. Know thine enemy. Expose their evil. It's our mission.

20510875? ago

Not Q related. Still waiting for sauce. If you claim it is, then you are cherry picking the drops.

20510894? ago

Super natural manifestations don't require sauce Anon. Just sayin'.

20510906? ago

Nothing to do with the argument. All I see is a little bitch trying to avoid one.

20510974? ago

Look. If you haven't already realized, there is a full blown Masonic War going on before our eyes. Both good and bad are fighting the War. It's a struggle for control of The Earth. Satanists have taken over our world. We are in End Times my skeptical Fren. Read your Bible and Pray hard. The Masons in the main are NOT the friends of Humanity. Peace.

20511008? ago

Still avoiding the argument and you are contradicting yourself now ... "Evil Masonic Orders are our enemies.Period." is not "there is a full blown Masonic War going on before our eyes. Both good and bad are fighting the War." ... Like I said, no sauce, avoiding the argument ... it's so easy to expose you shills. Such low intelligence.

20511027? ago

Low Intelligence: >


20511035? ago

That is not a response. That is more deflecting. Try again.

20511018? ago

Whatever you say... Shill.

20511030? ago

Fantastic low IQ response after being exposed. You stupid cunts continue to amaze. Thanks for playing.

20505953? ago

Congrats now any future daughters and sons of yours are safe from mandatory rape. Don't ask how I know.

20507262? ago

Please tell us more. I have a friend who was raped as a child and I've always suspected her father was a Freemason.

20512726? ago

All the females in my direct line are also blessed with an RH neg blood type, and so are all our daughters but not the sons.

20505755? ago

LMAO.....................STILL LMAO.

20505550? ago

Name one that signed the Constition that wasnt a Mason?

Ill wait........

20510415? ago

Oh Check this out, they fucking gloat about it in this video....


20505845? ago

Who gives a fuck if they were Masons or not? At this point America is so fucking cucked that even if it was a 100% Masonic creation then that proves the Masons are faggots because this is a faggot nation with freedom for faggots and faggot marriage.

20506320? ago

You are very fragile,likely molested as a child and overly consumed with porn.

Your a broken person.Admit that and begin healing those past wounds.

20507464? ago

I can see your nose from here.

20507804? ago

Does it look Native American?

Does it look like its lived 50+yrs in white mans land?

Your still a fuckin white coward.

20507848? ago

Your ancestors lost to white cowards, wasn't even close.

20507928? ago

They come for me Ill fight the same fight and die with honor.

Youll still be working for someone else,paying taxs and watching porn while your kids and family line melt under jew control.

Jews dont fuck with us,neither do the niggers.

20507948? ago

Jews dont fuck with us,neither do the niggers.

You don't have anything worth fucking with. lol

20508058? ago

Just free land and full paid benifits,casino's and freedom.

I live blue collar and dont have to work.

I have brick and mortar business's that are debt free and run themselves.

I sell debit slave white folks more debt.

Business damn good too

20508209? ago

Don't worry, we'll leave you with nothing.

You can't stop it. lol

20508941? ago

Keep that thought.......

Charity for what you stole and murdered for.

Sounds very familar doesnt it.

Youll see dumbass

20508976? ago

You stole from and murdered us too, we were better at it.

If you could have sailed to our shores and done the same, you would have.

You are the dumbasses who never invented shit. lol

20509240? ago

We have gold and silver,you have white man paper.Our store houses of food and water are fat.

Our militia is well trained and fully stocked.

We are nationwide and united.

Your homeless and dependant.

Your government defends us and aborts yours.

Keep laughing clown,your hole gets deeper.

20510864? ago

Lol this Indian nigger thinks his people are strong. Bro every Rez in the upper Midwest is a shit hole and your people are stupid mongrels. We like to bait your stupid mongrel people into violence because it’s just as easy as bating a 3rd world invader. Best part about it, if your Indian nigger brethren end up dead on the Rez we know we will get away because your police force is non existent. Your people also trash the shit out of the land. Your spiritual leaders sold out to Jew money ages ago. You are hilarious, reading this string was hilarious, thanks.

20510832? ago

You should get out more red man, you're not the only ones who have those things.

Where did you get a gun from? lol

20507097? ago


Learn to spell jew nigger.

20507857? ago

Your** nose is under my nuts

20508676? ago

Get off my roof then.

20505429? ago

You chucs severly under estimate the masons,freemasonry.

Not something to play with nor leave unaddressed in your family ties.

The curses that follow you and your family have an origin,they are in fact passed down thru generations.

Pure satanic by design and operation.

20507271? ago

Curses like what?

20509857? ago

This seems to be a prayer to break curses but not a description of curses. I am wondering what kinds of curses families are under when there is a Freemason family. Thank you anyway, friend.

20509971? ago

if you listen in entirety he talks of secret societies

God bless Patriot

Get right with your creator, He has the power to break anything over you

20510007? ago

I'm born again, just looking to learn more about Freemasonry and the curses it puts on families. Thank you!

20507845? ago

Care to venture into feeding yourself?

Youtube has volumes of teachers offering up free.

Pick up your own spoon,mske your own airplane noises and feed your self.

Second hand news is 3rd hand news on receipt.

Its different when you learn it.

20509760? ago

I was curious to know what you consider a curse. Anything I "learn" is going to be second hand at this point anyway. You think I'm going to take you at your word? "Some guy on the internet said it so it must be true". Are there documents somewhere that you're referencing when you say "curses"? Are you yourself referring to second hand information? Primary sources?

20531589? ago

he isn't going to answer, although, he does think he's been talking to you i think

20510098? ago

Search it out and you will find it.

Stop playing next level dumbass

20512606? ago

Begone, spirit of ignorance!

20513783? ago

Indeed you are your a slave to the debt system.

You are a corperation under that control.

Now stop playing in traffic,this aint a game of frogger.

20517377? ago

I could say mystic things about your spirit and confound you, but I choose not to.

Your choice, to confound, is your legacy.

20519688? ago

My spirit isnt mystic,be gone with your witchcraft

20531601? ago

Never said your spirit was mystic.

I said, "I could say mystic things about your spirit."

Good luck figuring out words, it's no wonder you can't send the other guy above a pointer!

20532882? ago

I wont be needing any word curses either.

20533678? ago

You're the only one talking about curses. Foiled again!

20533969? ago


20510689? ago


20505250? ago

SAME... Minus the 33 hookup. I had a good friend trying to get me in. Said it would get me the best jobs in the military (he was right). I didn't join because I figure I would fuck up all the memorization stuff and look like a fool. Never was much of a memorizer... Now I look at what I know and I know my former friend would have had my ass blackmailed in a hot minute and I would be done. So glad I still walk relatively free.

20505209? ago

I joined briefly back in the 1980's didn't take me long to figure it out and leave.

20512589? ago

Seconded request for details! I was under the impression that "one doesn't leave"...

20518711? ago

I went through the York Right, it has a lot fewer steps, but there was one of the ceremonies where you have to drink wine from a human skull, it was a real Human skull. I already made several problems with what I saw, and that was the last step for me, it was time to get out. Also one of the oaths includes cutting somebodies throat from ear to ear if they tell any secrets. I was told its based on the Bible, but it really just takes things from the Bible and creates its own version.

I was only a member for maybe a year. I quit paying dues and burned my apron and other items.

I tried to post this this morning but I can only reply every 24 hours.

20518841? ago

Go post some stuff on other non-anonymous places on Voat, you can gain some "karma" or whatever that way, I can now upvote my heart's desire (well, it was last several months ago that I got the "votes exceeded" type of message).

Yeah, skull-drinking seems satanic.

And, "satanic" stuff is based on the Bible, so they weren't "wrong", just, evil.

I expressed interest, and got the paperwork, but failed to fill it out due to repeated concussions that happened afterwards. I (now) thank God for those!

20509545? ago

Care to elaborate? We don't get many first-hand stories.

20505160? ago

My father wasn't a mason, nor shall I be one.

Yes, it was offered.

I suspected this much, but now I am pleased to actually see it.

Good men the world over, without coordinating togethor, are refusing to join the wrong side.

The promise of wealth and power, still there, we dont want it.

We want wealth and power, but not their way, we earn in the churn.

The man who tempted me offered funding, a pretty little ring he assured me would frighten my enemies, all I had to do was become a little bitch and devote myself to decieving my good and able countrymen. To become a 'weasel' as we Americans would say. A filthy thing.

I declined and since my day of reckoning, will no longer associate with freemasons in any capacity.

I will remove my children from their school, if I see that ring on a teacher or admin.

I will never shop in their store again, if I see that compass on the wall.

and if I see a license plate with the compass, they'd better hope there are lots of witnesses around and not drive anywhere dark until we part ways.

Know your enemy. No mercy for the wicked.

20506875? ago

No mercy.

20505080? ago

There are 2 in my neighborhood. One is a real estate broker (who is black) and the other is a well known chef. Neither of them are religious or kid diddlers.

20505483? ago

Most likely that chef wouldn’t be as well known if he wasnt part of the group. There is much more to the evil than just pedo or satanic stuff (not all are). A lot of things they do seem benign from a distance that are actually evil when fully examined.

20504926? ago

Mozart was a mason. What have you done?

20512554? ago

I make artistic moats.

20504866? ago

Shill Force One has landed in this thread and is distributing its cargo of baseless propaganda.

20504831? ago

No one is EVER ‘invited’ to Masonry. You can ONLY petition the degrees of your own free will and accord. Your story is suspect.

20507353? ago

I’ll say again. No one is invited. If someone IS invited, then the Mason that invited him violated his obligations.

20512547? ago

While I agree that was the origin, they are running out of people with interest and now have an outreach program.

20513433? ago

It is 100% against the Obligations to solicit. Anyone doing so is violating their Craft. Masonry has survived many “dry spells” over the centuries. Even if the organization of Masonry did collapse, the philosophies it enshrines are millennia older (back to Hermès Trigmagistus) and will always be carried forward by someone somewhere and will never die.

20507291? ago

Nope. You can be tapped on the shoulder.

20505282? ago

Bullshit. A friend from college pitched it to me like a used car salesman.

20505094? ago

It's common sense that Masons go out to "scout" & invite. Otherwise, how would their numbers grow?

20505017? ago

Just like a vampire you have to invite them in! Where do you think that story comes from???

20504943? ago

Celebrities buy into Masonry, it got weird after the Knights Templar, the Cults of Babylon and Luciferian Satanists took over many of their ranks

20504647? ago

a 33rd Degree Shriner faggot in my family

did you turn him in to the police?

if not you are part of the problem

20505493? ago

They are the police.

20506957? ago


20504845? ago

Wtf? 🤣 first off it's not illegal to be a shriner, secondly, he is an ex cop.

20505274? ago

They are always cops...

20504576? ago

Unbeknownst to the goyim in Freemasonry is that it is the Protestant arm of the Jesuits. The Jesuits take an oath (forbidden by God / written in the bible Matt 5:34) to serve the Pope without any regard to their own conscious. All roads lead to Rome.

20507302? ago

Does Judaism have anything to do with the Jesuits?

20511297? ago

Typically the Jesuits blame all on the Jews as they are the front men.

20504550? ago

Gotta love the dig at Jews while totally bullshitting about an alleged "33rd Degree" family member.....LIKE YOU WOULD KNOW THAT IF YOURE NOT ONE OF THEM. I'm sure they go around announcing their ranks. In fact, Im pretty sure that's like, one of maybe a handful of rules; to keep your mouth fucking shut.

Nazifags are by far....the dumbest of the fucks. So I call not only BULLSHIT, but also RETARDED.

20504407? ago

My boss and his whipping boy are members and they talk about it all the time. Sounds AIDSgay.

20504235? ago

The Freemasons have been outed before, in the 1800's. They were all but decimated and bounced back within a couple generations. Fantastic read, scroll down to "THE MURDER OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM MORGAN" https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/1023-financial-tyranny/?showall=1

20504349? ago

6th President John Q Adams tried like hell to destroy them.

20509525? ago

He also tried to get a central bank going, iirc?

20506180? ago


20504198? ago

The Illuminati’s purpose is to secure the ongoing survival of the human species. But by nature, the human is affected by instinct, emotion, and imbalance.

The greater a person’s fortune, the greater their responsibility to their fellow humans. Like the Pyramid, those with the greatest power can do the greatest good for the largest number of those below them.

Since the earliest beginnings of the Illuminati, before the writing of our eternal oaths or the utterance of our vows as humanity’s protectors, our organization has advocated for the ultimate goal of a globalist Earth. Our vision for the future is a unified planet without national borders, governed by the best and the brightest of the human species, in which all people, in all places, can live in Abundance.

Life is a map that is drawn by your decisions. Every day, the maze of existence presents you with hundreds of pathways and you must select a direction through your choices. How will you spend your time? Where will you go? Who will you speak to? What will you say? Each decision leads to a different road with its own set of questions.

Your ability to discern between the simplest choices can mean the difference between a life of wealth or poverty, sickness or health, conflict or peace. A small decision that you make today may be the catalyst that sends you on the road to your goals — though you will never know how important this choice is until you reach the end and look back

A globalist society would mean the abandonment of divisions between countries and an end to the millennia of wars fought over land and its assets. It is an end to the hoarding and stockpiling of excess resources by one country while another country’s people starve. It is the idea that all humans are both individuals and also part of an extended species family, and that no human should be left behind simply because of the random chance of where they were born.

A time of global change is upon us. Though many are confident in these changes, many others are now uncertain about the future. All is easy when the wind is still and the ground is peaceful. But when the gusts of change begin to push against their backs, humans begin to realize how fragile they truly are.

In this Age of War, humanity stands on a perpetual precipice: staring down into the maw of oblivion, where any misstep might send them into extinction. How much turmoil can humanity withstand before it is pushed over the edge? Are these global rearrangements merely tremors beneath humanity’s feet, or are they the rumblings of the final quake?

In recent years, we have seen a sharp increase in activity from individuals who falsely claim to be agents of the Illuminati. They appear in droves on social media websites like Facebook and Twitter, spreading misinformation about our beliefs and often demanding money in return for Illuminati membership.

The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet. Our coalition unites influencers of all political, religious, and geographical backgrounds to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole.

We created Q to open the eyes of all those who are unaware of the many injustices done to humankind by the Zionist Jew Cabal across the globe.

Join us and we can win this fight against corruption and injustice imposed upon many by corrupt Leaders and bloodline families of the Zionist Jew.


20505114? ago

Our vision for the future is a unified planet without national borders, governed by the best and the brightest of the human species

So in other words, a communist dictatorship. No fuckin thanks.

Also, I love "governed by the worlds best and brightest"...so who decides who these people are, exactly?

Will there be voting? Don't even bother answering, we already know the answer. Your little experiment known as the EU already answers it, and the answer is obviously "fuck no."

You assholes actually believe that an unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy which dictates down to everyone else how they will live - is the way to go.

You're surely not "the best and brightest" since you obviously believe that human misery can ever be completely removed without divine intervention from The God of the universe.

Go away.

20505134? ago

No borders in heaven.

20509002? ago

Actually heaven has borders, too. And they are enforced with extreme prejudice.

Nice try. Do come back and play again.

20513845? ago

Prove it.

20507042? ago

Big Gates and a Wall though...

20513948? ago

Nope. The Bible and it's Books with-in are written in allegory, symbolism, imagery and myth. [[Some myths are based in truths]]

Do yourself a really big favor. Go to College or a University and take up the study of Religion and Theology. Also .. take up study in the languages used. Hebrew, Koine Greek, Aramaic and Coptic. It wouldn't hurt to study the Sumerian language as well.

Then get back with me. It will take you about 16 years.

20504151? ago

That's funny, because not not not joining it was my best decision. Stop plagerizing me.

20504134? ago

Sir Faul McCartney is a high up freemason.

20506253? ago

I bet he is. I wonder what really caused Paul's accident.

20507508? ago

I know, I still follow it when I can, some say it was not exactly an accident, as you intimate. I'm about to purchase the new edition of Memoirs of Billy Shears, fascinating.

20504053? ago

Honestly didnt know free masonry was still a thing. Ive known exactly one guy ever that was a mason.

20510316? ago

I have an uncle that works in a Government Department that was told he wasn't going to go any higher in the ranks unless he became a Mason.

20510297? ago

Most Judges, Magi-strates are Masons.

20510289? ago

Most top level Government are Masons

20506262? ago

Most lawyers are masons.

20504667? ago

Most Police are Freemasons.

20509559? ago

I don't think most police are (maybe in the UK), but I bet quite a few police chiefs are. I figure that's how a secret society would stay in control, get somebody into the top, then only hand down the position to someone else in the club.

20504045? ago

You only need time to think, anything else is a distraction to make you a slave to the jew system

20503930? ago

There will come a time where they are ashamed and scrape those fucking compass stickers off their cars.

20506122? ago

This is what I think that SC ruling was going to impact the most.

20505470? ago

Your stupid if you think satanist are ashamed.

Your fucking with pure evil here clown shoes.

Speak again when you know what your talking about.(at least a year hard study will get you started)

20506069? ago


not your

20510452? ago

You’re worthless. Grammar nazis are worthless. Contribute or lurk.

20512522? ago

That was a contribution to someone's education.

20506336? ago

Fuck off nancy boy

20504959? ago

Shriners are Next Level fags. Only the kiddy touches get to be Shriners.

20504318? ago

please search for: The End Of All Evil .pdf

20505499? ago

Ive got 85 pages I need to pdf

Mason's dont sell cookies

20507887? ago

Book of Enoch smokes that easily.

Why let man feed you?

There is no end to evil,evil will one day be restrained but always alive spiritually.

Jesus already kicked his ass

20509799? ago

Book of Enoch smokes that easily.

Care to go on? I haven't read that one.

20512515? ago

It doesn't fit the Heptadic Structure, and is not canonical; however, Jesus does mention it in some of the words of His that were recorded in Scripture.

I have not read it either (pieces of it, I have) -- it appears to describe in some detail the structure of reality, although it's not an easy read.

20510084? ago

Do so,free down load Im sure

20503954? ago

Or scared.

20505193? ago

I am in favor of showing those 'proud masons' the same sort of warm greetings that follow Trump supporters around.

Except unlike Trumpers, their cause is not just nor american in nature.

20505482? ago

No they want your kids and they want you dead.

20503929? ago

Freemason = Pure Evil (Cowards - who need a "lodge" to attain friends) <FACT

20505523? ago

Evil yes

Cowards not in the least,they fucking own you if your American.

So much you clearly do not know

20507028? ago

your American what?

20507045? ago


20512035? ago

There's no cure for dyslexia.

20503876? ago

Same here, a few years ago. Fuck that!

20503873? ago

thank you for not joining. fuck the lodge & fuck the Shriners with their Islamic asshats on, pretending to care about sick children. scum fucks

20504650? ago

They are fucking the children.

20503844? ago

Or you could have gone along with it and collected as much info as possible for the world to know.

20504355? ago

They break your mind and make you a psychopath.

Once that has been accomplished your plans for good go out the window.

20510357? ago

In one of the ritual where you lie down with the Hebrew Yahweh(Tetragrammaton) they latch an entity onto the back of their hearts...

20512495? ago

They put you in front of a statue of Jesus, and tell you that you can either kiss him or spit on him.

The spitters are the ones who rise to the higher ranks.

20503826? ago

Fuck your dad.

Looking at you, IVANKA!

20503789? ago

what are some of the worst things freemasons have done?

20504343? ago

They gangstalk military veterans, rape and pedophilia victims.

They believe other people's suffering is spiritual power from satan.

They push millions to suicide with this abuse that resembles satanic ritual abuse.

20503914? ago


20503934? ago

Are they buddies with the Taliban?

20511480? ago

The Taliban did not do 911. Even if the terrorists actually did run planes into the buildings, they weren't Taliban. Bush and his secret society fuckboys and isreal were the real masterminds of 911, but it had nothing to do with taliban

20504923? ago

One crazy group, a cult of them tried to blow up buildings, Sears Tower, then you have the Shriners who say prayer to Al Lah and mohammed, call for the destruction of the West, they also pray to this JahBaalOn crap and pray to a Demiurge god or something from Babylon.

20503743? ago

I’ve been invited twice. Being in clubs is gay so I never followed up or expressed any interest so they let it go.

A club of shared interests isn’t gay, like toastmasters or a business networking group, but a club just to be in a club is super gay.

20503561? ago

enjoy your house of straw

20505298? ago

Are logs considered straw? Maybe if you are a giant.

20512483? ago

Mesas appear to be the stumps of giant petrified trees.

20513500? ago

Who chopped down devils peak! PAUL BUNYAN

20517367? ago


20503589? ago

My house is wood framed with goy siding nigger.

20503754? ago

nothing is free, spook

20503576? ago

I got that

20503532? ago

I was invited to join, and declined myself. This was back in the 80's, and somehow I knew they were involved in pedophilia.

20503614? ago

lots of pedophiles at Local #666 SBBH

20503557? ago

I wasnt invited, I asked and never followed through.

20512477? ago

I had a similar path. Grandfather was a mason, but we never discussed it and he died before I had an interest. In discussing it with my dad, learned that one isn't asked to join; one must ask. Knew a mechanic who was one, so asked. He gave me the paperwork.

Then I got a concussion. And "forgot" about the paperwork (I still remembered some days, but everything took so much more effort and my brain was on fire most of the time).

Thank God for the past experiences which helped steer me towards Good and away from evil!

20503767? ago

weak AF