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20498962? ago

Read this drop! It connects marker 1 to 11.3!

Now search with the term "11.3"!

I think this reads like it's meant to be together. That possibly 11.3 isn't a date but a reference to something else.

This is all talking about the arrests of Podesta and Abedin beginning the start of the Q drops being publicly proved and the msm having to ask POTUS the question. "Who is Q?!"

20498999? ago

113 is a confirmation code to Anons.

20502204? ago

can you elaborate?

20524721? ago

Sure: -

As promised. Please get back to me with your thoughts after reading all of this material, and my previous work.


The NumberFag.

20525641? ago

You numberfags/SB2 hurt my

113 is a confirmation code to Anons

Confirmation code to what? What does 11.3 in these posts confirm is what I'm confused about?

20525704? ago

Here ya go. Fresh bread to explain it all: >

20526068? ago

Wow thanks! You guys are amazing! Except my pea brain can't keep up!...ugh

So basically what the bottom line after all that math is that there's a battle going on via AI? And that we can beat these AI bc we are human as in this post?

I personally feel I'm being 'led' when I create my yt videos. I'm not the smartest cookie in the jar but I'm not the dumbest either and the things I report on I am far from expert on the subjects. But as I peruse through news articles/social media etc there are certain topics that catch my attention. Correction, they hit me like a ton of bricks and something inside me says 'this is what I need to do a video on'. I also get the feeling that 'something' is putting particular articles/videos in my path to see. It's exactly what happened when I saw this StaffAnon thread. I felt compelled to post what instantly came to mind while I read about this severed underwater cable so I added my thoughts to the conversation.

Do I know if I'm even close to what this cable really is? Hell It's just what 'came to me' so I threw it out there.

Every time Q posts 'trust yourself' it emboldens me and inspires me to just trust that I need to throw it out there. So I do...:)

Um..but I'm still confused as to what 113 has to do with anything I just said or what that is confirming to

20526425? ago

And yes it's a Masonic War using A-Diabatic Quantum AI Computers (Warm and Wet bits - QBits). Employing resources from other dimensions to solve problems. LITERALLY.

20527288? ago

Your work has brought my mind back to a video I watched on McAllister's channel where Juan O Savin talked about this very thing. How [they] think and believe (regardless of what we believe) is currently what we are forced to educate ourselves about in order to defeat them no matter how weird/crazy it all seems. 'They believe it' and pursue their version of what they think will bring them eternal life. Satan being their savior as we view Jesus ours.

As one example, they use fear of climate change to get the sheeple to unwittingly 'help' them achieve their goals of global dominance through slush funds & legislation that sheeple 'think' is being spent on saving the planet. But the money is actually being spent on enriching [themselves] and moving their sick agenda forward. These dumb asses are funding their own destruction! (and ours) while calling 'us' the evil ones for trying to stop [them]. We patriots and especially Trump are the [them] to the sheeple..sigh

20531968? ago

P.s.s - Do you know why at the end of his rallies, Trump ALWAYS plays a cover (and then the original Rolling Stones version), of "You don't always get what" > But you get what you NEED as the song goes. This is a message to all the Normies who don't yet understand what is going on. Trump is essential. He knows, we know it, and the Normies out there who hate Trump, know it too deep down. He said that at the speech last night in Lafayette. They MUST vote for Trump. There is no alternative option, other than to surrender, and hand back the country to Evil people. NOT gonna happen!



20533039? ago

Oh also have you noticed that all hell seems to be breaking loose between some of the top Qtuber 'influencers'? I'm just coming into the middle of this so I'm not sure exactly what's happening in total but it looks like a bunch of dogging going on of SerialBrain2.

You being a numbers guy what do you think of SB2?

No body seems to be able to trust anyone out there (me included) and it looks like SB2 recently honored 3 as being the most valued anons. But 2 that I personally have suspected are clowns are IntheMatrixx and PrayingMedic. ShadyGroove I'm not sure who she is I never followed her. There's an interesting video here that seems to connect Matrixx with Jordan Sather and Ramtha/JZ Night

But yeah, bunch of bickering seems to be going on within the Qtuber movement conveniently right before Declas drop huh? Crazy

20533339? ago

This is crazy! I turn my back for one week, and this is going down? I don't have any comments to make ATM. I am not well informed enough to make an assessment (yet...).

Let me catch up, and I will respond.


NMBRFG (Short for NumberFag)

What is the Gematria of NMBRFG...?

NMBRFG = 165 (Jewish) = CIPHER = CHECKMATE ;)

165 = 1/(6+5) = 1/11