20502511? ago

CODEMONKEY is one of the Q propaganda pushers. Along with Pam and others.

20500781? ago

Never heard that the birthdate of Jesus was 9/11, and until you provide the sources you say to have seen or heard it from, you’re just anotha kike

20501076? ago

Just because you're lazy and ignorant and cant do a simple search, you've proven you're another NPC.


20500846? ago

It’s so crazy here how people will just skip that shit in a post like it’s sauce. And even crazier that only two people asked for the sauce. Hahahahahha

20872243? ago

I keep seeing this in posts. WARNING: shills are trying to pass fake info as real without source and the use a bunch of alts to criticize those who ask for source.

20500831? ago

March is the date I have always heard.

20501096? ago

March is the date they use as conception, to support the winter solstice birth of 12/25

20501870? ago

I am corrected. I did do some digging and some do peg the date as 9/11

20503017? ago

It's ok.. glad you took the time to dig... whether or not it's true, who knows. But I just wanted to put that out there as a nugget of possibility.

20500570? ago

Interesting, anon. Wed makes sense, wasn't thinking about 9/11. Wow. Hope 8chan not coming back in Read Only format, tho, itching to get back to work.

20501081? ago

Maybe only patriots fight. Which I think was already in read only iir

20503841? ago

Yes, PF has always been read only

20506151? ago

I thought that was the case, thanks for confirming.

20500372? ago

This feeds my hopium addiction so YES - ITS HABBENING !!! Coolio

20500362? ago

Project Odin is 8chan's version of cloudfare.

20500512? ago

But why is it named that?

20500530? ago

It's a ban hammer for ddos attacks.

Jim's a little goofy if you didn't know.